Chen Xuan was a little embarrassed, going to the Ice Sect? That's impossible. Chen Xuan doesn't want to be scolded by a woman in Han Bing again for no reason. It's not Chen Xuan's fault, but that Chen Xuan still hasn't figured out how he offended that woman. He really responded. That sentence makes a woman’s heart ache!

But Chen Xuan was too embarrassed to refuse, so he said,

"Let's do it! If you want to go, just go! You also know the way."

"Ah! Master, aren't you going?"

"I won't go. Your sister Qing'er's cultivation is important. My going will disturb her cultivation." This is one of the reasons why Chen Xuan doesn't go.

"And I have other things to do, so don't play too long. Cultivation is the most important thing. Only when you have enough strength can you do what you want to do." Chen Xuan arrived again.

"Ah, then I'd better not go. I can't disturb Sister Qing'er's practice. I'll have plenty of time in the future." How could Wuzhen not know what Chen Xuan meant? If he went, he couldn't go with Chen Xuan. But he came out People who are practicing are not just out for fun. He knows this very well.

"Really not going?"

Although Wrinkle was a little reluctant to give up, he still nodded and said,

"I'm not going. I'm here to practice, not to play. I'll have plenty of time in the future."

Chen Xuan was a little surprised. When did this kid become so aware?

"Okay, let's go! The place we are going to is a bit far, so we have to hurry up."

"Master, where are we going?"

"Go to the formation city!"

"Array City, isn't that the headquarters of the Array Sect? Where are we going?"

"Of course we are going to do business, and it is big business."

"What a big deal." Wrinkle was very excited.

"Haha, just leave. You will know when the time comes." Chen Xuan said mysteriously.

The two masters and apprentices finally arrived at the formation city on a sunny afternoon after a long journey.

Looking at the city gate in front of them with the characters "Array City" written on it, both the master and the disciple were dumbfounded.

"Master, is this the formation city?"

"If I'm not mistaken, is the plaque on the city gate the Wai Han Tie?"

"I think so too."

"Is it so extravagant? Waihan Iron is used to make a plaque. Isn't it a bit of a waste?"

"Yes, if such a good material is used to make a Taoist weapon, it must be a high-level holy Taoist weapon, and it may be able to advance to the level of a revered weapon." The two masters and disciples entered the city with a pity.

The high-end city is always so prosperous and the streets are overcrowded. Chen Xuan couldn't help but think in his heart,

"When can Fengcheng be like this? No, it should be comparable to the Prosperous Talented School."

"Master, where should we go next?" The wrinkled question brought Chen Xuan back from his thoughts.

"What about you?" Chen Xuan asked back. During this journey of more than a month, Chen Xuan and Zou passed through no less than a dozen cities, so Chen Xuan wanted to hear Wrinkle's opinion.

"Ah!" Wrinkle was obviously a little surprised, but still replied seriously,

"Master, please tell me, there are two ways to understand the situation of a city as quickly as possible, one is to ask, and the other is to listen!"

"It would cost too much to ask, so the best way is to listen, so we have to find an inn with the largest flow of people in this city."

"Haha, yes, it seems that there has been some progress over the past few months." Chen Xuan said as if he was a teachable child.

Then he continued to ask,

"Then how can we find the inn with the largest passenger flow in this city?"

"Haha, Master, you have too. The type of people who know the most about this city are the retainers, so just ask the retainers."

Shopkeepers are a profession, and they are also some traders, but what they sell is not actual goods, but information. As long as it is what you want to know, and they happen to know that there is a certain fee to pay them, and then they will give it to them. What you know comes out.

Moreover, before entering each door, Hedao has sworn that he must not lie, otherwise he will be punished, so guests will not worry about lies at the door.

Chen Xuan was very pleased. It seemed that he remembered every word he said, but there were many things he couldn't put into practice. However, after this period of time, Chen Xuan reminded him again, and many related things came out in his mind. .

"Yes, very good. Then, start practicing the things in your head! Just knowing is not enough. You will use it, and you must use it skillfully."

Then the next step was with Wuzhen as the protagonist, and Chen Xuan followed beside him without saying a word. Those who didn't know thought he was mute, because Chen Xuan wanted to see if Wuzhen could successfully complete this matter without him.

This thing sounds simple, but it is difficult to do, because the profession of concierge is a mixed bag, and there are many concierges who don’t know much about it, but because the rule of concierge is that as long as you ask, you have to give as much as you want, so there are many Such people like to do this thing, so it is easy to meet the kind of customers who don't know anything about it, and they have to pay themselves.

Therefore, how to identify hangers-on is also something that a person who is away from home must learn.

Sure enough, after Zou asked a few customers and spent a few middle-grade energy stones, the answer he got was either he didn't know, or he gave three or four companies, and it was one of the three or four companies, and it was also uncertain.

This made Zou feel a little downcast.

"Master," you shouted sheepishly, perhaps because you were a little ashamed that you didn't ask for what you wanted.

"You are still there. I remember that I had to ask your master for two times before asking for a disciple who was truly talented and knowledgeable. This is actually a rule of thumb. Give it a try." Chen Xuandao.

Then Wuxu started to ask one by one, but in the end he didn't ask what he wanted. On the contrary, he spent a lot of money. Wrinkle originally wanted to give low-level energy stones, but he saw that almost everyone had mid-level energy stones. The bottom line is the stone, so I bite the bullet and give it.

Chen Xuan really couldn't stand it anymore and reminded him,

"If you search one by one like this, maybe you can find it in two hours, because two hours is enough for you to ask everyone here. However, you have to think about how you can find it the fastest, not where there are many people." In this place, that disciple must have real talent and knowledge. Look, you’ve asked so many questions.”

"You have to put yourself in someone else's shoes and think about what you would do if you were a truly talented person."

After listening to Chen Xuan's words, Xuan fell into deep thought. After a while, he suddenly thought of something, and then Gao Xin said,

"I understand, Master. If I were a customer with real talent and knowledge, first of all, I would not shout and solicit customers, so I can exclude these people. Secondly, generally people with real talent and knowledge have their own If you are proud, then this group of people should be confident people, so the scope is widened.”

Finally, Wan set his sights on a dozen or so people in the second half of the range. They neither yelled or solicited customers, but also seemed to be laughing at the prosperous business around them. Such people were either jealous or possessive. Really talented people laugh at these people for not being able to discern heroes.

Then Wuzhen asked among these houses. The first house had no answer, so he was not discouraged. The second house also had no answer, so Wuzhen continued to ask. When the tenth house didn't ask, Wuzhen became a little panicked.

"Is my judgment wrong?" Wuzhen still insisted on his idea, until he asked the last family, Wuzhen couldn't help but feel a little downcast.

The doormen all have a room. This is a doorman street, so there are rows of doormen shops. The room is the kind that can accommodate just two people without looking too crowded. There is a table with the doormen sitting inside. , a chair outside is used to entertain guests, but at this time there is no one else in this last house.

The customer inside was an old woman, which made Wou couldn't help but feel a little dazed. All the people who came here were men, and suddenly there was an old woman. Wou was indeed a little unsure, but Chen Xuan's eyes lit up behind him.

"Boy, do you want to ask me or not? If you don't ask me, I will close the door and go home."

Only then did Wuzhen notice that it was getting dark. He actually asked this question all afternoon. Wuzhen was so disappointed that he forgot to answer the old lady's words.

"Boy, boy!" the old woman called out twice, then she replied in a panic,


"Boy, is it rude to ignore an old man's words like this?" The old lady was a little angry and continued,

"Don't just stand at the door without asking. There are others behind you."

Apparently the old lady regarded Chen Xuan as a guest.

Wrinkle then realized that he was distracted and quickly apologized,

"I'm sorry, grandma, I didn't mean not to answer. It's just that I've been asking all afternoon and I haven't asked for what I want. I'm inevitably a little disappointed, so... please forgive me!"

After hearing this, the old lady softened her expression a little and said,

"So that's it. It seems that the old lady has misunderstood you. It seems that this is your first time to ask about the door! It's already good. If you ask the old lady about me, it will be over for you."

"Okay! What do you want to ask? The old lady thinks she knows something."

Wrinkle suddenly became a little nervous, because he felt that the old lady in front of him was the kind of keeper with real talent and learning, so he quickly asked, I want to know the inn with the largest passenger flow in the formation city.

The old lady thought for a while and then replied,

"No wonder so many customers don't know it after asking. Without a fixed and updated information source, few can answer accurately, because this requires complete information."

"You asked the right person."

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