Chen Xuan poured a glass of water and slowly coaxed Qing'er to rest. He originally wanted to ask something more, but at this time, asking anything else would be like rubbing salt into the wound. So he very rationally chose to keep silent. And change the subject.

"Qing'er, do you want to try the candied haws on a stick brought by brother Chen Xuan?" He then took the candied haws out of the yellow paper bag. He knew this was a stupid method, but it was the only one he could think of. He really doesn't know how to be romantic!

Qing'er didn't expect it at all and took it blankly. The traditional spicy sour taste and the sweetness of rock sugar fill your mouth.

Qing'er suddenly felt very moved, maybe she was sore from hawthorn!

"Eat slowly. After finishing this, I will take you out for a walk."

"Get out?" Now she was even more stupid. Who taught him these?

After thinking about it, she thought for sure: It must be her master!

So she was dragged out to go shopping in a daze. When she went out, she saw Master Shi standing outside.

"Where are you going?" Han Bing frowned slightly, very wary.

"If you don't want to go anywhere, just go to Ice City for a walk." Chen Xuan looked indifferent.

Han was silent for a while, looking at him and then at Qing'er. Finally acquiesced.

"Pay attention to safety and don't go to places you shouldn't go." When she said this, she stared at Chen Xuan.

"I know!" Chen Xuan flashed a bright smile and flashed away.

Han Jue's smile is so ugly!

The two of them wandered around the city aimlessly.

Look at this one for a while, pick that one for a while. It was Chen Xuan who was stirring up the atmosphere, and Qing'er was just beside him.

They came to a tavern again. There was a lot of food there, ranging from sweet to salty, and a complete range of drinks, so Chen Xuan decided to sit down and rest for a while.

The two of them were eating, but they couldn't help but express their gratitude.

"Look! It's that woman! Cheating with his brother! Destroying the reputation of her sect!" Suddenly someone pointed at Qing'er and started yelling.

"Hey, I've heard it a long time ago. So, that man is not a good guy! I heard he's from the auction house in the next city! Rich people are really rich." Another one also echoed there.

Chen Xuan immediately stood up and forced them to ask. "What are you guys doing? Try again."

"What if I just leave you alone? Who doesn't know about your little things? In fact, you still have the nerve to come out! Aren't you afraid of embarrassment?

"The power of reincarnation! Reincarnation Fist!" Chen Xuan hit the person's face with one big move, and the angle was extremely tricky, which was equivalent to giving him a slap! Nasa stumbled and fell to the ground.

Humiliating her like this in front of Qing'er is like looking for death! But he didn't expect that leaving a message would reach this point. No wonder Qing'er has been reluctant to go out.

"Oh, you still want to fight? You should be more careful. There is a saint in front of you. That person continues to yell.

"Hahahahahahaha!" Chen Xuan just wanted to laugh, "Have you seen and understood that I have unleashed such a big move? I just want to hit you, and hit you hard!"

How could he ever take such a level seriously? But they deliberately come to stir up trouble, they say so unpleasant things, and they want to fight. It’s not like you don’t want to give them face, so you just stretch your muscles and vent your anger on Qing’er’s behalf!

"The power of reincarnation destroys the void."

A big move was released, and the man responded with all his strength.

"I support it! Weeds! Rotting mud!"

Another piece of smelly, pitch-black mud flew out of its palm.

weed? It seems to be from the same family as yesterday! Why are there so many bad guys in his family? And why do you come here? It seems like they are falling into another trap!

"I don't care who you are, I'll beat you down first!" Chen Xuan was neither humble nor overbearing, and continued to work!

"Brother, I'm here to help too!" You scolders finally couldn't sit still anymore. Watching a stupid kid playing at the Holy Lord level was like walking around.

"Come on, come on, it will be more lively if we come together!" Chen Xuan didn't mind the big deal and teased them.

"Hey, how did you and I get promoted? Why are you all so weak?"

"Don't be so arrogant, you kid! There's still me here!" Another person also started to use his magic.


"What kind of trick? Before Chen Xuan could get over his surprise, he was already under a spell.

"Look at this man. He is so arrogant at such a young age. He is really shameless."

"What are you daydreaming about today? Don't even think about your little cultivation."

"At first glance, it looks like a child without a father and a mother, and has no moral character at all!"

"I'm not ashamed to be with that vixen now..."

"Look at him...look at him..."

Chen Xuan didn't know what kind of formation this was, but he felt that for a sudden moment, he seemed to be cast aside by the world. All the efforts I have made are not as real as these criticisms and curses.

"He just gave up without any real ability. Who knows what kind of potion he relied on to get those cultivation levels!"

"And the bunch of bad friends he knows, I don't think any of them are good!"

"He's so talented. He won't really be a monster when he grows up!"

"No!" Chen Xuan retorted subconsciously, but the sentence disappeared and the next sentence came out somewhere else.

"It's all nonsense!" Chen Xuan asked himself to face these problems this time, and told himself countless times that they were all lies!

But it's useless. Before he can unlock this formation, these rumors will haunt him like ghosts.

"No! It's fake! It's impossible!" While retorting, he tried to calm down and looked for a solution.

As time passed, it was gradually drowned in rumors. The people outside looked at him more and more confused, as if they were watching a play.

"As expected! You are still taller!"

one to the other

"Hey, this is the most effective way to deal with kids like them!"

Chen Xuan became more and more confused in the maze. He didn't know which direction to go because there were knives carved out of voices in every direction.

But suddenly, he saw a beam of light in the distance, and he walked towards the light. As he walked, flowers suddenly bloomed all around.

"Phantom Spirit Art! The spring is warm and the flowers are blooming!" Qing'er on the side quietly cast the spell.

"Brother Chen Xuan, it's me! Follow me!"

As soon as Chen Xuan raised his head, the surrounding flowers suddenly gathered in front of him. Behind him, it turned dark again, but a flower path suddenly appeared in front of him.

Chen Xuan walked on that road without thinking. At the end of the road, he pushed away a wave of energy! Come out!

"It seems that your moves are quite simple!"

"You! Why did you come out?" The other party looked incredulous.

"Why are you surprised? Do you think there are only two of you?" He said, giving Qing'er a thumbs up.

"Your skills have improved!"

Qing'er pursed her lips slightly and smiled.

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