Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 2157 Accompany you to the top of the world

After handling the formation matters, Chen Xuan returned home.

Through time and space jump, he quickly returned to Ice City.

"This thing is really useful!"

He praised for the umpteenth time. In just a quarter of an hour, it arrived at Ice City. The inn here is a tavern, also sparsely populated. It was next to a forest in the middle of the city, and next door was the acrobatics backstage. As soon as he arrived at Ice City, he asked Wan to go back first. Did he? Things need to be done!

Chen Xuan's goal this time is very clear, which is to find Qing'er.

And there is a hint of anger in the calmness! Very angry! I wish I could overthrow this city in the morning!

Things actually happen for a reason.

Last night, just as he was about to return, he suddenly received a message from Mr. Tower. Now Qing'er's reputation was being maliciously slandered, causing uproar in the city. She is Han's eldest disciple, so she must not care about her face. Everyone was talking about it, and he had been crying in the room all day. If Han hadn't told him, he wouldn't have known it at all!

Chen Xuan knew who it was as soon as he thought about it! Who else could it be? Of course it was Ying Xiao and his father Ying Lu Yin! That kid is one step ahead of him, and he won’t do any good things when he gets back!

He has been here for twelve years, so in three days, it will be the day when the empty auction house opens. This is a good trick of his. He will discredit others before they show up, and then he can do it after they show up!

This city was the place where he spent the longest time, and it was also the first place to settle down. As time went by, many people naturally knew about his relationship with Qing'er. So she can also represent his face! He couldn't do anything to himself, yet he picked on a weak girl! And people always talk about women’s rumors more! What's more, it's an outstanding girl like Qing'er. If someone touches the dark side, everyone is even more willing to accept it! Because people don’t like to worship God all the time, but prefer to watch him fall from the altar!

And this bad guy is taking advantage of people's psychology! Splash people! Being cut into pieces by a thousand cuts is not enough to punish his crime! I must kill him when he comes back! Chop him into mincemeat!

In fact, Chen Xuan rarely has this kind of female mentality. Most of the time, he is calm and honest. Even when he fights, he fights openly and above board! But this kind of humiliation is really unprecedented!

What's more. There are still people spreading rumors in the city! What a terrible person! There is no cost to spread rumors in any era!

What a dirty trick. Chen Xuan reminded himself countless times along the way that he could not use foul language or become like them!

However, who can watch the person they love most being used, bullied, and crying in the room?

It is tolerable, but what is intolerable! Such a thing! Absolutely intolerable! Go back and blow his head off! !

Chen Xuan packed up his mood and walked into Ice City.

"I've been waiting for you here for a long time, and finally you're here!" Han Bing has been waiting at the city gate. When he saw him coming, he couldn't wait to invite him in. He wasn't afraid that he would delay Qing'er's practice, because he was the only one at this time. Brother Xuan, can you help her?

"In this room!"

Han brought him to a girl's door. There was a fox on the door with window grilles. Chen Xuan was a little relieved because the glue on the door hadn't dried yet. It must have been posted not long ago.

Qing'er has reached this point and still needs to heal herself... Chen Xuan was relieved and distressed at the same time. This was the first time he felt an unbreakable pain in his heart, and it was because of an important person!

"In this room!"

Han led him to a door. It was a girl's door, and it must be Qing'er's door. Not just because of the style and color of the door, but because of the window grilles on the door. The red paper cut is a cute fox. Moreover, the paste on the paper has not completely dried yet, so it looks like it was just applied. Seeing this, Chen Xuan felt relieved but also worried. What is relieved is that Qing'er is still using the window grilles to comfort herself, but what is worrying is that she is comforting herself like this. The room was quiet, as if no one was there.

He knocked on the door and asked,

Qinger? Am I in?

His voice is magnetic and bright. With unique confidence and gentleness, it is a teenage voice.

Who would have thought that after Qing'er heard this, he was silent for a while and cried, but he was still unwilling to open the door. Just cry to myself and myself.

Han Bing winked at him, saying he could go in.

He gently opened the door and found that the room was not as messy as he imagined. Maybe Qing'er didn't have diarrhea, or maybe she cleaned it by herself after having diarrhea.

How pitiful that place is... Such a thought suddenly came to Chen Xuan's mind.

He is a boy. When he is angry, he likes to find people to fight. Moreover, he has the strength of a monster, and almost no one can beat him. So few people can bully him.

But Qing'er was equally good as a girl. He could have messed up the room, lost his temper, or even rushed out to cry to him. But she did nothing. He just keeps the room tidy. Play with the window grilles on the door.

Seeing Qing'er lying on the table crying bitterly, he felt more and more distressed as he looked at her. He walked forward step by step, and Qing'er's arms holding his shoulders tightened with his steps. In the end, he pulled her away without being too rough. Then he asked in a very gentle voice

"Qing'er, tell Brother Chen Xuan who bullied you."

Clearly filled with anger and indifference.

Qing'er raised her head with twitching, her eyes filled with tears, and her face and eyes were swollen from crying. She wanted to think about something, but she was suppressed by the crying, full of grievances, and felt uncomfortable just thinking about it, so in the end there was nothing.

Brother Chen Xuan laughed at her and licked her hair, "Look what good things brother brought you?"

Like magic, he took out the candied haws and a rabbit. Of course it was sewn, but when placed here by Chen Xuan, it looked more like he bought it from the market.

"No need for Qing'er, brother Chen Xuan knows it." Chen Xuan continued to speak softly, "Don't worry, Qing'er! I will definitely help you teach him a lesson!"

Hearing this, Qing'er shook her head violently. She didn't know why, but he was like this, and he didn't want others to worry about him...

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