The movement here was obviously noticed by Chen Xuan and Prince Yan, after all, they were not very far apart.

The middle-aged man named Lord Yama was not in a hurry to take action.

"It seems that your situation is not very optimistic! But your brother is very likely. I do appreciate his courage. This compensation is not a huge sum!"

"Haha, that's true, but it's not a huge amount of money just to earn money for chatting!" Chen Xuan said with a smile.

"Oh, it seems that you two are very confident! Yes, it's good for young people to be themselves, but don't go too far. This confidence will change if it goes too far."

"That's not called self-confidence, but arrogance. It's not a good quality. If you don't pay attention, you'll fall into the abyss!" The man named Prince of Hell said in a lecturing tone. .

Since she wanted to be a teacher so much, Chen Xuan couldn't help but pretend to be a student who had been taught a lesson, and said,

"Thank you, senior, for your teaching. I will definitely keep it in mind, junior."

"What if this is not the case? Senior deliberately let the situation slip, so how about I share half of the money earned with senior?" Chen Xuan suddenly changed his mind and asked.

When we arrived, the middle-aged man named Lord Yama was stunned for a long time.

"Son, you are really crazy."

"What the hell, senior is talking too much."

"Senior, if you think you can give it all to me if you don't have to take care of me so late."

The man named Lord Yama was so angry that his face turned livid and he said viciously.

"Son, I thought you were young, so I planned to make you suffer some physical pain. Remember this lesson. Since you are so arrogant and insist on being a frog in the well, then I have no choice but to be a bad guy once so that you can see yourself clearly. No matter how bad it is, don’t blame me for bullying you.”

He was about to take action, but was stopped by Chen.

"Senior, why are you in such a hurry? I can't run away, but I suddenly had an idea."

"If you have anything to say, hurry up, otherwise you won't have a chance later."

"Since senior thinks I am arrogant, how about we also set up a bet?"

"Hahaha! Zi, you are really arrogant."

"What are you betting on?"

"Since senior thinks that I am arrogant, let's bet on whether I am really as you think. If I make the next three moves, how about I ask senior to do one thing."

"Arrogant son, do you really think you can take these three moves of mine?"

“How will you know if you don’t try it.”

"Ah ha ha ha!" The middle-aged man, who was more concerned about the Lord of Hell, laughed very shamelessly.

"Okay, son, if you really accept these three moves of mine, don't promise you one thing, just ten things. It doesn't matter twenty things."

"Let's get started. I want to see if your strength matches your confidence."

"Senior, don't ask me what conditions you will impose if I lose."

"Hahaha. It's inevitable that you lose. I'm a lot older. Why do you have to negotiate for bullying a generation? If word gets out, I won't be laughed at."

"Son, stop being so long and let's get started."

"Senior, Chen Xuan, please give me some advice."

"Remember my name is Yan Qing!"

"Take the move!"

"The way of the earth - landslides and ground cracks!" Yan Qing hit Chen Xuan with a casual Taoist skill.

Seeing the pressure emanating from this technique, Chen Xuan shouldn't be negligent.

"The power of reincarnation destroys the void!"

"The power of reincarnation, reincarnation fist!"

"The power of reincarnation breaks the yin and yang of life and death!"

Three moves were fired in unison, and he barely managed to catch Yan Qing's attack.

The whole place was silent, and those who had just complained that Chen Xuan couldn't even take a single move were dumbfounded. Although they saw that Yan Qing's attack was casual, judging from the coercion emanating from the Taoist skills, they all knew that even themselves, It is also impossible to take this seemingly random blow, which has already reached the power of the Holy Lord in the early stage.

"Is this humble Chen Xuan a powerful man at the level of a Holy Lord? It is obvious from the aura that Chen Xuan exudes that he has not reached the level of a Holy Lord."

Yan Qing nodded with satisfaction and said,

"Son, it seems that you still have some ability. No wonder you are so arrogant. Judging from your aura, I'm afraid you haven't stepped into the holy path yet! With the cultivation level of the titled Taoist Lord, you have the right to be arrogant after receiving my blink of an eye. I am getting more and more arrogant. I appreciate you more." Yan Qing's eyes had turned from shock to intense appreciation, as if he had seen something unique.

"How about this! Son, let's give it up! You have proven your strength to us, so the next two moves are not necessary!"

"Are you interested in joining our formation inn?"

"What, this kid is so lucky! I'm so envious and jealous!"

"Come on, didn't you hear that Lord Yama personally inspected this boy's cultivation just now? If you can take on this move from Lord Yama with the cultivation level of a titled Taoist, you will also have the same treatment."

"Yes, yes, this is simply a monster. Even among those superpowers, he is considered a peerless talent! If it were me, I would try my best to recruit this kind of person. This is simply a peerless strong man who will be a hundred years from now. !”

The crowd around him began to discuss again. Now when people saw Chen Xuan taking Yan Qing's move so powerfully, many people had also changed their previous views. He has the capital to be arrogant! If he could be such a monster, he would definitely be even more arrogant than Chen Xuan.

Wrinkle saw that these people had made a 180-degree turn from their previous attitudes, and he felt proud, and said to the people he had just bet with,

"Everyone, how are you? A true man has made his promise, and it's hard to catch up with him. Don't even think about defaulting on your debt when the time comes. I'll keep this in mind."

Those people's intestines were already green at this moment, and some of them had already taken out the energy stones, threw them to Zhou and left without looking back.

"How about it? You two are the initiators of this bet. Why don't you show your stance and set an example?" Wrinkled eyes focused on the two people who had conflict with him at first.

"This doesn't count. This is the first move. There are two more moves after that. Don't get too excited too early. Our bet is that he can take three blinks." The two of them started to defend.

"You have to hit the wall before you turn back. Didn't you hear that that person is already recruiting my senior brother?"

"I'm telling you, don't even think about denying me. If you know what's going on, do it as soon as possible. Be happy and don't embarrass yourself later."

Wrinkle also saw that these two people obviously did not want to admit their fault, so he added,

"So many people are looking at you. Don't be embarrassed to lose."

"Hu, are we the kind of people who can't afford to lose? We're obviously fine, but he has to take the next three moves, and this is the first one. Why are you panicking? We don't want to default on the debt. Also, if the next one If the person doesn’t take the two moves, it doesn’t count.”

Wuxu didn't understand what they meant, but he knew his master, so Chen Xuan would definitely refuse,

Sure enough, under the gaze of everyone present, Chen Xuan refused.

"Thank you for the compliment, senior, and please complete the next two moves!"

Yan Qing obviously would not give up. He just felt that he had frightened others by being so sudden, so he spoke again,

"Man, it's like this. You may not understand our Zhen Inn. It won't be too late for us to make a decision after you understand it. But I think this

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