"If it's not the same family, wouldn't the difficulty of the seventh stage be greater?"

"It will become very big, but not too big because we still have a way."

"Then how do we find them? Go directly to the information terminal to conduct a census?"

"This is absolutely not possible, and if it is not done, it will use the power of the top leaders, and it will have a bad impact on the girl. It is very difficult to achieve it."

"Then what else do we have? Are we just going to sit there and wait for death?"

"We can investigate the information dealers who are in contact with him."

"If we want to know the situation of all the information dealers, don't we still have to use the power of the top leaders?" Chen Xuan was a little confused.

"This is different. This does not require the power of the top leaders. We can achieve it completely by ourselves."

Chen Xuan understood now. There are only so many people in that family, and there are even fewer insiders. If you want to understand their interactions with the outside world, you only need to follow a line, weave a network, and check it out bit by bit. You will definitely find it in a while.

"But although this method can be implemented, will it be too slow?" Chen Xuan was still worried. After all, I was in the open, and the enemy was in the dark. There was no guarantee that they would not attack Qing'er again.

"Of course, this would be very slow, so we have to narrow the search range!"

"Do you mean to kick out unnecessary people?"

"Yes!" Yan Keyun's clear and hoarse voice answered him, as if a cup of strong coffee went down his throat.

"We can start with those people who fought with you. I remember that you were hired."

"Yes, they are all long-standing thugs in the underworld, and they all do things for others."

"Then how should you summon them out?"

Chen Xuan didn't know this either, and he looked at Zhou Yi.

"Now you know to look for me, buddy? Unexpectedly, right? I really have a way."

"Thank you very much!" Chen Xuan and Zhou Yi had long stopped pretending to be happy, knowing that a simple thank you would be enough for the other party to help.

"Actually, this happened yesterday. Some of the thugs you let go were injured by you. They knew my level at a glance. And because I didn't do anything to them, they hid when they were not spared and asked me for herbs."

"Then, you must have left each other the way to contact next time!" Chen Xuan's eyes brightened.

"Well, you are not wrong, I can contact them now!"

"That would be great, but there is one more thing to note. When contacting them, the reason for contact must be kept confidential, definitely! Avoid alerting the enemy."

"Don't worry, I understand all these things."

Zhou Yi smiled and responded. He likes this young man more and more now! Not only is he rich in ideas, but he also knows more! And he is not stingy with his edge, and is never afraid of being laughed at by others! He is indeed a friend worth making!

Afterwards, Zhou Yi used the reason of "wanting to ask them to help fight again" to recruit this group of young people. Not long after the time passed, they didn't even walk a few steps outside! So in less than one morning, they all appeared at his doorstep.

Chen Xuan saw that everyone was there, so he got up and locked the door.

The group of people didn't take it seriously. After all, they were all in this business, and what they did was not fair and aboveboard, so it was normal for the host to have these reactions. They didn't have anything to say. But Chen Xuan's next reaction surprised them.

He actually took out the best herbs to heal their wounds! And he also taught his apprentices to clean their wounds. They were all big and strong people, and had never been carefully taken care of. Sometimes when they were injured, they just applied some medicine casually and healed. So now someone has to take care of them like this, and they feel cold behind their backs.

Now they take care of you so well, won't they let you fight to your death in a while...

"Boss, we all take money from others and do things for them. But we all want to live!"

"Yes, yes, boss, if you have any grudges, just understand, but don't be so extreme!" One of them started, and the others instantly understood the meaning and began to agree - after all, they all have the same idea.

"Boss, if you have any grudges with yesterday's enemy, we will help you to get revenge, and we guarantee to beat him up!"

"Yes, yes, it's not difficult to deal with him! As for other tasks, we dare not take them."

"Boss, let me tell you the truth... Actually, we still want to live." One of them was a little bit overwhelmed!

"Okay, okay, stop, what is this?" He roared, and the world was quiet in an instant. But Chen Xuan couldn't stand it! They just invited them in, and they haven't done anything yet! Is this the rule over there? Give you a medicine, and think you want you to take out your life!

"Okay, okay, listen to me! I invited you here this time, not to let you go out and work for me!"

Chen Xuan has been trying very hard to explain to them. Who knows that when they heard this, their reaction was even more intense.

"Boss, our wives and children are still..." "Alright! Stop! If you do this again, I won't be polite!" Chen Xuan has been having a headache for the whole morning. If they continue like this, he will really explode!

"Listen to me! I've called you here just to ask you questions. As long as your teacher answers, there won't be any danger. Do you understand?"

The strong men were stunned for a moment, looking at each other, not knowing what to answer. After all, this was their first time seeing this kind of scene.

"Listen to me, you also know the rules. I can't tell you the reason why I asked you, and you can't go out about the content of the question. If you let me know, I will definitely chase you to Yahaijiao!"

Now these strong men finally understood and nodded in agreement one by one.

"I beg you to come and beat me, are they the ones named Ying Luyin and Ying Xiao, their father and son?"


"Have they arranged anything else for you?"

"They also arranged for us to throw dirty water on you every time on the street."

"Did they ask you to interact with other informants?"

These people were silent for a while, "Actually, there are."


"They should also be an organization. Those rumors were made up by them after investigating you."

"So, can you still contact them?"

"Every time we cooperate with others to do something, we will set the following fixed contact information so that the secret will not be exposed in the future."

"So what you mean is that you can contact yourself?"


"Is there a reasonable reason? Won't the secret be revealed?"

"Don't worry, boss, this won't happen. This is very common on our roads."

good. Now Chen Xuan was relieved, he immediately opened the door and invited Yan Keyun in.

"They have no problem, okay!" Yan Keyun nodded.

So under the watchful eyes of the two men, the strong men found a reason to get in touch with the people on the road and agreed on a time and place to meet. And there was no doubt on the other side.

"It seems that we are going to fight them again this afternoon!" Chen Xuan now began to stretch his muscles.

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