Jinyi's income and expenses were a large amount, but they did not dare to neglect at all and checked each item one by one. After settling this account, it was already very late. He was so sleepy that his eyes could no longer focus, but he still rubbed his eyelids and yawned one after another.

Wan Yi is not much better. He is already an old man, but he is still here staying up late with the young people. But what needs to be done still needs to be done. Who let their boss involve themselves in it just to drink with others?

It was half past midnight and the moon had risen. Only then did the two of them put away all the account books and abacus, and then tidied up the house. Then he came back to bed and fell asleep.

Second, it was just bright. Yan Keyun had already woken up. He didn't drink too much last night. I clearly remember how I came in, and how I sat by the bed until midnight.

He actually had no other purpose in doing this, but it had become a habit over time. He was just trying to sober himself up, something he didn't pay much attention to when he was younger. He only cares about having fun at the time, so he often goes to bed without caring about his feelings after getting drunk. As a result, he will feel very uncomfortable the next time he wakes up. So after a long time, he had to learn his lesson and had to wait until he sobered up. Then he lay on the bed with peace of mind. Sleep until dawn.

However, he was already awake at this moment. No matter what time he played at night or what time he went to bed, his wake-up time was always the same. It can be seen that his schedule is actually very regular. Then he started to clean up the house. He likes to keep things clean and tidy. The most annoying thing is that his house is in a mess. Even though he is a man, he is not at all hesitant about doing these small tasks. He folded the quilt and looked at it. All the furnishings in the house are pretty good, including all daily necessities, and there are also many flowers placed inside. After he looked around, I felt that this was not a man's room. On the contrary, it should seem like a girl lived here before.

But these questions were not what he should ask, so he had no choice but to put aside his curiosity. The owner of the yard did not hire anyone, so two boys were cleaning it. Early in the morning, he heard the sounds of laughing and playing and the sound of sweeping the floor. The sun has risen.

They opened the door curtain and walked into the courtyard. Looking at it, this yard is not particularly big. But he still saw a clean and tidy yard. There are green tiles and red bricks, pavilions and pavilions, and pots of green plants on both sides of the corridor. There is a rockery in the distance, and behind it is a bamboo forest. Next to the rockery, there are two young people playing around.

He breathed in the fresh air and walked towards the two friends. He had no clothes to change into today, so he had to continue wearing his furs from yesterday.

It was a quiet morning, and he was standing on the green grass dressed in pink. Reflecting the distant mountains and dark green wall tiles. It is a scenery by itself.

The two friends were certainly attracted by the scenery here. They all stopped what they were doing and cast curious glances here. He pursed his lips slightly and strode over! If Yan Keyun is in a deserted place, he will show his elegant temperament and enjoy himself. But once he meets people, his cute and gentle nature will be revealed, like a jumping and furry animal. . I don’t know if it’s a cat or a dog.

Yan Keyun approached them and just smiled at them. I didn’t know what topic to start, but two friends started the conversation.

"Are you the gentleman who stayed at our house last night?"

He nodded sensitively but clumsily, "It's me." It was a clear, bright but thick voice. No airs at all.

Instead, it shows the kindness in her innocence.

Yan Keyun has lived for nearly 30 years, and he knows very well whether familiarity is right or wrong, but when he faces these lovely children, he can always put down all his wariness and smile with the most sincere smile , instead of a fake smile? , to respond to them.

"It's still early and our family hasn't served dinner yet. Sir, you may have to wait for a while!" Xiaofei said politely. For some reason, he was also infected by the other person's aura and couldn't be wary at all.

"Really? Thank you." Yan Keyun seemed to be a charm radiator.

Xiao Fei and Nan Hao were also attracted by his aura. For some reason, they always felt that he was like an ambassador from afar. You have gone through the baptism of the world, but you can still maintain a very pure heart, as if you were a child. . They were very sure that there was nothing dirty or sinister about the gentleman in front of them. Not aggressive, but his armor and blades are also very sharp. If you want to talk about qualifications in this world, then he is no less than them!

No, it should be more than them.

"Did sir and my master have a great time drinking last night?" Finally a child couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked.

"Very good." Yan Keyun looked directly at the child, and Nan Hao couldn't help but look at him from head to toe.

His eyes were big, and they were like spring water under the moonlight, clean and clear. Very charming. Coupled with her big double eyelids, she has to be described as beautiful! The face is pointed and the lips are a little thin. If you smile, your eyes will squint together and your face will be full of wrinkles.

He is tall and tall, half a head taller than a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old. He has right-angled shoulders and very broad shoulders. His waist is also very thin and his figure is very good. My hair is neatly cut and a little long. I got up too early and haven't had time to comb it carefully. Some of it is blown to one side, which is very cute. He himself doesn't care about this, because he is an informal person in life.

"Your master is a very good person! He is sincere and upright."

Nan Hao seemed a little embarrassed when he was treated like this.

"What's wrong? Are you nervous?" Yan Keyun showed his very cute side again, "It's okay! Don't be nervous! I'm just a bit good-looking and my eyes are a bit big! But I can actually squint!" Yan Ke Yun boasted without any drafts, and his expressions were extremely rich. The gentle prince's temperament just now was swept away!

"Pfft..." The two friends were completely amused by him...

Can you not laugh at this? His performance is so rich! How did he manage to put the prince and Hanhan in the same body? Nan Hao really couldn't help but admire in his heart! Even Xiaofei, who had always been steady and reticent, was moved by him and snickered from the sidelines.

"Yes." Yan Keyun looked at your relaxed atmosphere. "That's right!" Her face was full of wrinkles, she narrowed her big eyes, and laughed with them in a teenage voice. No regard for managing one's own expression. It just made the scene more relaxing!

This gentleman is really a gentle person! Xiaofei felt the warmth from him and thought silently in his heart. The master is lucky to meet someone like him.

This is how a sizzling morning began. But there is something Xiaofei doesn’t know. In further stories, Yan Keyun will have more interactions with him than with his master.

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