"Okay, I'm not asking you to accept this. I'm asking you. Where did you get that way of light? Did you awaken by birth?" Chen Xuan asked.

"Ah, you! I am not a child. If I were a child, my cultivation would not be so bad now."

"After my father passed away when I was ten years old, in order to survive, I could only inherit my father's career as a hunter and hunt monsters for a living. Then when I chased a supported human-faced demon scorpion in the monster mountain range, I didn't know Suddenly we were in another place."

"Space turbulence?" Chen Xuan asked.

"Spatial turbulence? I don't know what space turbulence is. Anyway, I entered it in a daze. It was in it that I attained the enlightenment of the Path of Light."

"But in two years, I have only practiced a little bit. This Taoist practice is too difficult!"

"Haha, it's not too difficult, but the rules of this plane do not contain the power of this Tao method, so you can only rely on yourself to understand this practice. The outside world cannot absorb the power of light." Mr. Ta said at this time .

However, everyone looked confused,

"Forget it, it's too early for this now, Fei, this is your opportunity, you must seize it and practice hard, do you understand?"

Xiaofei nodded.

"Without further ado, let's start practicing! There will be plenty of time for these things in the future. Now, you two come with me and I will take you to practice!"

Then Ta Lao led the two of them to start practicing. Chen Xuan did not continue to ask questions. He was just curious. Since he now knows the answer, there is no need to dig deeper. Everyone has his or her own secret.

Chen Xuan left the tower space, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw a dejected face. When he saw Chen Xuan coming, he stood up from his seat and said in shame,

"I'm sorry! Master, I've embarrassed you!"

Chen Xuan was not surprised, nor did he mean to blame him at all.

"Do you know why you lost?" Chen Xuan asked.

"Because I underestimated the enemy." Wrinkle lowered his head, as if he didn't have the courage to raise his head, because he knew that underestimating the enemy on the battlefield was the worst mistake to make. He was waiting for Chen Xuan's reprimand.

However, surprisingly, Chen Xuan did not reprimand, but said in a calm tone,

"anything else?"

This made Wuzhen a little confused. He carefully recalled the details of the battle and said,

"Also, I shouldn't be irritated by the enemy's words. This will make my mentality explode and expose my flaws!"

"Well, that's right. What I hate most in battle is to be angered by the enemy's language. Very good, even if you lose, you will lose well this time, so that you can find out your own problems and correct them. !”

"Yes, Master, please follow Master's teachings."

"Okay, what's there to be disappointed about? You should be happy. Look, if this battle took place on a real battlefield, would you still have a chance to be disappointed? It's precisely because this is not a real battlefield, Only when you fail can you find out where you have problems, so that you won't make the same mistakes when facing a real battle. You usually bleed more, and you can kill the enemy more easily, do you understand?"

"I understand, Master!"

"Alas~" Chen Xuan sighed and continued,

"Actually, it's not your fault. My teacher usually doesn't take you out to practice more and gain more knowledge. I care too little about you. You are very talented in cultivation and you have inherited my teacher's power of death. , I just focus on training and have too few opportunities to fight, resulting in insufficient combat experience, so I am also responsible for your failure this time. "

"No, Master, it's my disciple who failed to live up to his expectations and failed to remember Master's teachings well. Master, you gave me the mistakes that I must not make in battle very early. It's my own problem. I was too impatient. ”

"Haha, I'm very happy that you can think like this. Failure is not terrible, but failure is the most precious thing. Sometimes we fail, and failure is also good."

"Disciple understands." However, wrinkles finally raised their heads, and their eyes returned to their usual confidence.

"That's right, this is how I, Chen Xuan's disciple, can become a stumbling block. No matter how big a stumbling block is, you must turn it into a stepping stone."

"Well, in this case, I decided to take you out for a walk to gain more knowledge and experience. Go back and clean up by yourself, and we will set off tomorrow."

"Really! Master, do you really want to take me?" Wuzhen showed an expression of ecstasy.

"Are you going or not? Don't bother me! Anyway, I'm leaving early tomorrow morning. I don't like waiting for anyone."

Before Chen Xuan finished speaking, he heard a loud bang, the sound of the door being opened and closed with great force.

"I know Master, I promise to get up earlier than you." The voice came from far away.

Early the next morning, as soon as Chen Xuan opened his eyes from practicing, he saw a figure outside the window, so Chen Xuan opened the door and went out, and saw that the person outside the door was none other than Wrinkle.

At this time, Wan Xuan's eyes were closed tightly and his body was leaning against Chen Xuan's window. A quick glance showed that Wan Xuan had been standing here for a long time.

"Ahem," Chen Xuan coughed twice, which woke Zou up. When he opened his eyes and saw that the person in front of him was his master, he smiled sheepishly and said,

"Well, Master, when are we going to set off? I can't wait."

"Yeah, I can see that. Did you stand here all night?"

"It's just one night. It's only been a few hours. I was bored, so I started practicing on my own."

"Are you sure you are practicing and not sleeping?"

His face turned red,

"It only lasted a while, maybe only about half an hour!"

Chen Xuan couldn't help it, and felt like laughing, but he thought that it was because he promised to take him out that he was afraid that he would be late, and stood here all night. Thinking of this, Chen Xuan couldn't help but feel a little I felt guilty that I was really incompetent as a master, so I didn't laugh.

"Wait for me here, I'll change my clothes and leave!"

"I obey, Master!" Zou said very excitedly, laughing so hard that he could hardly close his mouth from ear to ear.

After a while, Chen Xuan came out,

"Let's go! Why are you still hanging there?"

"Yes, Master."

The two masters and disciples walked towards the outside of the house one after the other.

As soon as he left the gate of Fengcheng, Zou couldn't help but ask,

"Master, where are we going?"

"Just follow along. Why are there so many problems?"

"What I mean is to see if things go well. If so, let's go to the Ice Sect to see Sister Qing'er. I haven't seen him for a long time."

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