This time, wrinkles were still there to comfort her.

"Friend, calm down first. He actually has the source of selling personal information like this. It must be a tough battle! You can't solve it easily if you want to."

Chen Xuan is still angry. "It's not like you don't know who Qing'er is to me. It's only been a day and he has been bullied like this by others! You can bear it, but I can't bear it!"

"Master, master, why don't you calm down first? Nothing happened to sister Qing'er yet?" Nan Hao was on the side, trying to calm down his master.

"He's right." Yan Keyun was also comforting him, "While the other party hasn't made any big moves yet, let's nip it in the cradle first." After that, he said to himself.

"Fortunately, those people haven't caused any substantial harm to that girl." It was as if the person being supported was her own sister. He is really a good person!

Chen Xuan was furious, but Yan Keyun's calm and gentle voice was like a basin of ice water, which immediately doused his anger.

Just was true that he was not calm...

He took a deep breath to calm down. Then we started discussing countermeasures with everyone.

"First of all, this is my first time encountering this kind of thing, and I have no experience at all. But I only know that this kind of thing cannot be solved by force alone."

Chen Xuan looked at Yan Keyun and Wrinkle in front of him. "So, do you have anyone who knows this industry particularly well?" He really wanted to ask others for advice this time, so his eyes were very sincere.

There was a moment of silence, and he originally thought that this matter was so clueless.

"I still have a way!" Yan Keyun raised his hand among the group of people.

"Do you really have a way?" Chen Xuan was happy and surprised. He grabbed the other party's shoulder. Look at each other with very sincere eyes. "Then you must help me."

His tone was serious.

"Okay," Yan Keyunqing replied calmly. "When it's done, you're going to treat me to a drink!" It seemed like a joke.

"Okay! Definitely." Chen Xuan answered him very seriously. No one should invite him to drink at this time. Even if he wants the stars or the moon, as long as he can pick them, he will do it!

Yan Keyun responded with a gentle smile. Then he started to analyze the whole thing with a straight face. When he is doing things seriously, he seems to have an aura about him.

Chen Xuan led him forward, and found that a lot of people were following behind him, "Everyone, please stop standing outside. Those who can help, stay and help. Those who can't help, just go and do your own thing." Then let’s go to the study together!” It seems like he is giving the order fiercely, but it is a daily routine that everyone understands.

In the end, only three people actually came to the study.

Chen Xuan pushed aside the paper and ink on the desk to make room for Yan Keyun.

Yan Keyun started to explain while writing and drawing with a pen.

"Information traffickers like them who specialize in collecting personal information are also very common in our country."

"As for their operating circle, there are probably more assassins. Others, like the ones you met yesterday, who use public opinion to promote themselves, are actually few in this circle."

"But it's just this group of people who have made a mess of ordinary people's lives!" Chen Xuan wished he could skin them!

"Don't be angry yet! We can't attack this kind of people directly. They usually have a unified organization, have been in trouble for a long time, and have a certain dark history or big news! So if you attack him head-on, He will release the information, and we will be in a disadvantageous situation!" Yan Keyun patiently reasoned with him.

"Then if you encounter this matter, how would you usually deal with it?" Chen Xuan asked this question coldly. Even a little jealous. He really has no patience now! He just wants to know how to solve it!

"What we have to do now is to find out the source of the information as quickly as possible and try to reduce the spread of the information. Or intercept them before they spread again."

"What are you going to do, friend? Is there any way?" Wrinkle Yi interrupted at this time.

"Then let's start by finding their source now!"

"What good idea do you have?" Yan Keyun looked at him very provocatively, with a smile on his lips, like a poisonous snake sticking out its tongue.

Chen Xuan picked up the note he had just received.

"Can we start researching from this?"

"No." Yan Keyun rejected it flatly.

"Yes," Wrinkleyi sighed at the side. "Since they dare to get it in front of us, then whether it is the handwriting, the strokes, or even the paper and ink, they have all been deliberately arranged by them. It is definitely impossible to find the source from here. If we follow this clue, Asking the shopkeepers one by one will only frighten the enemy.”

"This old gentleman is right!"

"Then since we can't let go of the investigation, can we just pretend that nothing happened?" Chen Xuan felt extremely aggrieved! He has been in the world for so many years, why should he accept this bad breath from others? Why should I be attacked by others in secret?

Yan Keyun knew that he felt bad now. "Brother Chen Xuan, don't worry. Although we can't do it in front of you, we can do it behind your back!"

"Yes, yes, only if we can endure it can we accomplish great things!"

"Have you had any trouble with anyone recently?"

"Yes, you saw it just yesterday when it opened."

"Does he have a deep hatred for you? What is the grudge between you?"

"Of course I have no hatred for him, but his net must be filled with hatred." Chen Xuan recalled everything that happened in the past few days. Picked a chair and sat down.

"Because my arrival took away their business and made their family bankrupt! Can they not hate me?"

"Is it just because of this incident? I mean, are your current enemies the only ones?" Yan Keyun leaned forward and asked him, shrouding the other party in his aura.

"Probably, all the previous enemies were defeated by me." Chen Xuan spread his hands. Answer his questions very seriously. There was innocence and anxiety written all over his face.

But Yan Keyun always felt that something was wrong, something seemed strange...

No matter what, it’s important to do business! Then he regained his serious aura.

"That's because you are like this, the other party is a business family!"

"I also know a little bit about their news. He has been doing business for generations and has always been the commercial overlord here, and his military force cannot be underestimated. If it weren't for this time, the old man next to you would have become the pinnacle of the Holy Lord. We would not be able to climb it. Come up, they won’t become second all of a sudden.”

"Then during the fight with him, did you pay attention to the skills they used?"

"I noticed that they use the natural type."

"Grass type!" Wrinkle also added here.

That shouldn't be what they do. "Yan Keyun lowered his head and supported his chin. He came to a preliminary conclusion.

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