As the two chatted, they talked about Qing'er's problem.

"At the beginning of today, was your sister unhappy?"

"My sister? Oh," Chen Xuan remembered that he had already recognized Qing'er as his sister.

"How could he be unhappy? Look how sweet he smiles!" Chen Xuan lied and tried to cover up the truth.

Yan Keyun opened his big eyes and looked at him slowly

"She can deceive others, but she can't deceive you and me." Yan Keyun began his own analysis. But in fact, it was not a very rational analysis.

"He can't hide anything from you, because you are his relative, and the two of you know each other very well, so there is nothing to hide. Mine is right, right?" When he said this, it was easy to remind people of those playboys in the bustling city. Naughty, but very gentle. There is always a sly smile on his face.

"Then why can't he escape my eyes?" Yan Keyun laughed and was very confident. "We, the sirens, are proficient in singing. This requires us to be able to perceive subtle differences. So our five senses are much more developed than those of ordinary people. But this is only external,"

"More importantly, we use singing as a weapon to cultivate delicate emotions so that we can absorb everything. So his movements can escape other people's eyes, but they can't escape our delicate emotions!" Yan Keyun was very confident at this time, clasping her hands and placing them in front of her chest. She looked confident...

Well, you are right, Qing'er is indeed unhappy today." Chen Xuan decided not to hide it from him anymore.

"Can you tell me why? You don't look like someone who would make a girl cry." Yan Keyun's voice was still clear and cool.

Chen Xuan hesitated for a while and answered him slowly.


On the other side, in Hanbing City, it was almost evening.

Han stood outside Qing'er's door with a box in his hand.

"Qing'er, are you hungry? Do you want to eat?" Han said to the door like an older sister.

"Thank you, Master, I'm not hungry. "Qing'er sat alone on a chair in front of the table, looking out the window. He still looked listless.

Han watched outside the door for a while, and would never allow his apprentice to give up like this!

She thought for a moment and pushed the door open.

"Qing'er, eat this obediently, and after you finish, the master will take you to a place."

"Where?" Qing'er sat very straight, he turned his head, his big eyes full of big doubts.

"Eat first, you have an hour, and I'll take you there after you finish." Han put the box on the table and pushed the door open again. Qing'er was left confused.

Qing'er stood up and took the plate out of the box. When he opened the lid of the food box just now, he found that there were too many delicate dishes. It should be made by his master himself.

"Thank you, master. "Qing'er thanked his master from the bottom of his heart.

Looking at so many new dishes, he tasted them one by one. Finally, his chopsticks stopped on a plate of ice fruit.

This is a plate of dessert, very delicate, sour and sweet, and a little cold. It also contains his master's special red lotus candy, which makes people's appetite open and happy. Eating more can also increase cultivation. It is definitely a hard-to-find ingredient.

It seems that the master has put a lot of thought into it this time.

He had to finish every dish, which only took a quarter of an hour. He always eats very quickly, but she is still very unhappy. This is not something he can control.

After eating and changing into a comfortable set of clothes, he went out.

Han stood waiting outside the door, not afraid that he really ate for an hour.

"Did you finish so quickly?" Han felt a little incredible.

"After eating and changing clothes, where are we going, Master?"

Han looked at the clothes that were indeed a little different from before.

"Then follow me! "Put your hand on Qing'er's shoulder and let's go.

The two came to the secret room underground in Hanbing City. The road here is designed to be very hidden, and it is the heart of Hanbing City. Many weapons, scriptures, medicinal materials and fortifications are designed here. Qing'er walked and looked all the way, and felt that two eyes were not enough.

Han used his identity to open one door after another, and finally they came to the deep underground. The yin energy here is relatively heavy. It is in a cave. There seems to be the sound of running water underground, gurgling, and the air is very clean and humid. A breath makes people feel refreshed.

They continued to move forward and finally came to a cube-shaped transparent object.

"This is it." Han resumed his usual icy voice. "Qing'er, stay back and protect yourself."

Qing'er did as he was told.

Han began to use his power on the cube.

"Hanbingyuan! Break! "With a crisp shout, the transparent cube began to emit a lot of smoke, swirling from bottom to top. In less than a moment, it filled the entire space.

The temperature dropped a little bit.

"Qing'er, are you really full?"

Qing'er nodded without saying anything.

"Then sit up!"

Han took the lead and Qing'er followed closely.

"This is a secret device for people in our Hanbing City to practice meditation, the Mountain Ice Bed. As the name suggests, this piece of ice is taken from the mountain, gathering the extremely cold spiritual energy there, so it has a calming effect. You can also enjoy the coolness when you are free, and at the same time increase your cultivation. Now, it is most suitable for a girl like you to practice meditation on it!"

Qing'er understood that the master really had good intentions.

Han probably guessed what he was thinking.

"Just practice quietly and treat it as a relaxation! The more relaxed you are, the more you can realize the truth."

So Qing'er closed her eyes and sat cross-legged on the ice. The two of them began to sit and meditate.

Why are you so unhappy today?

She had the answer in her mind.

So if you are so unhappy, why do you have to force yourself to dress up and be happy?

She also had the answer in her mind.

So now that everything is over, why are you still unhappy?

He still had the answer in his heart, but she didn't want to admit it this time.

Why on earth was he so unhappy?

She obviously doesn't have to be like this.

But she still couldn't help it...

There seemed to be two factions in his heart, one was a devil and the other was an angel.

"It shouldn't be like this, it's not right."

"It's okay, it's okay, there's nothing wrong with that."

"You are an adult now, you have to control your emotions."

"But I'm very unhappy now..."

Qing'er was struggling with himself, and his breath began to become unstable. The energy in his Dantian no longer sank, but gradually accumulated in his chest and penetrated into his throat.

Han opened his eyes at this time,

"Now is the time," she thought.

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