"Hmph, even if it's possible to release two Taoist skills at the same time, what's the big deal? They're just low-level Taoist skills, and I don't even bother to use them!"

"The way of ice - cold ground!"

"I'll go, you're a kid from a rich family, and he has a high-level Taoist skill." Hearing this, Yang Wei was very satisfied, and glanced at Xiaofei with disdain from the corner of his eye, as if again,

"See? This is the gap!"

However, Xiaofei didn't care. Under the pressure of his two Taoist skills, Yang Wei's Cold Ice was blocked abruptly and easily.

However, Xiaofei seemed to know that his Taoist skills could not defeat the opponent's Taoist skills. The moment the Taoist skills were released, he had already ducked behind Yang Wei. When Yang Wei was proud that he had easily taken over the opponent's Taoist skills, Xiaofei The fist has arrived as promised.

Just hearing a bang, the proud Yang Wei flew upside down for more than ten meters like a kite with a broken string before landing smoothly.

"Okay, that's awesome! At this age, he has so much combat experience, and he still knows how to attack in the east and in the west!"

The more Chen Xuan watched, the more he felt that Xiao Fei suited his taste. Even his fighting style was the same as Chen Xuan's. He always liked to attack in the east and attack in the west, combining virtual and real.

"Haha, master, how are you? It's not bad!"

"very nice!"

Yang Wei let out a painful cry when he reached the ground, and then climbed up from the ground with some difficulty.

"Xiaofei, I want you to die! Ah, I must kill you." After several curses, he rushed towards Xiaofei like crazy, but it was of no use. Xiaofei calmly avoided it and found the right one. The opportunity came and he punched him hard again. It was obvious that Yang Wei was pressed down by Xiao Fei and hit.

Yang Wei saw that his attack was ineffective, so he stopped attacking, then took out a long gun and shouted,

"Did you see it? This is the frost gun that my master recently gave me, a high-level Taoist weapon. You, a country bumpkin, have never seen it in your life! You asked for it. It was originally prepared for this selection. Since you are so Don’t blame me for being rude if you don’t know what’s wrong.”

A high-level Taoist weapon can indeed enhance a monk's combat power. That's because of this high-level Taoist weapon. The scene just reversed. Xiaofei could only dodge hastily. He had no chance to get close, and his Taoist skills were useless, because he It is true that there are no advanced Tao skills, so the attacks of one's own Tao skills will also be easily defeated by the opponent.

Seeing Xiaofei who was unable to fight back and could only dodge under his attack, Yang Wei finally felt proud and proud.

"How's it going! Xiaofei, wasn't he very powerful just now? Why now he can only run away like a lost dog, haha!"

"Humph, it's just with the help of high-level Taoist tools. Let's see what you can do. Why, with the high-level Taoist tools in hand, you didn't even touch the corner of my clothes. Why are you so proud!"

"You," Yang Wei wanted to get angry again, but he held it back.

"I almost forgot, we Xiaoda Cai can't even afford a low-level Taoist weapon. Taoist tools are also part of our strength. Don't be dissatisfied."

Indeed, Taoist weapons are also part of the strength, so Xiaofei had no words, but remained silent.

The onlookers had pity on their faces and said,

"Oh, what a pity,"

"Yes, but this child is really good. If you lose, you will lose because of his birth, but it will be an honor to lose!"

These words reminded Chen Xuan that since he wanted to recruit this person, he had to show it now. Chen Xuan couldn't miss such a timely opportunity.

So Chen Xuan took out a Yibing long sword, which was also a high-level Taoist weapon. To Chen Xuan now, these things were just thrown into the storage bag like garbage. Chen Xuan did not expect that they would be used now.

Chen Xuan walked out of the crowd, threw away his thug, threw the long sword in his hand, and said to Xiao Fei,

"Son, you are very good. I am very optimistic about you. Don't let me down. This is also a high-level Taoist weapon, but the name has been out of use for so long that I forgot it."

Xiaofei obviously didn't expect that someone would be willing to help a poor man like himself, so he gratefully bowed to Chen Xuan.

"Thank you, senior! Xiaofei will not disappoint senior!"

Just when Chen Xuan was about to be rude, the old man accompanying Yang Wei spoke up,

"Fellow Taoist, you want to meddle in other people's business!" Then a breath of peak sainthood pressed towards Chen Xuan.

"Unexpectedly, he is still at the peak of sainthood. Now there is something good to watch." The onlookers have always been people who are afraid of chaos.

Then Chen Xuan waved his hand, and the aura of reaching the peak of sainthood disappeared without a trace. This move surprised the onlookers!

"This person can easily resolve the aura and pressure of a peak saint with just one wave of his hand. He must be a strong person at the level of a saint!"

At the same time, the old man was also very afraid. He snorted coldly and did not dare to speak. Instead, he walked to the surprised Yang Wei and took out a big knife.

"Come, disciple, this is Rao Han Dao, an intermediate holy weapon that I have fought with my master for many years and killed countless enemies. Don't let me down."

"What, the intermediate holy weapon is really grand!"

"Yeah, it looks like the kid is in trouble."

Hearing what these onlookers said, the old man looked at Chen Xuan very proudly.

It is true that Taoist tools are much more valuable than elixirs and Taoist skills of the same level, and Taoist tools are the best weapon to improve a monk's combat power. However, the Taoist tools themselves are expensive to make, and the more advanced the Taoist tools are, the greater their value. Intermediate holy tools cannot be used by ordinary forces, so people are surprised.

But to show off Taoist weapons in front of Chen Xuan is to show off a big sword in front of Guan Gong. Not to mention that Chen Xuan has the chaotic artifact of the Hongmeng Divine Tower. Even Chen Xuan's Yin Yang Cutting Dawn has long been advanced to a level with the help of the tower elder. This is a high-level holy weapon, and Chen Xuan plans to advance this Yin-Yang Cutting Dawn all the way to the next level.

So, Chen Xuan casually took out the Yin-Yang cutter at dusk. When he took it out, the scene became noisy.

"This is the Taoist artifact Xiaguang, a high-level holy Taoist artifact,"

"That's right, and it's also the best of the high-end holy tools."

"It looks like there's something good to watch again."

Chen Xuan handed the Yin and Yang cut to Xiaofei, who had a dull look on his face.

"Since he has the Zhongji Sacred Taoist Weapon, we can't be too bad. This Taoist Weapon of mine is called Yin Yang Cutting Dawn. It is a high-level Taoist Weapon. I can lend it to you to teach the guy on the other side a lesson."

"Senior, we don't know each other, why do you want to help me?"

"Hey, maybe I'm too busy, but it's rare to see someone you like. I like you, it's that simple."

Xiaofei was already in tears. He was just a child after all. How could he not be moved when he met a senior like Chen Xuan?

"Zi Xiaofei, I can't repay you. Please bow to me!" As he was about to kneel down, Chen Xuan felt blocked and said with deep meaning,

"Save it for later!"

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