"You bastard! You just know how to bring these useless things. Cover yourself! If you have the ability, do it yourself!"

In the chaotic battle, Chen Xuan still did not forget to attack the opponent's heart.

"I won't, I want them to help me beat you up!" That person was extremely shameless.

"I am an upright person, even in martial arts competitions. If I want to challenge someone, I have to attack him personally. How can I be like you?"

"What's the matter! I'm just a coward. As long as I can prevent myself from getting hurt, what's wrong with me?" The man's words were not completely unreasonable. Chen Xuan understood this, but since he was born in the world, he should abide by the rules of the world. His set of rules should be for minors who have no offensive power! It seems that this person is not uncompetitive. As long as he is provoked, he will definitely fight in person!

In that case, let me beat you five monsters to the ground first!

"Mu" spiritual body waved his hand, and the five spiritual bodies launched attacks together, and Chen Xuan instantly became a one-on-five situation. Everyone in the hotel was worried about him and felt that she was in danger, but only one person stood there calmly. Not worried about him at all. That is Yan Keyun.

Chen Xuan raised his sword and waved it in the air, leaving several afterimages. The five spiritual beings on the opposite side took out their own weapons——five scimitars.

"Tch! How can a mere scimitar do anything to me?"

Without thinking, he rushed into the group of five people and started a melee with them. A blue one rushed up, and he tried hard to fly the peas from his hands to the opponent. Chen Xuan would never give him a chance, and pressed his wrist with a sword. He couldn't blink. The two people's strength collided. Chen Xuan's sword was turned aside and passed to the side. Sure enough, the big man had his shortcomings, his reaction was slow! Chen Xuan seized the momentary opportunity and pointed his sword at the opponent's back. The blue monster instantly turned into a ball of blue smoke.

"Hahaha, it turns out it's not that difficult." After getting rid of one of them so quickly, Chen Xuan felt that his worries were completely unnecessary. After laughing, he came towards him again and solved the second one. The two of them struggled together and then hit each other. Chen Xuan took the opportunity to hit the other person with his arm on Sunday. The red monster immediately stung all over his body and fell. on the ground. He almost missed the guy's head. Everyone immediately spread out in a circle nearby to avoid being accidentally injured.

The third one immediately rushed up again. Chen Xuan still didn't know how to use his strength, so he smashed it into a ball of air. After beating it, he started to shout.

"How's it going? I've knocked down three of your five monsters. Why don't you do it yourself?"

The man remained indifferent and watched the show with the mentality of not taking action. But the people around him had seen Chen Xuan's strength and felt that the trouble maker just didn't dare to take action, so they all started whispering. He originally wanted to ignore it, but as he watched Chen Xuan defeat his spiritual body one after another, Lu Rao's discussion became louder and louder.

"Is his record all fake?"

"I don't know. I just know that he hasn't taken any action until now."

"This is normal. If it were me, I wouldn't do anything!"

"But how do you know that those things of his are real? What if he conjured them up to deceive us?"

The crowd's voice became louder and louder, and he finally couldn't sit still.

"Isn't it just a one-on-one challenge? Why don't you dare!" The troublemaker finally stood up!

"The power of the five elements! Rocks pierce the air!" With a cry, many sharp stones appeared out of thin air in his hand. One by one, they flew straight towards Chen Xuan.

"The power of reincarnation! Destroy the void!" Chen Xuan immediately responded. Two forces exploded in the air.

"That's pretty much it!" Chen Xuan forced him to finally take action, but he didn't follow the routine. He only used one big move, stopped using magic, and started fighting others with bare hands. Chen Xuan was a little surprised at first, but after he got used to the opponent's rhythm, he played more smoothly! He must work hard to control the rhythm in his own hands!

Then, Chen Xuan punched him, the two distanced themselves, turned around, drew his sword, and he finally controlled the rhythm!

Chen Xuan bent over and raised his head, his eyes were extremely tough, and there seemed to be cold light shooting out of them. One hand holds the yin and yang to cut off the dusk, and the other hand opens like a roc spreading its wings! Take three steps and make two steps at a time, leap forward. A sword hit the opponent's forehead directly! And that person was not an unknown person. He was surprisingly flexible. He leaned back at an incredible angle and easily dodged the blow. Chen Xuan relied on Guan Li to jump behind the opponent, and then immediately turned back to pick up the sword and continue. Strike at the opponent. This time he aimed at the opponent's feet, and he opened his feet to the extreme! As if making a split on the ground, he held an arrow in his front hand and swept it across the ground, flashing a cold light. The man who was so close had to jump forward.

Chen Xuan didn't expect that the weapon was also a sword. He took out the sword from his waist, held the sword in his right hand, and held the blade with his left hand. The sword immediately emitted his special cold energy, and he swung the sword from bottom to top. He made a gash in Chen Xuan's clothes. He had to back away.

"It seems you can do it, my friend! You are very capable!"

He didn't even give the other party a chance to breathe or answer. The sword was turned sideways and aimed at him again. Not to be outdone, the man raised his sword to resist, but was still forced back by Chen Xuan. The friction between the blade and the blade produced sparks, like New Year's firecrackers. After a stalemate for a while, the man couldn't resist, so he tried his best. The two swords flew open at once. After the negotiation, don’t forget to leave a harsh message to the other party.

"You're good too!"

Both men were doing backflips, constantly changing Peter's position. A group of people in the hotel were dazzled. Only Yan Keyun remained proud and motionless. Chen Xuan once again jumped up from the ground, aiming a sword straight at the opponent's forehead, like a plane diving downwards, with the mentality that he would win with one blow. And the man swung his sword from above again, then turned it parallel, and entangled him several times, entangled his sword,

Seeing that something was wrong, Chen Xuan immediately waved in the opposite direction and continued to rush forward with both feet. As expected, the man was a little scared and froze, giving Chen Xuan a chance, and Chen Xuan took the opportunity to draw out his sword. That person still doesn't give up. He planned to turn around and deal with Chen Xuan from behind again. This time, Chen Xuan didn't even look back. He jumped back on the spot and stuck his sword next to the man's heel.

The onlookers were dazzled by what they saw, and they all praised the two of them for their good swordsmanship and skills. A few of them, who knew the ropes, were satisfied with what they saw.

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