"It's been half a month, why don't you panic!" Chen Xuan was helpless.

At this time, Chen Xuan put on the middle-aged uncle's equipment as usual, and was about to try his luck again, but happiness always came so suddenly, someone actually came to his door.

Chen Xuan was about to go out, but before he could reach the door, he heard a knock on the door.

"Chen Xuan, is President Chen here?"

As soon as Chen Xuan heard this title, he immediately knew that the visitor must know his Kong Chamber of Commerce. This made Chen You very happy. There were actually people who knew about his unknown chamber of commerce.

So Chen Xuan opened the door, and then a middle-aged man and a fifteen-year-old boy stood outside the door with smiles on their faces.

"You are?"

Chen Xuan looked at the two people outside and asked.

At this time, the middle-aged man spoke,

"This fellow Taoist, I'm Chen Hao, this is the dog Chen Haonan. I heard that Chairman Chen Xuan Chen is recruiting talents, so I brought the dog here to see if he can join the Chamber of Commerce." The man's words were very gentle, and he felt relieved. The person was very comfortable. Chen Xuan was surprised how he could be exposed. Chen Hao continued,

"Excuse me, Chen Xuan, is President Chen here? If not, when will he come back? Please let me know, fellow Taoist." He handed Chen Xuan a high-grade energy crystal calmly.

This confused Chen Xuan and he quickly said,

"What are you doing?"

"Hey, fellow Taoist, please accept your kindness. If Quanzi is lucky enough to join the Chamber of Commerce in the future, please take care of me!"

Only then did Chen Xuan realize that he had already taken the Beauty-Changing Pill, so he was a middle-aged uncle. Chen Hao probably regarded him as one of his subordinates. Since they became so close to each other, Chen Xuan I don’t plan to reveal my identity first, so that I can ask some answers I want.

"Chen Hao, right? Our chamber of commerce has rules and regulations. This is not allowed. Please take it back." Then Chen Xuan continued,

"Fellow Taoist Chen Hao, our president has always been elusive, and how did you know about our Kong Chamber of Commerce, and how did you know about President Chen?"

"What is your surname, fellow Taoist?"

"My surname is Chen too."

"My family name is Daoyou Chen. I am from the Han family in Lieyan City. My father is the president of the Lieyan Chamber of Commerce. The president of your family used to sell stone formations in our chamber of commerce, and he was also my Lord Duan Qingqing. Received personally.”

"Because Quan Zi likes formations and has achieved great results in formations. He has always wanted to become a disciple and hopes that one day he can be personally guided by President Chen Xuan. However, because he has never had the opportunity and is afraid of disturbing others, this idea is It’s over.”

"Let it go?" Chen Xuan remembered that when he was in the Chamber of Commerce, a person who called himself the Flame Chamber of Commerce came to visit, but Chen Xuan was at a critical moment in cultivating the power of space, so he didn't see it coming. He didn't expect this The man actually didn't give up. It seemed that he was ordered to keep an eye on his stone formation. If it were before, Chen Xuan would have already issued an order to expel him if he knew the man's intention.

However, since Chen Xuan had already planned to sell the method of carving stone formations, of course he didn't care. And since the other party wanted to learn it, and he really had that peak, and had good character, Chen Xuan could consider it. So Chen Xuan didn't intend to reveal anything.

When Chen Xuan said nothing, the man continued,

"I originally planned to give up, because after all, this matter requires some fate, and Quanzi is already fifteen, because he has always been interested in the Formation Alliance, and the time for the Flame Divine Sect to open a sect and recruit disciples has not yet come, and Quanzi Formation Alliance is making breakthroughs again It’s a critical moment, so I plan to come to the Ice Sect to try my luck.”

"But what I didn't expect was that I was lucky enough to see President Chen Xuan in the Ice Sect. Quanzi was also too obsessed with President Chen Xuan, so he planned to give up the assessment of the Ice Sect."

"When President Chen was helping Xiao Feiyou, I happened to be there, but in the blink of an eye, President Chen Xuan disappeared again. This time, we originally planned to give up completely. Just yesterday, we were lucky enough to meet Xiao Fei, so this time After asking around, I found out that President Chen Xuan's Chamber of Commerce was actually recruiting talents, so I brought Quanzi here, hoping to meet President Chen." Chen Hao's expression was very sincere.

"Uncle, for the sake of my sincerity, please tell me something. Chen Haonan is very grateful!" Chen Haonan, who had been silent for a long time, also spoke.

Chen Xuan then looked at this boy. He was very handsome and handsome, and his eyes were very hot when he looked at Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan could also see that this boy's love for Zhan Fa Yiyi should be genuine.

"Chen Haonan, let me call you Haonan! To be honest, I also practice formations, and I am also the chief formation master of our Air Chamber of Commerce."

As soon as these words came out, both of them looked surprised and said quickly,

"It turns out to be Master Chen. Please forgive me for being a bit presumptuous just now."

Chen Xuan said this casually just to see what the reaction of these two people was. If they really came for the stone formation, their goal must be to accept Chen Haonan as his disciple. If the fake chief formation master now If you want to accept a disciple, they will definitely refuse.

Chen Hao was obviously surprised because Chen Xuan himself was the chief formation master, and at the same time he was trying to excuse his stupid behavior just now, but he didn't mean anything else.

But this Chen Haonan was different. When he heard this chief formation master, his eyes became even more intense, and he was in a feverish state.

"So you are more powerful than President Chen Xuan?" Chen Haonan asked cautiously.

"Haha, I am the chief formation master of the Kong Chamber of Commerce. In terms of formation alone, of course I am better than the president. Otherwise, how could the president let me be the chief formation master? I and you, if it weren't for that Stone Array, I don’t want to succumb to this chamber of commerce yet.” Chen Xuan said this deliberately just to see the reaction of these two people.

Chen Hao was obviously still surprised, while Chen Haonan was a little more fanatical, staring at Chen Xuan, unwilling to blink.

Chen Xuan continued,

"But since you want to learn a formation, I think our President Chang Rao's formation is not suitable for you."

The two of them frowned, and Chen Haonan even said anxiously,

"Senior, why is this?"

"Because our president's combat power is amazing, his main focus is on cultivation. Formation is just a means for him to improve his combat power, and he is not the kind of person who specializes in formations. Although the president's talent is very high, he also creates it himself. But the stone formation is a temporary formation with a time limit, and there is still a gap compared to the real formation. "

"Ah, that's it!" Chen Haonan was obviously a little disappointed.

"Let's do this! Seeing that you are so sincere, if Chen Haonan is really talented, I can accept him as my disciple."

"Really? Senior." The disappointment on Chen Haonan's face instantly disappeared, and he changed into an excited look.

However, Chen Hao was not moved, but asked,

"Since Fellow Daoist Chen is the chief formation master of the Kong Chamber of Commerce, he must also be very knowledgeable about stone formations!"

Chen Xuan finally heard what he wanted to hear. It seemed that every time he guessed wrong, this Chen Hao must have come from his own stone formation, but this Chen Haonan really liked the formation. Chen Xuan was Thinking about it, if Chen Haonan agrees to the chief formation master he is pretending to be now, then it means that this child really wants to learn formations. Chen Xuan can also consider it, but it depends on how Chen Haonan chooses.

So, Chen Xuan opened his mouth and said,

"Haha, fellow Taoist Chen Hao laughed. Who else in this world can carve stone formations besides our president? That is our president's own unique skill. However, if I want to learn it, the president will agree to let me I learned it, but I don’t have that idea yet. It’s too much to chew off, so…”

As soon as these words came out, Chen Hao was obviously a little disappointed, and his face didn't look good.

"Oh, that's really a pity. My dog ​​is interested in stone formations and it seems that he has no connection with you, fellow Taoist."

Chen Xuan ignored Chen Hao, but looked at Chen Haonan, who looked troubled.

"Haonan, let me ask you, are you really interested in the formation of formations, or are you interested in carving stone formations?"

"I, I, I don't know, I thought they were all formations, there is no difference!"

"Haha, the difference is huge. Although the Stone Formation is also a formation, it is a very special one among the formations. It is like having an eldest brother and a second brother in a family!"

"Then who is the eldest brother and who is the second brother?" Chen Haonan asked with a puzzled face. Obviously, in his opinion, the stone formations were the same.

Chen Xuan also answered patiently,

"Let me tell you, the stone formation is a fighting tool, but the stone formation itself has limitations and time limits. In fact, it is like a Taoist tool that can increase the monk's combat power, but the formation method is different. Now, formations are an independent avenue. Those who practice formations fight with formations. Therefore, for formation masters, stone formations are actually a bit useless, because the formations arranged by formation masters are not as powerful as stone formations. It’s the same, but there’s no time limit, and it’s unpredictable. It’s generally better than a simple stone formation, do you understand?”

"I seem to understand a little bit!"

"So, are you interested in fighting skills, or are you interested in fighting tools like stone formations?" Chen Xuan asked again.

Chen Haonan hesitated for a moment and replied,

"Formation, I like formations. Senior, I understand. Stone formations are just fighting tools. I really like formations, so I ask senior to accept me as a disciple."

"Nan, have you thought about it?" Chen Hao asked in a deep voice from the side, obviously a little disappointed, because this meant that he had missed out on the stone formation.

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