After a large table of people finished eating, Chen Xuan went back to the room to get his things, and suddenly saw a piece of paper on the table. He took a closer look and saw the writing in black and white. There was no sign that anyone had been there.

"Ice City, Ice Sect Qing'er, was promoted yesterday!"

Who knew the news about Qing'er? Chen Xuan felt very puzzled. Apart from his master Han, no one else should know, right?

Full of doubts and the note, he returned to the yard.

"Do you know if there is any way to contact Qing'er's master as quickly as possible?" Chen Xuan explained his question to everyone.

"She is a person of high status, and her status is not low. It should be difficult to contact her," said a friend.

"But you can also look at it the other way around," another friend immediately suggested the opposite idea. "Just because he is a person with status, he should have more channels. He should be able to get in touch with him faster."

"It's useless for you to argue here." The third friend stood up. "We don't know any contact tools to get in touch with them now."

"Yes, yes, in this world, we generally don't need to keep in touch." Another person agreed.

What this person said is true. In this world, the world structure is extremely unstable. The level of civilization in each world is also different, and you can travel at will. Therefore, the danger index of those continents is much higher than that of ordinary planets. People who come to these strange continents usually do not bring their families. It’s all those brave people who go against the grain to cultivate themselves. So most of the time I am alone, even if I have friends, I am never far away! So there is really no need for such a thing!

Whenever they are at a loss, Ta Lao should be their last resort. Chen Xuan was about to summon Mr. Ta from his mind. Yan Keyun stopped him.

"You want to get in touch with someone, right?"

"Yes, we are going to contact a girl from the next city. It would be best if we take as little time as possible."

"Do they have the same attributes as you?"

"It's a little different, but we all practice magic, and they use ice as the main medium."

"Hanbing, that means they have a water source nearby."

“There is water, and lots of it!”

"Then I have a solution! Just leave it to me!"

Yan Keyun was full of confidence and took this task into his own hands. It seems that this thing is as simple as wearing pink fur to him.

"Mr. Yan, what can you do?" He was still the most curious, and no one stopped him.

"It's very simple, my friend!" Yan Keyun flashed her big eyes and double eyelids, and explained to everyone very casually but very seriously - in fact, there is nothing to explain, it is very simple!

"Our Siren family all lives in the sea. Because the area is very large, it is really not particularly convenient to connect. So in order to meet the necessary connections, our tribe invented a brand new method. That is the sound-transmitting conch. "

"But they don't have conches in their hands." One of the friends interrupted his conversation impatiently.

"I know, so we have to use another method." Yan Keyun was still so patient, explaining to them bit by bit.

"Our ancestors also considered this situation at that time. So they thought of another way."

"Can you please bring me some water?" Yan Keyun seemed to be asking a question, but his eyes stayed on Wan. He really likes this kid.

Wrinkle then hurried to the kitchen to help him make a bucket of clean water. I took another basin out by the way.

"Thank you, I almost forgot just now!" Yan Keyun smiled sheepishly, and then showed his big white teeth.

With water, the rest is very easy.

"By the way, do you have the items that were accepted? It can be clothes or other things."

"It seems like we don't have any, right?" Wrinkle looked at everyone, a little embarrassed. This should really be Han's item.

"There should be. Can it be broken?" As soon as Chen Xuan said this, everyone looked at him in surprise.

Why does the master have Master Han’s things? The two of them probably didn't give any gifts?

No, no, the focus of this matter should be why he was broken?

Why do they give each other broken things? No matter how bad their relationship is, it won't be like this!

Various pictures appeared in the minds of several friends!

"Okay, okay, what are you thinking about? Don't think I don't know!" Chen Xuan immediately brought back all their thoughts. Then he went into the house and took out another thing. That thing was a broken earring, pure white, with a complicated pattern. It's cool in your hand.

"This must have been broken into pieces yesterday when Han was fighting with others. It happened to fly to my feet, so I picked it up." So he turned to ask Yan Keyun again.

"Is this okay?"

"Yes, as long as it has the other party's breath on it, that's enough!"

Yan Keyun conjured the conch out of his hand, then took the earring from Chen Xuan's hand and threw it into the water.

"Okay, what do you want to get rid of the people over there?" Yan Keyun asked everyone.

"We want to ask him. "Have you ever told me any news about Qing'er? "That's enough."

Chen Xuan is not a sloppy person either! Only by getting to the heart of the problem can we solve it better.

"Okay, just hold this conch and talk to it!"

Yan Keyun handed over the conch. Chen Xuan took it. Then to the inside.

"Han, have you ever revealed any news about Qing'er to me?" This sentence is enough.

Then, Yan Keyun poured water on the conch. I checked it very carefully and kept the water. All put into the basin.

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