Chen Xuan suddenly felt that this Yan Qing still had some grace, unlike the scum in the room, but now that he had met the right person, he should compete with him! Otherwise, I will be sorry for this fate, so

"Senior! As a gentleman says, a horse cannot be chased! You ask, since we have already made a bet, why do we ask senior to take action?"

Yan Qing heard this and sighed in admiration.

"Hey, you are so talented and powerful, why are you so stubborn? Well, since you want to compete, just give me another wink."

"Thank you, senior, for helping me!"

Chen Xuan clasped his hands in his fists, this is what he wants! Constantly compete with the strong and constantly improve yourself! Thinking about it in the end, he could no longer control his emotions.

"Senior! Take action."

Yan Qing admired Chen Xuan's courage in his heart again, and before practicing his skills, he gave one last reminder.

"Then you can take over! We, Zhenke Village, still want to do business with you!"

Well, a person with skills as big as Chen Xuanzao

"The way of the earth——mountains and valleys!"

For a moment, many bluestone peaks suddenly appeared on the ground, leading directly towards Chen Xuan. Everyone present screamed and retreated, even Wrinkle cast a spell to protect himself.

Master, could it be that this time something bad is going to happen...

"Bah, bah, bah," he immediately put aside his sinful thoughts, "My master is a monster! There is absolutely no problem."

At the same time, Chen Xuan was also shocked by this huge pressure and immediately mobilized all his Taoist power to contend with it.

"The power of reincarnation——exterminate the void!"

"The power of reincarnation - breaking the yin and yang of life and death."

After releasing two moves in succession, the bulging mountains finally stopped, but only for a moment. After a moment, they rushed forward again at a faster speed!

"What?" Chen Xuan was stunned. This old man left no escape route at all! Of course, he was even more angry that he couldn't catch this move!

Although this is normal for ordinary people, if the level difference is too big, they can only be beaten, but who is he? He is a monster! There is no word "impossible" in his dictionary! Therefore, he must win this battle no matter what!

He used more strength to speed up the flow of his power, and at the same time used more energy to increase his lethality.

"The power of reincarnation! The yin and yang of life and death are broken!"

"The power of reincarnation! The yin and yang of life and death are broken!"

"The power of reincarnation! The yin and yang of life and death are broken!"

The three moves were carried out in unison, with a shocking sound. Everyone was knocked to the ground by the powerful airflow. Those with better skills could barely stand. Even the Lord of Hell finally cast a curious look, wanting to see what this guy has. What ability!

In their auras, Chen Xuan and Yan Qing refused to give way to anyone, and they almost wanted to beat each other to death!

"Son! Not bad! You can use so many Taoist skills at the same time! As a titled Taoist Lord, you are already very good!"

Even though Yan Qing has reached this stage, he still looks at ease and is obviously at ease.

"There are even more powerful ones!" Chen Xuan was absolutely unforgiving! But this is his limit now,

"Oh? Then I want to take a look!" Yan Qing said, not letting him go and not letting up at all.

The two sides were in a stalemate for a long time.

"Look at that, you are quite capable!"

"Yes, we have been in a stalemate with each other for so long. I would definitely not be in school if it were me."

"But Yan Qing is not easy to deal with either."

"I think so. I'm afraid this guy is in bad luck."

Everyone watching the show was talking to each other. Some thought Chen Xuan was great, while others thought Yan Qing was great. It was hard to tell who was better.

However, Wuxu did not discuss it with them. Their words were nonsense, but he still believed that the master had such ability! Silently pray for his master!

Chen Xuan listened to other people's comments as if it was a deaf ear, but he saw that if he continued to use it like this, his Taoist power would indeed be damaged. He had no choice but to find a way to make a quick victory. He stared at Yan Qing who was concentrating on the attack for a while...

"The power of reincarnation! The reincarnation fist!"

With a loud explosion, the rolling mountains were pushed back,

"Good boy!" Yan Qing regained consciousness and was about to fight back.

"The power of the earth----"

Before the move was released, Chen Xuan's aura had already overwhelmed him. It was his punch!

With a sound of "Boom!", the surroundings returned to tranquility, and everyone relaxed their tense nerves. After the silence...

"Senior! I accept the concession!" Chen Xuan's proud voice came from the air!

"! You are so awesome!" followed by an excited voice

"Yes, yes...not bad..." Everyone started cheering...

"You can take two of my moves! You are already very good!" followed by Yan Qing's voice, "But let's stop here! I don't want to fight you forever."

Chen Xuan was panting slightly. Just now he broke through his limit and added another Taoist output forcefully. Now he was still out of breath. He did a little exercise and adjusted before replying.

"Thank you for the compliment, senior, but it's better to compete with the three good moves."

Chen Xuan knew that he was a little tired now, and he also knew that if he continued to fight, he might be in danger of losing, or even endanger his life.

But he didn't want to give up, he was such a person who didn't want to give up. And he also likes to constantly challenge himself and break through his limits.

"My fellow Taoist, since you have such martial arts, you don't know the consequences of continuing to fight, right?"

"Zi knows, but the bet has been made. Everything will end the same. This is also the way to be a human being! Even if the consequences are serious, Zi is willing to admit defeat!"

This is really what Chen Xuan planned, and he still thinks too little now.

But Yan Qing really didn't want to fight again. First, it was meaningless to hurt someone's life. Second, he really wanted to win over this evildoer to his guest village. Everyone loves talents, especially such a genius! Wouldn't it be a sin to lose to him?

So he slowly said

"My fellow Taoist, today I am fighting with you only because you violated the rules of the inn, and according to the rules, you shouldn't be punished like this. This was originally a bet between you and others, and now you have received the bet money. I also have no intention of fighting. Why don't we stop today. Let's talk about business first, and save the last game for another day when we are interested!"

After hearing this, Chen Xuan understood what Yan Qing meant, and knew that this was really for his own good, but in his value system, he really couldn't accept it. After all, a 20-year-old boy only knows how to fight and kill, but doesn't know how to overcome strength with softness.

Yan Qing also saw her embarrassment, so he helped her out again.

"Fellow Daoist, you don't want to agree to my request. It's just that your chivalrous heart won't allow you to do so. I understand that, but I still want to advise you that you should think long-term about everything. Don't let a momentary word ruin your important event! You must have come all the way to my Zhen Inn, not just to hang out here, but for something important. And this matter must be ten thousand times more important than the duel, and it can't be delayed!" Chen Xuan listened quietly, and he felt that there was some truth in it. He did come here for something important. But just now, he ignored the priorities for the sake of face. It was really his own fault, and he should reflect on it! Besides, he really didn't have the confidence to beat the other party, and the other party gave you so many steps to back down. Thinking of this, he felt that he should indeed thank Yan Qing. He clasped his hands and bowed to Yan Qing. "Thank you for your guidance, senior! I'm young and I don't have talent, so I hope you can forgive me!" "Well, that's right!" Yan Qing looked at him and nodded with satisfaction.

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