These words confused Xiaofei. He scratched his head and asked doubtfully,

"Bye later?"

"What I mean is, teach that sarcastic guy across from you a lesson for me. I just can't stand this kind of person. You can repay me by teaching him a lesson for me."

Poor Yang Wei was innocently shot, but he didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of Chen Xuan. He was a high-level holy weapon. Even a fool could see that Chen Xuan's background was not simple.

Then, Xiao Fei took over Yin Yang Ge Xiao and planned to return the high-level Taoist weapon to Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan waved his hand and said,

"I really like you, so I'll give you that one. Anyway, it's just a piece of waste if I leave it here. It's worth a few dollars at most. I don't want that much money. It's of no use to me."

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell into a deathly silence, and Chen Xuan had already scolded Chen Xuan countless times in his heart, "Why is this man like this? High-level Taoist tools are still useless, and this is not how you show off your wealth, right?"

Xiaofei was already at a loss.

"No, senior, this won't work!"

"Why, you don't like long swords? I happen to have a lot of high-end Taoist weapons here, including guns, knives, and bows and arrows. Which ones do you like?"

The audience made another fierce noise,

"Let me go, who is this Ran?"

"Yes, there are a lot of high-level Taoist weapons, so I'm not afraid of big words leaking out." Of course, Chen Xuan didn't care, but looked at Xiaofei seriously.

Xiaofei was so flattered,

"No, senior, I like swords, but my father has no merit and no salary, so I can't have it."

Chen Xuan was a little angry,

"What, where is your father? Call me and give him away for free?" In fact, although Chen Xuan said this, in his heart he had a little more appreciation for this boy.

Xiaofei had no choice but to agree first, and then exchange it for Chen Xuan after this happened, and this was the result that Chen Xuan had known for a long time.

On the opposite side, the two masters and apprentices of Yang Wei, one with a livid face and the other with envy, already deeply hated Chen Xuan and Xiao Fei in their hearts.

Then on Chen Xuantu's side, the onlookers had consciously vacated their seats. When the two were about to start fighting, an angry voice came out,

"How dare you, do you know where this place is? You actually dare to fight and think that I am the Ice Sect."

Everyone couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. It seemed that this good show was going to be stopped.

The old man finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the person coming. In fact, this person was called by him. The person who came was the handyman elder of the Ice Sect. He was one of those people who were not very well-endowed and was only given a title of pension by the sect.

"It turns out to be Brother Gao! Long time no see."

"Hey, isn't this Brother Song? What's going on?" The two acted so realistically that people who didn't know better thought it was just a chance encounter between old friends.

"Brother Song, it's like this. I brought my apprentice to your sect to participate in the assessment, and we had some verbal disputes with the guy across from me, and the guy got into a fight. We had no choice but to take action, so we took action passively."

"What, there is such a thing, where are the people?"

The old man surnamed Gao pointed to Chen Xuan, and then the voice came again,

"That guy is just a country bumpkin, but there is someone who is nosy and insists on helping that guy against me. Moreover, that person should be a strong man at the level of a Holy Lord. Brother Song is worried."

"Haha, brother, don't worry! This is the realm of my Ice Sect. Even the Holy Lord is not afraid of me. Your brother, I am the subordinate of the Ice Sect Lord Da Rao." The old man surnamed Song looked confident, and then turned to Chen Xuan. Bian walked over.

Chen Xuan took a look and saw that this was not the arrogant old man who had planned to save him with Han Bing, and he had given him a severe lesson.

The old man surnamed Song came over and cursed angrily,

"Son, do you know where this place is? You dare to be so unreasonable. Are you tired of living?" Chen Xuan planned something, but Xiaofei said in a neither humble nor arrogant tone.

"Senior, I am not unreasonable. It was Yang Weifei who wanted to cause trouble for me, so I took action."

"You still dare to quibble, I Han Bing don't need people like you, just go away!"

"But senior, I..."

"What, do you need me to drive you away?" The old man surnamed Song threatened,

Chen Xuan couldn't stand it anymore and said coldly,

"What a majestic power! How can such a big force as the Ice Sect be so indiscriminate!"

"Be brave, I, the Ice Sect, want you to point your fingers when doing things, don't think that just because you are a Holy Lord, you are great, our Ice Sect is not a place for you to run wild." Then, the old man surnamed Song also burst out about his early stage of the Holy Lord. momentum.

Of course Chen Xuan would not take him seriously.

"I'm acting wild, ask these onlookers who is causing trouble!" Chen Xuan was already angry. If this person dared to be so ignorant again, Chen Xuan did not recommend teaching him a lesson again.

"Two seniors, I'm just leaving."

"Senior, thank you for your great kindness. Since the Ice Sect is so indiscriminate, it's okay not to go!" When Chen Xuan heard this, he was very happy. The old man surnamed Song actually indirectly helped Chen Xuan. Xuan is not that angry anymore.

However, the old man surnamed Song obviously did not want to let Xiaofei go so easily. Of course, he had received instructions from the old man surnamed Gao.

"Son, if you dare to insult our Ice Sect, you can't leave so easily."

"Then what do you want!" Xiaofei finally exploded. This rabbit will bite people when it is anxious. People all have tempers. It would be strange not to get angry when being made things difficult for them over and over again.

"What do I want? You have just insulted the majesty of my Ice Sect, and you have to pay the price!"

He was about to take action. How could Chen Xuan pull Xiaofei over as he wanted? Then he looked at the old man named Song coldly and said,

"It's best for you to figure out what happened before you take action. If it's really like you, I won't stop you. But if you don't understand the truth, then give up. In front of me, you can't do anything. I can't touch him!" Chen Xuan said calmly.

"Are you sure? Then don't blame me."

Then he started to attack Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan was not a soft persimmon, he could pinch him if he wanted to. If he hadn't taken into account that he was at the headquarters of the Ice Sect, Chen Xuan would have waited on him with a loud mouth, but since he made the first move, You have your own reasons.

Then Chen Xuan took Xiaofei away from the place with a spatial teleport, and then came directly behind him,

"The power of reincarnation, reincarnation fist!"

"The power of reincarnation destroys the void!"

"I'll go, it's another double dragon attack!"

"Yeah, look at this power, it must be at least a high-level holy technique! It's awesome!" The crowd started a heated discussion again, because Chen Xuan practices the Tao of Reincarnation, and the technique was created by Chen Xuan himself, so People just can't see it.

With two simple moves, Chen Xuan easily ended the battle. The old man surnamed Song didn't even have a chance to take action and was knocked to the ground by Chen Xuan's Taoist skills.

"You actually dare to take action in the Ice Sect, and you also take action against Elder Ice. You, you, you are dead!" The old man surnamed Gao said very angrily and somewhat incredulously.

"You have to say one sentence, believe it or not, I let the sun that cannot see the light rise." Chen Xuan glanced at the old man surnamed Gao coldly and said with murderous intent.

The old man surnamed Gao immediately shut up. He saw murderous intent in Chen Xuan's eyes. He felt that if he really dared to say another word, Chen Xuan would really dare to kill him, and kill a strong man at the level of the Holy Lord in an instant. With his own cultivation, Because it was not enough, Chen Xuan stuffed his teeth, shut up quickly, and then went to help the old man named Song.

"Brother Song, are you okay?"

The old man surnamed Song was already furious and shouted like crazy,

"You are looking for death and dare to hurt me on my Ice Sect territory. I tell you, you must..." Before he could finish his words, his tone suddenly became frightened, as if he had seen something terrible.

That's right, when the old man surnamed Song was scolding, Chen Xuan took off his hat, revealing his young but resolute face.

Not only was the old man surnamed Song surprised, everyone present exclaimed,

"Ah! I just covered my face. I thought he was an old man, but I didn't expect him to be so young!"

"And his strength is so terrifying that he can instantly kill a strong man at the Holy Lord level."

"This man must be in his early twenties! How on earth does he practice!"

Xiaofei also stared at Chen Xuan in stunned silence, as if Chen Xuan had flowers on his face.

"Son, what are you doing? You don't recognize me anymore."

"No, senior, I just didn't expect you to be so young."

Chen Xuan smiled indifferently. He was used to such looks and comments.

He glanced at the old man surnamed Song.

"Elder Song is so majestic! Why, is this how Han Bing usually teaches you to be a slave?"

The old man surnamed Song is not as arrogant as before. No wonder he felt familiar just now. He originally thought it was his own illusion.

"Hehe! It turns out to be Mr. Chen. A flood has really washed away the Dragon King Temple. The whole family can't recognize each other. Mr. Chen, you are covering your face. I didn't recognize you just now. I offended you just now. Mr. Chen, sir. Don’t take anyone’s fault seriously.”

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone present, including the old man surnamed Gao and Xiaofei Wuyi Xiangxuan, became very curious. Even a fool could see it. From the change of attitude of the old man surnamed Song, he knew that Chen Xuan was definitely not simple.

"How dare you! Didn't Elder Song want me to do something just now? Keep going, I'm still curious about what kind of revenge I will receive from your Ice Sect if I hurt you."

"Mr. Chen, look at what you said. I accidentally fell myself. How can I blame Mr. Chen?" Joking, revenge, don't Chengxuan himself is powerful and mysterious, it's Chen. Xuan's sister Qing'er's status as a core disciple is enough to make him irrecoverable and die without a burial place. How dare he take revenge on Chen Xuan at this time? Don't take revenge on Jin. It's not sure whether he can get better.

"Young Master Chen, I am an old fool. I was also bewitched by this person. This person deserves to die. I will teach him a lesson for Young Master Chen." There was no other way. In order to eliminate Chen Xuan's anger and let himself escape, he This is all that can be done.

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