Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 2156 The quality of a space master

He really didn't expect that it would be so simple. As the group was walking out, the space master promised her that she would give him the key after returning to the wild! Thinking that he could return to Hanbing City so soon. Chen Xuan was a little excited. After all, who doesn't like to receive goods?

The three were walking out of the door of the clothing store. Suddenly, there was a sound of chasing and running behind him. Chen Xuan turned around and confronted the mana of Rao.

"The power of reincarnation, reincarnation fist!"

"The power of death! Death sickle!"

The master and apprentice used their power at the same time to suppress the palm. It seems that the visitor is not good!

The man is big and strong, and he is a thug at first glance! Or if he is a gangster, it would be even more rogue! It seems that their goal this time is very clear. It is the key to this space station!

Chen Xuan couldn't care so much and continued to fight back! He asked Zhou to stay and the master went ahead. The two of them came to cover the rear.

According to the other party's breath, Chen Xuan judged that he was also a saint lord level.

"This is a bit difficult!" Chen Xuan couldn't figure out why a saint lord would dress like a wild man? But no matter what he wears, his strength is the same! So I have to fight him!

It just so happens that Chen Xuan likes adventure and excitement! He likes to challenge himself more! This is a good opportunity for him to practice,

"Come on!"

"Black feather arrow!" The strong man roared and shot a black arrow in the air.

The master and apprentice hurriedly retreated. The man shot three arrows in a row. The two skirts turned over several times to avoid these arrows.

At this time, in a corner where no one noticed, the space master picked a good angle and observed the battle.

And the strong man chased him relentlessly, and jumped in front of them with a somersault.

"Two hairy kids! Let me show you how powerful I am."

The master and apprentice looked at each other and released Taoist skills together

"The power of the god of death, the sickle of the god of death!"

"The power of reincarnation, life and death Yin and Yang break!"

The strong man looked fierce. He jumped to avoid the combo and sent out new tricks in the air. The two had to push back several steps. Looking down, the ground just now had been beaten black. The space master on the side was also sweating for them.

The strong man chased them relentlessly and continued to attack them. The three of them started a tug-of-war.

The space master finally couldn't help but join their battle. He summoned his own power and helped them to play a foil with his agility.

"Blade Lead--Starlight Arrow!" This time, the arrow fell from the sky like a star.

The three people cooperated tacitly and each released their own moves. But it was still getting harder and harder. After being repelled by the opponent again, the space master threw the space key to Chen Xuan.

"At the critical moment, you can only choose one between the key and the person."

As soon as he finished speaking, an arrow pierced his shoulder, and the space master fell to the ground. He bent his knees and covered his shoulder with one hand. He looked very painful. Han beads kept popping out of his forehead. He hurried to drive the life force to recover, but the arrow had its own magic and had little effect. In the end, the gap in strength between the two sides was too large. Chen Xuan still had the treasure in his hand. The strong man captured the space master, and it was clear that he wanted the key in Chen Xuan's hand.

"You two! Just give me that thing and I'll spare your life!"

This is the kind of words that Chen Xuan can't stand the most in his life. No matter how difficult it is, he will go, but the space next to him is lip-syncing to them.

"Hey, hurry up!"

The two looked surprised.

"Hurry up, hurry up! Take the key and go!"

The two began to be silent.

Since the senior asked them to take the key, the key must be very valuable.

But in public and private, it is a life in exchange!

Chen Xuan really can't make such a decision. He lives casually, and everything is a matter other than life and death. He can use a thousand high-level energy stones to exchange for a friend's life, which he doesn't care about at all, but this time he is really in trouble. What needs to be exchanged is not a stone, but the key to the space gate, which is comparable to a weapon of mass destruction.

What to do? What to do?

On one side is a life-saving life, and on the other side is a group of life-saving lives. How should he choose?

Not long after, he made a decision.

"Let him go, I'll give you the key."

"Are you serious?" The man on the other side yelled at him.

"Absolutely serious, but you have to let him go first." The two were deadlocked.

"Okay! Then I'll count to three, you give me the key, and I'll change people."

Chen Xuan responded with a cold look.




Zhou thought that the master would make a move at this time, and he had always been confident in the master. But this time, the master didn't, and he threw the key to the other party without thinking.

"Okay, let him go!"

The man actually cooperated and let him go. The space master walked up to her.

"You, very good!"

With a "bang", the ragged strong man was wiped out.

"Thank you!" Chen Xuan's face was full of smiles! It was a smile that no one had ever seen before, belonging to a young man. Not for anything else, just for his partner, there was no danger! Just for this matter, he showed his most relaxed side!

In fact, he saw it from halfway. Helping, being captured, lip syncing, this is not something that can be done in such a calm space! So he was suspected of fraud, and then he thought of the senior going back to teach him the formation, he was sure.

But wrinkles always need to learn, so Chen Xuan patiently taught him.

Just like in today's world, pilots are always more important than airplanes. In a parallel universe, a unique professional master is always more important than the profession itself! Because they are the profession itself, they cannot be copied or reproduced. Chen Xuan also understands this truth. So he finally chose the space division.

"Very good, very good, a child can be taught! Now you are ready to serve as a space master in terms of force, intelligence and morality! I am relieved to hand him over to you."

really. People with high quality have good mobility. On the way back, he mastered the skill of space jump and can now travel freely to Ice City!

He said goodbye to the space master here, but couldn't help but ask his name. The other party just smiled slightly and remained silent.

"If you really want to contact me in the future, use this key." The space master pointed to Chen Xuan's key. It turns out it also comes with a contact function.

Well, since the other party didn't want to, he couldn't ask more questions. Maybe it’s okay for such a mysterious person to come and go without a trace or a name! Anyway, we won’t meet him again!

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