"Sir, am I really unwilling to do anything with you!" Chen Xuan knew her own strength. If he really did it this time, the other person's life might not be guaranteed! Of course, she couldn't let the master of the Siren clan next to him take action. He had seen his strength on that full moon night! Once he takes action, it will definitely be many times worse than him, and it is very likely that the whole place will be overturned. What can be done? He couldn't do it himself, and he couldn't let others do it. He could only let others scold her and then get anxious. This feeling was extremely unpleasant!

"Calm down, calm down, I want to calm down!" He even kept looking at Yan Keyun, constantly reminding himself that I am a quality person! The man in blue clothes in front of me is a quality person. I want to learn from him! So the expressions of the two of them were very ferocious.

"You two gentlemen, did someone make you unhappy?"

"No, no, sir, you misunderstood." The two people immediately forced a smile, but he looked more like a fake smile.

The old man looked at their faces decently, and then nodded, as if he was a little satisfied.

"It seems that someone has offended you. Let me help you get revenge." Without saying a word, he waved his staff and attacked the man next to him.

What the man didn't expect was that the old man had such a high ability that he couldn't resist and had to be beaten. The beating didn't count, he just scolded others with less swear words, so the old man would pay back some of it! As a result, he was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

"Let you be arrogant, let you be arrogant and domineering, let you be full of swear words! Do you know who you are provoking? If you dare to offend him again, next time you shop in my store, I will not give you a discount!" The old man They beat the man wildly. From this, it seemed that the old man's combat effectiveness was still very high, which also confirmed their original thinking. The walking stick was really not a walking stick, but a weapon.

"It's a shame it didn't fall on me." Chen Xuan sighed at Yan Keyun. Yan Keyun's brows knitted together and he looked at the old man intently, observing her movements carefully.

"His kung fu should be pretty good!"

"Why is he helping us?"

"I have no idea."

"Do you think there's any fraud here?"

"Not yet, it depends on how he explains it."

Before the opera started, the old man stopped beating. The man just now had already been beaten to a bruised nose and face. He was no longer in the mood to watch the opera and it was too late to run away.

The old man looked at his running back and angrily said, "You young people will no longer pay attention to politeness!" It seemed that the person who had been scolded just now was not someone else but himself.

He turned his head and showed a very sorry expression.

"I'm really sorry. Some of the people in our city are of relatively low quality, disturbing you two."

"It's okay, it's okay." The two of them really didn't want to argue with him anymore, so they waved their hands and let it go.

The drama started, and it was a very boring drama. The two of them fought back their sleepiness to watch it. It was nothing more than a father's kindness and his son's filial piety, foolish loyalty, foolish filial piety, etc. The two of them were very speechless. Finally reaching the end, they wanted to go out and relax by themselves, but unexpectedly the old man followed them again.

"Looking at your expressions just now, I know you didn't listen well!" He still had an apologetic and venomous expression, which made people want to hit him very much, but they didn't know how to do it. After all, they couldn't reach out. Hit the smiley guy.

"Let's do this!" He seemed to suddenly think of something good. "I see that you two are both martial arts practitioners. Why not go to our civil and martial arts field to have a look? I'm sure you will be satisfied!"

Maybe for people like them, that was indeed a good choice, so the three of them set off and rushed to the martial arts field.

In the afternoon, they finally arrived at Chuanzhong's martial arts field!

But you are not a place with a large area. It has all kinds of weapons and horses, and there are also dedicated warriors for training and play. Maybe this is the most suitable place for him!

"Masters, what do you think of this place?"

"This place is not bad. Can you find someone to ask us to practice?" Chen Xuan became curious about this place.

For him, force is indeed more attractive.

"I won't come!" Yan Keyun looked at Chen Xuan, who insisted on dragging him into the game, "I'd better stay and watch out for them!"

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