He straightened his upper body, prepared to cast a spell, and at the same time asked the girl next to him with his mind.

"Qing'er, what are you thinking about?"

"I was thinking..." Qing'er wanted to answer him, but every time he wanted to answer, a lot of things piled up in his mind. She didn't know which one to take first, so she had to keep them all in her mouth.

"You don't have to answer me, I already know."

Han Youyuan's voice entered Qing'er's mind. He knew that the master had shared his mind with her.

Qing'er no longer struggled with how to speak out, but opened her brain to let the master see enough.

After Han had read them all, I asked

"Is that all?"

Qing'er nodded outside.

Cold and strong. Spread the soothing incense on your sachet. It has the smell of earth and wild flowers and grass. And the coolness of ice cubes.

Qing'er gradually calmed down under these breaths and cool touches.

"Qing'er," Han began to communicate with him. "As my disciple, you should know why I treat others so coldly!"

Without giving the other person a chance to answer, she muttered to herself.

"Because if you want to protect your heart, the easiest way is not to take it outside! Of course, if you feel that taking it outside will make you happy, then you can also leave it outside very naturally!

"But maybe this happiness is not permanent. If there is a time when his absence makes you happy. Then, for your own sake, you should take this heart back.

"Of course it's very difficult, it can even be painful. Of course it takes time,

"But what I want to tell you is that no one in the world is more worthy than yourself.

"Just like when I said this to you as a teacher, I also had the same thoughts.

"Isn't it just to travel around the world to make yourself happy? As long as you are happy, everything else is external to you. As long as it does not violate morality, this is your freedom.

"Of course I also know what you are thinking now. You don't want to let go of this past. You may be afraid that you will forget it. Maybe you are afraid that you will no longer be important."

When it came to this sentence, Qing'er was very obvious. The breath was fluctuating. Han felt it carefully and then put his big sleeves in front of her.

Suddenly there was a burst of darkness in front of me, accompanied by a thick feeling, and a faint fragrance suddenly came from the tip of my nose. It was the master's sleeves...

"But Qing'er, you have to believe me, none of the things you think about will happen."

After Han finished saying this, he fell silent...

"It's okay. You feel in your heart that you will never forget it in your life. You will also have a good relationship in the future. You will always be his weakness, and you will slowly accept it yourself!"

Then, as if practicing martial arts, she hung her hands in the air and let her sleeves hang in front of her for a long, long time...

Yes, it was silent for a long time. After a long time, he took off his sleeves.

Qing'er organized her thoughts. Yes, that's right, his master was right. He would never forget it, and there would be no hope for this matter. You must understand this matter clearly. Only then can you become a better version of yourself and keep moving forward!

Suddenly, the whole body began to emit a purple-red light.

Qing'er and Han opened their eyes at the same time and looked at each other.

"Congratulations, you are about to be upgraded!" Han congratulated Qing'er.

"What... why? What should I do?" Qing'er has no experience in this kind of thing. Thanks to her having a master who knew a lot.

You and you...you are different from others. You don't need to go through a calamity. You just need to enter the magic circle and gradually adapt to your own power!

"But it's not easy. It can be painful. So you have to persevere no matter what.

Fall to the ground! "

"Okay master, I have no problem." Qing'er gave her one last smile before being swallowed.

Han used his sleeves to split a crack in the space that was about to close.

"You must hold on! Your master is waiting for you outside."


Qing'er silently agreed to him in her heart and jumped in.

When the space-time rift was completely closed, another scene appeared in front of him -

Spring, summer, autumn and winter were constantly changing in front of him, and the traces of the passage of time were clearly visible.

The willow trees in spring are sprouting new buds. The blue lake water ripples in front of you. The colorful fallen leaves dyed the autumn red, and the winter snowflakes fell one after another in front of him.

Just as he was about to reach out and touch it, he was entangled by those willow trees and couldn't move.

"So this is where his attack was!"

Qing'er immediately tried to find a way to get out of it, but the more he broke away, the tighter they seemed to be. The leaves gradually blocked his eyes and entangled his body, getting tighter and tighter on him, and he gradually became unable to move. Finally the tree trunks clung to him, reaching up to his neck. When the last leaf blocked his eyes, his world fell into darkness.

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