Everyone was attracted by these uninvited guests and looked up to look for them.

"If you are finished, please come down! I have been waiting here for a long time!"

"Master, the one at the front should be Ying Luyin, who is at the level of a holy master. The one at the back is Ying Xiao, who has just become a saint. The four people after him are all his hired thugs. Their levels range from the peak of Dao Lord to the saint!" Mr. Ta sent him a message

"So how many of them are higher than me?" Chen Xuan went straight to the point.

"Three, two are saints, and one is the Holy Master!"

"Then it's time to play!" Chen Xuan replied. Only when they are evenly matched can they be tortured!

He then sent a message to Han Bing, "Don't take action until necessary. Protect ordinary people."

What? So you had already planned it? Han couldn't believe it.

My boyfriend ruined his life on his first day of business?

Seeing that he didn't reply for a long time, Chen Xuan probably knew what he meant.

"I can't help it. They want me to come at this time, but I can't stop them!"

Han understood what he meant and looked at him silently.

"What's the point of being up there? Come down if you can." Chen Xuan began to shout.

The people around him had never seen this scene before. They were attracted by his behavior and cast curious glances.



The power of death! Death Scythe! "

After using a big move, the other party had to stop the rumors and start dealing with them.

No one expected that Wrinkle would be the first to take action!

This is very simple! He really felt sorry for his sister Qing'er!

Everyone immediately focused their attention on that child. He could only look back speechlessly

The power of reincarnation! Samsara Quanquan! "Chen Xuan used another big move, and the opponent had to fight back.

"Weeds! Grass whips!" A whip suddenly appeared in the air, and it was Ying Xiao who made the move.

"Yes! This is fun!" Chen Xuan was very excited! It took two moves to heat up the place, but he was really disappointed! Based on his guess, there shouldn't be anything fun today!

The two men also came down from above, and their language was not particularly friendly.

"Friend, I didn't take action against you before to save your face, but now you are forcing us to take action, and we have no choice."

"Yes, we thought before that it was just you who said bad things, which made people's ears uncomfortable and uncomfortable. Oh my god, I didn't expect to have to suffer the pain of flesh and blood now. You can't let us be unkind."

These two people are simply not afraid of death, and their words are sour and thorny.

"Just talk when you're talking. If you don't know what to say, keep your mouth shut! Samsara Fist!"

Chen Xuan didn't want to talk nonsense with him, so he zoomed in and blinked one after another.

"Oh, you can't wait, let's get started!"

His words were like giving an order, and in an instant, everyone made an attack gesture. Lian Han is no exception.

Chen Xuan, Qing'er, Wan Yi, Wan Wan, Xiao Fei, and Nan Hao stood in six different positions. Except for cold.

The six people above also walked down. They stood in six different teams, 12 of them on the open space in front of the empty auction house. Like two armies confronting each other, a large circle is drawn with no one around. Those who know the situation will immediately avoid it. The rest are spectators with some martial arts background, imagining when the protagonist will need their help.

The six people kept switching positions and fighting them one by one.

Here, Wrinkle and his eldest son are competing in magic.

"The power of death. Death's Scythe." A big black scythe suddenly appeared in the air and flew towards the opponent like light.

"Weeds! Fluorescence!" Ying Xiao immediately cast a spell to counterattack. The two energies collided in the air, and black and white spots scattered all over the ground.

On the other side, Chen Xuan was having a fierce battle with Ying Lu Yin.

There is a certain strength gap between the two sides, so it is a bit troublesome to fight, but fortunately it is just a monster with a plug-in. If it were someone else, there would be no chance of winning.

There was a cold murderous look in Chen Xuan's eyes, as if he wanted to kill the other person with his eyes.

"The power of reincarnation! Destroy the void!" He launched his big moves towards the opponent one after another.

"Weed! Divine Whip!" is an upgraded version of the previous skill. It can not only catch people, but also catch others! He could hit the ball with a wave of his hand and bounce it back.

The two people lay down for a while and stood up for a while, constantly testing the energy in each other's hands. At the same time, the ground was beaten into a mess.

"Master, quickly release a magic circle. Protect the surrounding area, otherwise your new guest station will collapse again." Mr. Ta transmitted a message to him in his mind.

Then you have to wait until I have time! "Chen Xuan is busy fighting with others now, so he has no time to care about others!

"Han, you are fine now! Do me a favor. Do you still remember the formation stones I gave you? Put a few more! Cooperate with their power and seal the open space in front of me! Can't let him You can destroy my auction house!" At the critical moment, he called out his name.

Han didn't pay attention after receiving the message. Take action now. He already has strong magic power, and with the help of props, it takes less than a minute. A thick protective cover was unfolded around it. It was translucent and the state inside could be seen from the outside, but it was absolutely impossible to get in.

Han consciously put himself in, because all his dangers were avoided inside, and ordinary people outside would no longer be in danger. He is no longer needed, so right now it is where he is most needed inside!

In another area of ​​the sky, Qing'er was not idle either and started fighting with a Dao Lord Zhenyi. Qing'er's strength has improved now, and it shouldn't be a problem to deal with him.

"Phantom Spirit Art! Hundreds of flowers bloom!" Four came out of the air, washing the petals, but they all turned into sharp blades, standing up and flying towards each other. As expected, those who can control plants, every flower and grass, are all hidden weapons. I feel that it is not that dangerous now, so I don’t need to reveal my true identity for the time being, so I can continue to use my human feet and hands to launch effective attacks on the opponent! And more violent than usual! He must vent his anger on his own!

Xiaofei will not let himself be idle, this is a rare opportunity for him to experience! He can take the opportunity to unleash his dual attribute skills! This will help you in the future!

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