After the three people talked in the yard for a while. Wrinkle, who was busy until midnight last night, also woke up. As soon as he got up, he heard the chirping laughter in the yard. When he opened the window, he saw that there were three innocent people in the yard having fun together.

So he shouted directly outside the window

"Hey——Are you hungry?"

In fact, he is the chef of this family! Yes, that's true. Since his sister Qing'er left, all cooking matters have been left to her alone. In the first few days, he did very poorly. He either put too much salt or burned the pot. If he couldn't do it, he would break the eggshells into the dishes. But later, his sister Qing'er came back several times and taught him step by step. Gradually, it started to look good! Now he has become the chef of his family with his amazing learning ability.

"You do whatever you want! We are all in school." Nan Hao's answer was very simple.

"Do a little better, we have guests today!" Xiaofei was more thoughtful.

Yan Keyun had already started playing with the two of them, pretending to be shy and thanking them. Like a big cat with its fur smoothed down, it shows its signature smile from time to time.

"Okay!" Wrinkle responded, and immediately got up to clean up the housework, fold the quilt, sweep the floor, and wash his face.

"By the way, has Mr. Yan not washed his face yet?" The two children then remembered that this gentleman came over to play with them immediately after he woke up.

"Yes!" Yan Keyun touched his face, "I really haven't washed it!" He was a little embarrassed, and there were still dried particles from last night in his eyes. "But I don't know where to go?" He looked like he was very reasonable and asked the most reasonable question.

"Yes, it was our fault. We forgot to prepare cleaning supplies for you!" The two children also realized this crime after receiving the blame.

So the person carrying the basin and the person holding the hot water walked away from him in an instant.

After a while, the two people who came back from the bar together last night were washing their faces together this morning! Yan Keyun looked more like an animal after washing his face. He kept shaking his hands and even shook the long hair in front of his forehead. It looks like a fluttering animal!

After cleaning, it’s time to start cooking. He walked toward the kitchen.

"How about I help you!" Yan Keyun said in his clear and rich voice.

"Sir, can you cook?"

"I know a little bit, I usually do it myself at home!" This is really not his boast, this is really his proficiency. Normally, she didn't have anyone to take care of her cooking, so she had to buy it herself. After a long time, he couldn't stand it anymore and started cooking it himself. So over time, I also developed a good skill.

The two people were busy in the kitchen, attracting onlookers from time to time. Mainly here to watch Yan Keyun! After all, this rarely happens, the customer's material situation!

But their craftsmanship is really good! Don't want to go up and down, complement each other. Soon after, a table of unique breakfasts was prepared for everyone.

Before this breakfast was served on the table, the two men finally got up and had finished washing up. The reason for wrinkles is that I am getting older and staying up late. It is understandable to sleep more, but they are the head of the family! It’s so unfeeling to be the head of the family! He actually let this guest arrive earlier than him and even made breakfast for him! If this spreads out, everyone will laugh out loud.

However, when he knew this situation, he said, "Thank you! Mr. Yan!" Chen Xuan was not unfamiliar with him at all and expressed his gratitude to him straightforwardly.

The other four people at the dinner table were literally vomiting blood! This is too nonsense!

Unexpectedly, Yan Keyun could even entertain this kind of person without getting angry.

"Ahem! You don't have to thank me." It's as if the two of them are really good brothers who have known each other for a long time!

At the dinner table, Wan introduced yesterday's income to him. After accumulating the four items of stall fees, copyright fees, notary fees and direct income, they harvested a total of more than 300,000 high-grade high-grade energy stones! This is already an incredible amount!

After hearing the result, Chen Xuan looked at Yan Keyun and thanked him very "sincerely". "Thank you! You spent so much money on me alone and helped me heat up the place."

"Oh, what are you talking about! You're welcome!" Yan Keyun, you and he sang together, as if you were having a cross talk! The two of them are really incomprehensible to others in the world! Maybe they had a spiritual connection after drinking too much last night.

"Friend, do you have any ideas about the next development plan?" Chen Xuan finally returned to business.

"Of course!" Don't leave Chen Xuan idle while eating! He has already thought about it, and the follow-up plan is very simple for him.

"Next, this empty auction school will be controlled by me, the big boss. After clarifying all his rights and shares, I decided to retain my own shares. I will hand over all the execution rights to you, the negative shopkeeper!"

Chen Xuan made this seem very grand, but in fact everyone came out, and he was about to give up his pick!

"Friends, I'm afraid this is not good, right?" Wan Yi's focus no longer cares that he has obtained the administrative rights of the entire empty auction house, but the question of whether the auction house can survive! How can a shopkeeper give all his rights to his subordinates? This is simply nonsense!

"There's nothing wrong with this. What's wrong?" Chen Xuan asked him very rationally and gave an analysis.

"First of all, I'm not good at business, you know this!"

Everyone at the dinner table nodded frequently, except Yan Keyun.

"Secondly, I can't stay in one place for a long time. I have to continue to explore outside and improve my abilities."

Everyone nodded together again.

"Besides, you old man has such a business acumen, and the last auction house was in full swing. So I believe that this one will be good in your hands!" Chen Xuan successfully made this fact very reasonable!

But the old man sitting opposite him was no ordinary person either.

"No, friend, you have to think carefully! If outsiders find out that the power in charge of such a big company as Kong Auction House is not in the hands of the boss, there will be trouble!" Wrinkle Yi tried to control it with the power of public opinion. he.

"Oh, my old friend! This is easier!" Chen Xuan seemed to feel that everyone was out of their minds today! Could it be that this guest was so charming that he lured their souls away?

"You just need to lie to others and all this will be solved?"

Well, Wuzhi really has no way to stop him this time, so let’s do this! She is confident that she can manage this auction house well!

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