"How's it going? I've broken your weak spot! Now, you have ten thousand abilities and you can't even fight back." Chen Xuan held on to the sword stuck in the ground, and I didn't look back. He was so cool. . He is not particularly fair, and his skin is the color of healthy barley. His hair is a bit long, and is pulled back with a blue silk rope. There are almost no hair fragments in front of his forehead, and it is arranged very neatly. He was wearing a gray short coat, clean and neat, and at first glance he fit his age. Against the backdrop of the lights in the hotel lobby, he showed a youthful heroic spirit.

The instigator was defeated, but he still refused to give up!

"How is it possible! How could I lose!" He muttered in his mouth while looking at his ten fingers. After all, according to him, he has never had a failure experience in his life. No matter where it goes, ordinary people cannot defeat it with only these five spiritual bodies. I don't know what kind of evil was possessed today, but I met Chen Xuan. Not only did he easily defeat his five soldiers, but he also easily hit his Achilles' heel! impossible! Absolutely impossible! It was obviously them who humiliated me first, it was obvious they were wearing strange clothes, it was obviously they who insisted on fighting me! Once such thoughts come to mind, it is difficult to calm down.

Why do you think the child behaved like this at that time? Chen Xuan first asked Yan Keyun, "Obviously it was me who humiliated him again. You were walking on the street in strange clothes, and then I had to ask him to do it. From the perspective of outsiders, it is our fault whatever happens?"

"Stop pretending there! Don't you understand these truths! You have to pretend to be innocent with me here!" Yan Keyun could no longer dislike him! Although he is five or six years older than him, he knows this child's character very well! It is absolutely impossible for anyone to be more transparent than him! As for the few mindless questions he asked just now, there was no need to think about them. He himself humiliated the other person, but he only called the other person "Shopkeeper". He himself was wearing fancy clothes, but as long as he didn't hurt others, what's the problem with wearing something? There are others who insist on taking action first, but no matter who it is, he is indifferent. It seems that it is a very unethical thing for a teenager to do something, but he also knows that in this world, you must abide by the rules of the world. If you don't abide by the rules, then you really don't want to come. .

Based on the above reasons, Chen Xuan also dislikes this child! It's not just disgust, it's more disgust. So his voice was very unpleasant and he gave the child a beating.

"You should stop chattering here! You are not as old as us, so it is normal for you to be defeated by us."

Is this really a child? Why do I sound like I'm comforting you? Chen Xuan was very confused about this question.

"And didn't your dad teach you? If someone makes a mistake, you just need to apologize. You don't have to go to war with others."

But the child couldn't listen, and kept crying and being unreasonable.

"I don't care! You were the one who hit me first."

"Do you know that beating me to tears will have serious consequences?"

"Do you know who my father is? My father can send you to the West with just one slap."

"I, you kid! If you continue to be unreasonable, don't blame us for being rude to you." Chen Xuan also had limits to his patience.

"Who is quarreling here?" The voice of a lifelong veteran interrupted their quarrel.

"The three of them turned around at the same time and saw an old man wearing a black mandarin jacket with some white hair. He was holding a walking stick in his hand, but he didn't look weak. After taking a closer look, they realized that the stick was really made of a special material. Yes, Chen Xuan observed it carefully and found that it should not only have the function of walking, but also a highly lethal weapon.

Who on earth would use such a sophisticated weapon? Why is he here? Why did everyone go silent when they heard his voice?

All these questions were stopped because of a call. Chen Xuan clearly heard that the man who had just fought with him called this old man



"Why are you quarreling here?" The old man should have already understood the situation, and he didn't expect much from the answer.

"My father is like this. The two of them wanted to stay in the hotel, but they thought I was Ling Er. I was already very angry inside. However, this man in strange clothes also winked at me. I didn't want to fight with them and summoned me. The five spiritual bodies, horses, were in the combination area, but this man kept teasing me, flirting with me, and constantly wanted to fight me, and threatened me with a sword. I finally had no choice but to fight with them. , who knew they would go straight to my Achilles’ heel and almost cut off my heel!”

"He lied..." Yan Keyun just opened his lips and was about to refute when he was pulled away by Chen Xuan, and then Chen Xuan stood up himself

He first saluted the old gentleman in a decent manner.

"I, Chen Xuan, have met the old gentleman. I dare to ask him his name."

The person who started the trouble just now looked at his father expectantly. He originally thought that his father would be able to vindicate him, but he didn't expect that her father's reaction would be so unexpected.

"Old Ge Hua, this is Quan Zi Ge Gen. Looking at what happened just now, Quan Zi must have had a dispute with you. Lao Jiu, I hereby apologize to you and sincerely invite you to our store!"

What, is this his shop?

Chen Xuanyan Keyun, the two looked at each other in disbelief, a little unbelievable that the person he was fighting just now was actually the shopkeeper's son! But when I think about it carefully, I don’t think it’s strange. Since this person dared to do something in the lobby of the hotel, then either he is very rich, or he can afford the compensation. It seems that this child is a third party, that is, he is an open person. Cheating people!

But isn’t the situation in front of me too strange? His son was bullied. As a father, not only did he not vent his anger on his son's behalf, but he also invited these people who bullied his son to stay in his store. Why?

"To be courteous for nothing is to be either treacherous or deceitful." Chen Xuan took a look at Yan Keyun and asked for her opinion.

"I don't think so," Yan Keyun suggested the opposite idea. "This kind of thing is very common where we live."

"You had a dispute with Zhang Gui's son, and the other party sincerely invited you to stay at the hotel?" Chen Xuan really couldn't believe it, he simply thought he was talking nonsense. "Yan Keyun, where are you from? How come you have everything there?”

"It's true!" Yan Keyun's face was full of disgust.

"In our area, if a dispute like this is caused by one thing, everyone will take it for granted in the end, so they will return to normal life in the end. It's not surprising that I ask you to stay in the hotel!" After that, he continued Returning to normal, he added, "Besides, this may be because of the boss, in order to compensate for the debt his son caused to you! Because after all, it was his son who wanted to do it. As an old man, he must understand more!"

"You make sense..." Chen Xuan was a little convinced. "If it's really because his father understands the truth and wants to apologize to us, then it's not impossible!"

"Of course it's possible!"

"But I always feel something is a little strange, and I feel uneasy. You have to know, this is not your home after all!"

"It doesn't matter, just once!" Yan Keyun still insisted on his opinion. He looked at Chen Xuan very sincerely with his big eyes, his eyelids flickering, making people feel irresistible.

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