"First of all, tell me your name!" The cold words were still as cold as ice.

"What's going on? Do you still need to ask grandpa's name when we're fighting?"

Han's eyes widened, and people instantly felt a wisp of cold air coming from him. He was a little timid.

"What's wrong? Uncle, my name is Ying Luyin! Where's your name?"

"You don't need to know." Han didn't want to talk nonsense with him anymore, so he asked Chen Xuan via voice transmission, "Should I kill this person named Ying Lu Yin or keep him?"

Chen Xuan didn't expect that she could take action. "Keep it, I still have something to ask him! We can't let him die so easily!"

"Okay!" When Han received the news, without even raising her eyelids, she separated the two songs and began to practice her skills.

"The power of ice, flowing cloud jade sleeves!"

He didn't hold any weapons in his hands, and he used the moves. When he heard the name, he was at the most elementary level. It seems that I want to play with him for a while.

Ying Luyin also understood what he meant because of her aura. Ying Luyin has already felt it, it is not something he can shake casually! But since others don't take action, you have a glimmer of hope of winning. So he tried his best to compete with her!

"Come on!" Ying Lu Yin is also at the saint level!

He jumped three feet away, closing the distance between the two sides. Just as he was about to launch an attack, Han threw him aside with his sleeve. The distance between the two became the greatest distance. Looking at each other.

"Weeds! Grass whips!" Ying Luyin rushed forward in one stride, and with the combination of skills, he wanted to fight her in close combat. Han didn't hesitate this time, stepped over and used his water sleeves to fight him. The two were so good at Qinggong that they started fighting in the air! The green one is Ying Lu Yin, and the blue one is Han. The two people are entangled with each other, and everyone in the audience is stunned.

Han waved his sleeves again, and a strong gust of wind blew towards him. He didn't pay attention at all. He fell to the ground, but the moment he came out of the ground, he rebounded again! At the same time, he released a big wink

"Weeds! Rotting mud!" He kept switching his hands, and the mud ball in his hands grew bigger and bigger. It wasn't until he finally couldn't hold it anymore that he threw it out in one breath! A big lump of black and smelly material flew over like this.

"Sure enough, what kind of people practice what kind of tricks! How disgusting!"

Han retreated several times in succession, and at the same time waved his water sleeves again, in conjunction with the formation, forming an ice wall, blocking everything there.

"Push!" With a scolding, Han used his power again and returned the ice wall and the black mud to Ying Luyin.

"Ahhhhh!" There were bursts of wailing from the ground, which was more powerful than Lu Yin's own skills.

At the same time, he was pressed down by the big ice block. This time the support is not light! Lying on the ground, vomiting blood, never got up again!

Everyone is cheering for her! well played! Well done...

"Father!" Ying Xiao was fighting fiercely with Chen Xuan on the other side. Seeing his father being beaten like that, he felt extremely anxious.

Without thinking, I went to help my father.

"Wait! Don't go." Chen Xuan blocked his way.

"Great job." Chen Xuan praised her sincerely through voice transmission, so much so that she couldn't even tell her apart.

He really admired Han! After the battle just now, Han's image in his heart became taller again.

"Meaning!" Han Rao showed a hint of girlishness. It seemed that he had just had fun!

"Yes, that's good. Smile more like Qing'er!" Chen Xuan once again revealed his true temperament to her.

Han immediately cast an icy look at him.

Well, cuteness and beauty are only temporary! Only like a big ice cube is forever!

Chen Xuan is no longer there. Continue to torture the grandson in front of him!

"Watching your own father being beaten, don't you feel good?" Chen Xuan couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. "It doesn't matter, I'll send you to accompany him later! Don't worry!"

"You...what are you going to do..." Yingxiao's legs went weak after hearing what Chen Xuan said...

"Don't...don't, don't, don't, don't hit me..."

"Won't I hit you?" Chen Xuan turned his eyes away from him. asked him in her sharpest voice.

Did you think of us when you started rumors about Qing'er and us? "

"You brought so many people to destroy my place, did you think of me?"

"You smeared us before I opened my business. Did you think of me?"

"Since there are none, then just wait to die!"

"The power of reincarnation! Destroy the void!" Chen Xuan used his move again, but the man forgot to hide and was beaten alive.

"Oh...oh..." He finally cried out in pain.

"You're not dead yet? You're lucky!"

Just now I saw that he didn't hide, and I was still a little scared. It would really be unclear if we beat him to death! But it looks like he's not dead after all! It's a good thing. Saved a lot of trouble. He kicked the man to the ground. To stay with his biological father.

In this way, both leaders were finally subdued by them.

Chen Xuan jumped down from upstairs, looked at them, and shouted to the people upstairs.

"Hey! Those of you upstairs, your master has been beaten down by us. No matter how hard you work, no one will pay you wages! Whoever is the one, please stop now, I will let you live.!

As soon as these words came out, the people upstairs were stunned for a moment. They instinctively distanced themselves from each other to ensure their own safety.

All fighting stopped there.

"Stop looking, come down quickly! We won't hurt you!" Chen Xuan spoke again. Qing'er, Xiaofei, Nan Hao, Wuchun, and even Wuchou Yi, who had never done anything, all stopped.

Qing'er and Wan looked at each other and released ropes to tie up the people in front of him, but they didn't even resist! Others followed suit. It seems that these three are their hired thugs.

"What if it's the one we just killed?" Nan Hao asked

"Then he might not give in so obediently!" Xiaofei answered him.

They brought the three men in the air to the door of the empty auction house, behind the salute. Han cast a spell to unlock the barrier he had designed, allowing people to get closer.

"You three, after you explain everything clearly, you can leave." Chen Xuan said crisply.

"Who comes first?" Qing'er couldn't wait any longer.

Han walked over and stood with her.

"I, I, I... I'll come first! What happened today was all paid for by Ying Xiao and his son... They told us that as long as we stay with them, we can fight the people on the opposite side... Others We don’t know anything!” one of them spoke first.

The other one followed him closely, "Yes, yes, we thugs are all lonely people who get paid to do things. We work and eat, and we don't want to get involved in these disputes at all!"

"Yes, yes! They are all true." The third one saw that they were all finished and quickly agreed.

Chen Xuan also knows a little about this kind of thing. Survival is not easy, and no matter what they do, thugs like them are really just doing their best for others.

"I know a little bit about your line of work. Since it has nothing to do with you, I'll let you go this time and don't hang out in front of me in the future!"

Although he understands it very well, he will never relax when he should be serious! Otherwise, you can't show your dignity!

"Let them go!" He said to Qing'er and Wan, who immediately let them go.

"Thank you...Thank you, hero!" The three of them chased me away.

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