"In some more advanced planes, Alchemy is very prosperous. The further back you go, the more obvious the effect of Alchemy is. So, Master, you must also start learning Alchemy."

"Okay then! Anyway, I have learned so much now, so it doesn't matter if I have one more. Anyway, there are too many tricks to overcome." Chen Xuan said indifferently. Indeed, the thing Chen Xuan is least afraid of is of course cultivation.

Looking at a dark pill, Chen Xuan took it from Lao Ta's hand.

"This is the Beauty-Changing Pill? Why is it so dark and different in color from ordinary pills?"

"The color of the elixir is closely related to the ingredients of the elixir. The color is not important. Don't worry about it. Can you try it?"

Then, Chen Xuan swallowed the elixir.

"This medicine is a little sweet!" Chen Xuan took a few sips.

Then Chen Xuan instantly changed from a young man in his early twenties to a greasy middle-aged uncle. Chen Xuan took out a mirror, looked at himself and said,

"Let me go, Mr. Ta, the quality of this elixir is not low! It's like a different person, his breath has changed, and his clothes are perfect. Tsk tsk!"

"Of course, and this elixir is not low-level in China, but I didn't expect that the wild world actually has the ingredients for this elixir. Master, you have made a profit."

"Yes! I've made a lot of money!" Chen Xuan was very happy, but he didn't understand the meaning of Ta Lao's words.

"Master, it seems that there is no such elixir that can change the appearance in this wild world, right?"

"Yeah, wait, Mr. Ta, what you mean is..." Chen Xuan's eyes suddenly radiated golden light,

"Things are rare and expensive, and this is another profitable business. However, elixirs are not as good as stone formations. It is very difficult to refine elixirs, so this thing may not be mass-produced, but as a limited edition, it is also very profitable. Well."

"Hahaha," Chen Xuan let out a devilish laugh, because this means that he has another resource that can make money. In this way, with enough funds, he will have cultivation resources, which is far away from him. The goal is one step closer.

"Master, actually I found that there are many imperfections in this wild world, and I actually have an idea." Ta Lao said again.

Chen Xuan was very excited. Mr. Ta had an idea, and he must have thought of something very profitable.

"Hurry! Mr. Ta!"

"Actually, we can build many institutions on this plane that are not available on this plane."

“An institution that doesn’t have one?”

"Yes, these institutions are very special, and with these institutions, they will be of great help to us in the future, and at the same time, we can make a little contribution to this plane."

"What organization? Why are you making a contribution again? I won't do a loss-making business!"

"Haha, my master, I don't miss you." Ta Lao made a joke and then said,

"We can imitate the institutional model of high-level planes and establish institutions of the same nature in this wild world, such as the Alchemist Guild and the Array Master Alliance, and gather these people from the whole world together, so that more and more people can The more people know and understand these professions, the more they can carry forward and pass on these traditions. Of course, the world will move forward step by step, and there will be opportunities to improve the plane level. "

"Ah, improve the plane level? Can this also be improved?"

"Of course, there are many planes at the same level as the Wild World. Since planes are divided into levels, of course there are ways to advance. Forget it, I will naturally tell you when the time comes that it is too early and I will kill you. It’s all in the clouds. I’ll tell you my thoughts first. As for action, I have to let the chamber of commerce develop to a certain extent first.”

"Okay!" Chen Xuan was a little disappointed again, and Mr. Ta always liked this, but he didn't do it in the middle. It was really boring.

Of course Mr. Ta saw what Chen Xuan was thinking.

"Master, I'm telling you this just to motivate you!"

"I'm very motivated and don't need it."

"Then just listen to the story. Now, just keep doing your own thing."

Chen Xuan felt like he was being bullied. He felt that Mr. Ta was just bored and went to tease him. However, Mr. Ta really didn’t tease Chen Xuan. He really wanted to motivate Chen Xuan. It’s not that Chen Xuan had no motivation, but , once people are curious about something, they will try their best to understand it, so this is Ta Lao's real intention.

Chen Xuan only has one goal now, which is to complete the current task of recruiting talents as soon as possible so that he can carry out the next task. As for the next task, Chen Xuan can't wait.

Then Chen Xuan put on the middle-aged uncle-style clothes he had just prepared. This face-changing pill could only last for one afternoon, so Chen Xuan had to hurry up.

He hurried out of the door and came to the place where the Ice Sect accepted disciples, and began to admire his target.

This time, Chen Xuan really had nothing to gain and returned to the inn as if he was chatting about eggplant.

"Haha, Master, why am I here? You are lucky to meet Xiaofei. You thought there are all such talents and you can meet them."

Chen Xuan said nothing, but thought about how to find talents. After a while,

"Mr. Ta, are you asking too much for us? Moreover, these so-called talents are all high-minded and low-handed. I am not worried about recruiting them." Obviously, Chen Xuan must be worried that he missed him on the way just now. It's a pity that people in such a good place are complaining.

"My son, it doesn't matter what you are endowed with. Diligence can make up for clumsiness, but you can't be careless about your character, otherwise you will be in a lot of trouble in the future. Therefore, you must see clearly and clearly about your character."

"I got it, Mr. Ta!"

Then Chen Xuan began to rush wildly between the inn and the Ice Sect. Bai went out early in the morning to start his hunter plan. After returning in the evening, he guided Xiaofei to practice before entering the divine tower to start his new course of elixir refining.

It took a month for the Ice Sect to open its sect and recruit disciples. In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed, but Chen Xuan has not been able to recruit anyone else since he got Xiaofei.

These so-called talents, gifts, etc. are all passable, but their character is a bit uneven. It's hard to find one that meets my standards, but I can't say a few words. But when asked what kind of power Chen Xuan is, They all refused. They had never heard of a force. They didn't dare to be so confused and passive. If Chen Xuan hadn't caught up with Xiao Fei and happened to encounter that kind of thing, otherwise Chen Xuan felt that Xiao Fei might not agree. I, mainly my own Kong Chamber of Commerce, are too ignorant.

"Haha, master, don't panic, just let nature take its course, and what is supposed to come will come." Mr. Ta advised.

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