"Whatever happens, just feel free to do it! Who of us will follow whom?" Wrinkle Yi pretended to be angry, feeling that she was treating him as an outsider.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. Just like before, I'm going on a long trip again!"

"Hey, this thing is nothing. When do you plan to leave?"

"Tomorrow morning, and I plan to take someone with me."


"Yan Keyun came yesterday!"

"Is your relationship already so good?"

"Almost, he has already agreed anyway." Chen Xuan looked nonchalant.

"That's a good thing! How about this? If you leave tomorrow, we'll cook you a delicious meal tonight and treat it as farewell!"

Neither of them refused, so they got a big meal in the evening

Chen Xuan and Yan Keyun set out as soon as they got up early in the morning. They just travel with no destination, only a time limit, which is six months.

Chen Xuan once asked the other party, why did he come out for so long? In his hometown, it was normal for people to come out for six months.

Chen Xuan, me too.

So the two of them started traveling to school without a map. Perhaps just like every time before, they would encounter beautiful things and people who would cause trouble. But no matter what you encounter, it is a kind of growth.

"But can you wear something a little more normal today?"

Chen Xuan saw that he was wearing a blue coat again and couldn't help but complain.

"What's wrong with wearing blue clothes?" Yan Keyun wanted to give him a look. "This is my taste!"

Chen Xuan couldn't help laughing. Okay, okay, he looks good no matter what he wears.

After a long journey, they finally saw a city. They found a hotel and planned to check in.

"Do you want to live somewhere more expensive or somewhere convenient?"

"How about we live in an expensive place?" Yan Keyun acted like a child traveling. "It's expensive and comfortable, and there may be some fun stuff."

"Your thinking is really scary!"

So the two of them walked around the city for more than an hour and chose the most expensive hotel.

This hotel is indeed different from other hotels. Everything is magnificent and well decorated. It is very different from ordinary hotels! They walked in the door and grabbed a waiter so they could ask where this was.

"Second, will you open a store?" This is of course a polite statement, but they might not open it! Who knew that this sentence was like touching the other person's sensitive nerve, and that person immediately became angry.

"Who is your name?" He asked Chen Xuan without giving any face, "Who is the second in your mouth? Do you know who I am? Boy, you need to have good eyesight at a young age."

Chen Xuan didn't react for a while. After a while, he realized that he had recognized the wrong person. He really didn't expect that he would not be able to live peacefully in the first place.

He really didn't want to fight with ordinary people, so he explained to them in a good-tempered manner.

"Sir, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to disrespect you, but I didn't expect it."

"I didn't expect anything. I think you did it on purpose!" The man's language was vulgar and he didn't have a good temper at all.

"Sir, it's our fault that we met you, but it's also your fault for being so rude, right?" Yan Keyun couldn't stand it anymore and came over to help.

When the man turned around and saw that he was covered in blue, he was almost shocked.

"I, you, are you a boy or a girl? Don't come here to interfere if you have nothing to do!" A yelling and rude discrimination came towards me.

How dare he dare that Yan Keyun is a woman? How unqualified is he? Doesn’t he understand the most basic respect for everyone? He's going to be finished now...

As expected, Yan Keyun is not afraid of anything else. Regarding his aesthetics, he will defend it to the end! That tiger! If he ever takes action. The roof of the entire hotel will be knocked down by her! Chen Xuan immediately stopped such a serious incident and comforted Yan Keyun.

"It doesn't matter! I'll do it! It's usually best not to use your ultimate move."

Yan Keyun glanced at him, his face full of anger, and he couldn't be coaxed. His mouth was pursed and his eyes were wide open!

Of course Chen Xuan also understood, and he was also very angry in his heart.

"Sir, this matter was originally our fault, but now that you have said this, it is your fault."

"What's wrong? You still dare to challenge me? Do you know who is the boss in the world in front of you?"

"Could it be you?" He had seen this routine many times.

The man didn't expect this man to be so bold, and was choked for a moment.

"It's not me...it's my dad!"

His confidence was momentarily low

"Haha! So it's not you!" Chen Xuan found it very funny.

"If it's not me, it's not me. What's wrong with me? Although I'm not as powerful as him, I still have no problem dealing with you!" He tried very hard to save his face.

"What's the matter, do you want to take action?" Chen Xuan looked at him with a look of injustice on his face!

"I still want to take action. In my life, no one can defeat me!"

"Oh, so that's it!" Chen Xuan was teasing him very obviously, "Now it seems that I will be the first one at that time!"

"What's wrong? Are you very confident in yourself? Okay, if you can beat me now, then I will do whatever you ask me to do!" It seems that this man is really very confident.

As soon as these words came out, Chen Xuan was already very excited, "Okay, then I will defeat you today! By the way, I will tell you how to behave!"

"Come on! Metal, wood, water, fire, earth!" He called out, and five people of different colors appeared instantly, representing the five schools. Chen Xuan had never seen this move before. I suddenly became curious and wanted to fight with him.

"You five, help me kill that ghost in front of you!" The man gave the order, and the five of them immediately got ready to go. The precise number should not be five people, but five spiritual bodies!

"Come on, I'll be ready just in time!" Seeing that there were so many people on the other side, Chen Xuan summoned his own sword, Yin Yang Cutting Dawn.

The first thing to come out was the green wood. He could mobilize all the green leaves. With a wave of his hand, a green vine sprang out from the bottom of his feet and went straight to the person opposite.

Chen Xuan remained calm in the face of danger and responded calmly. Originally he was holding the sword in his right hand, but seeing this, he threw the sword from the air and continued to swing it gracefully with the sword in his left hand.

"Don't really fight him!" Yan Keyun reminded them when he saw that they were about to fight.

"We are here to stay in a hotel, not to lift other people's roofs." They did not want to make enemies. Others humiliated him but did not do anything to him. Just compete with each other.

Chen Xuan seized a moment and raised his hand to show that he understood.

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