But just when he was about to deliver a fatal blow to the opponent, he heard the sound of Hao Nan's sharp sword. He immediately jumped over. It turned out that there was a titled Taoist. The difference in strength between Nan Hao and you was too great, and he was knocked to the ground. . He immediately went over to help Nan Hao up.

"You're not hurt!"

fine! "

The person opposite "Weed! Fluorescence" should be from their own family, and all their skills are the same as his! Three rays of fluorescent light were released from his hand and flew toward the two of them. They wanted to run separately, but Xiaofei grabbed Nan Hao's arm and they ran in the same direction!

"Zhuxian Formation!" Nan Hao was so anxious that he quickly made a formation under Xiaofei's cover, waiting for the person to get in.

Sure enough, the man really chased him all the way and got in.

"Very good, let's take care of one now!"

"How can you be sure he won't come out alive?"

Nan Hao was so happy for the first time. This was the first time he had successfully led others into such a deep trap.

"Don't worry, I was originally trained in this field. Coupled with the cooperation of the master's formation stones, there will definitely be no problem this time!"

Sure enough, as he said, the man didn't come out after a while.

"Yeah! That's great!" Nan Hao's happiness can be seen in his eyes. This is the first time he has been so successful. It must be commemorated!

"Don't rush to be happy this time, there's another one on the other side!" Xiaofei is famous for being calm!

"Okay, then let's get rid of it together and then go help the master!"

The three men started fighting again. The opponent is a titled Taoist. The three of them have similar strength. Two to one, that person has absolutely no chance of winning. But the two boys still tried their best.

The two of them separated for a while and came together for a while. The power of the entangled beams they emitted actually increased.

That person shouldn't show weakness, waving the prop in his hand, and actually absorbed all the power of two people?

"What kind of trick is this?"

"I don't know, but I have to beat him."

The two had no choice but to distance themselves from him again.

"Do you want to know what it feels like to be hit by your own energy?" The man looked at them very calmly.

Xiaofei suddenly felt his heart tightening, and he was no longer as calm as before.

"Mirror of Darkness! Return it to you!"

"Run!" Xiao Fei shouted, pulled up Nan Hao and jumped backwards, but unfortunately, he was still hit. The two people were instantly knocked to the ground by the force. Unable to move.

The man didn't give the other party a chance to react, and somersaulted to stand in front of them. Looking at them on the ground, he showed a sly smile.

"The power of reincarnation! The reincarnation fist!"

Chen Xuan released a big move, and the man was instantly knocked several meters away.

"The power of reincarnation! Destroy the void." Two big moves were released one after another. The man wanted to leave but did not dodge. He was beaten to pieces.

"Are you two okay?"

"Master, I'm fine! Something's wrong with Xiaofei! He was beaten just now!" Nan Hao immediately helped Xiaofei up.

Chen Xuan took a look.

"It doesn't matter. I'll go to your sister Qing'er later and ask for a pill."

Chen Xuan did not come by himself this time, but was followed by his enemy, Ying Lu Yin.

"Friend, do you think it would be interesting to fight just a few of us?" Ying Luyin showed a treacherous look on his face. He must be thinking of some conspiracy again.

"How about we invite everyone from outside to come in and play together?"

Chen Xuan put the two children aside and knew what he was going to do without even thinking about it. He wanted to expand the scope of destruction and cause panic.

He had just beaten his land into this, and now he is showing off his power here again. Chen Xuan got angry after hearing this and was about to take action. He was stopped by Han again.

"Leave this to me, you go help them!"

"Yeah!" Chen Xuan was still very relieved about this senior, and left without looking back to join another battle.

"This girl, why have I never seen you before?" Ying Luyin is simply a shameless person. When he sees a beautiful woman, he wants to tease her more.

"This girl is not someone you can just meet if you want." Han's self-esteem did not allow her to be insulted.

"Oh, you are quite loud. Let me see you today! Let's see what you are capable of!"

Then, he started to attack.

"Weeds! Fluorescence!" A large energy ball flew out of his hand and headed straight for the nearby protective shield.

But what he didn't expect was that this attack had no effect on the protective shield! It has no effect at all!

"This is the defensive barrier I designed!"

Han touched his two earrings.

"Wherever I am, there will be this nodule. As long as I stand inside, it is usually not easy to break! So don't look down on us girls! If you have the ability, break it." No matter what Han said, he was cold and cold. , but this cannot hide the tenacity in her bones!

"Oh? Did you design it? That's just right, I'll beat you too!"

"Since you are so powerful, why don't you give it a try?" Hanqi Dingshenxi

"You girl, what kind of power do you have? I won't let you die in an ugly way." Ying Luyin really overestimated his abilities!

"Weeds! Fluorescence!" He is a saint, and he has used magic bonus. The power of this blow is really incredible.

"Weeds! Start a prairie fire!" What flew out of his hand this time was a red and green fireball. The red ones are the blazing fire, and the green ones are the grass blades entwined among them.

"Heh!" Han Leng laughed and stood still.

"That girl! Run!" The passers-by around couldn't bear it anymore. They really didn't want to see a woman die like this.

The energy fireball kept flying forward, smashing over with the light ball, and was getting closer and closer to Han. Suddenly, it seemed to hit something, bounced in the air, and instantly turned into a stream of light.

"What?" Ying Luyin was stunned, and the passers-by were also puzzled after sweating. Why is there a barrier in front of this person?

"You are so real, you can't break that barrier, and you want to break this one!" It turns out that this barrier has multiple parts, which can be released to protect others, and can also be placed in front of yourself to protect yourself! So now, Han is unharmed.

"Okay, since you have no other choice, then it's my turn!" Han spoke up, and he had given that person enough face and performance opportunities. But there is no way, the opponent is too weak!

Now, it's time for her to stretch her fists and feet!

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