Chen Xuan followed the old man and walked in.

"Sir, regarding martial arts, you should ask a professional teacher to practice with you! I am nearly 60 years old, and I am afraid that my old bones can no longer move." So he invited a martial arts teacher. "This is our most famous master, Lao Li. She is not only good at martial arts, but also has good character. She is truly virtuous and artistic! Yesterday I specially invited her to come here just to learn from you."

"Okay, okay, I understand, thank you!" Chen Xuan originally wanted to chat with the gentlemen himself, but he didn't expect that the old man kept interrupting him. Now it's over, and it's finally his turn.

The old man didn't say anything more to him, turned around and left, and said hello to Yan Keyun when he left.

Chen Xuan then stepped forward to talk to the warrior.

"Hello, I am Chen Xuan. May I ask your name?"

The man seemed to be very polite. He clasped his hands together and bowed to him. "Hello, my name is not important! Just know that I am a warrior! Sir, do you want to practice your skills? I can accompany you!"

It was the first time that Chen Xuan saw someone unwilling to tell his name, but forget it. Since the other person didn't want to, she didn't ask any more questions. After all, the two of them might only have this one friendship, so why embarrass others. So, he started fighting with the master.

"The power of reincarnation! Reincarnation fist!" The master was also unambiguous.

"Earth! The mountains collapsed and the ground cracked!" The two forces collided with each other in an instant, setting off a huge aura, a circular aura circle, blowing yellow sand all over the field.

"Master, you have great kung fu!" Chen Xuan didn't expect that the other party could catch his blink.

"Brother, you are not bad!"

The first round was actually not bad, but in the next two rounds, the master obviously couldn't catch it, so Chen Xuan had to stop immediately to avoid really hurting innocent people. I was still very puzzled in my heart. "Is this the level of the master of the famous fighting field?" Forget it, let her go. Since she is not good at fighting, let's not fight. Chen Xuan thought, just chat with him and leave. It's a good time to learn about this strange and dangerous old man from the locals! "Master, can I ask you about someone?" "Oh? Who?" Your master seemed to be particularly interested, his eyes turned, and the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously. Chen Xuan looked at him and felt a little strange, but there was no way. She was unfamiliar with the place and could only rely on asking. "The old man who kissed grandma just now seems to be highly respected!" "Oh! Yours is him! He..." This master didn't seem to be able to organize language. When the words came to his lips, he felt that he shouldn't say "He is a famous businessman of this generation, and he not only does business, but also likes to do charity. Of course, his martial arts are also amazing! Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to gain a foothold in this generation!" "Do charity?" This is the first time Chen Xuan heard it. In such a place where the weak are the prey of the weak, do charity for whom? Anyone who can come to this world is no longer an ordinary person. Even if he is begging on the ground, he will never accept charity like this!

"Ah... right, right, right! Look, brother, although there are many strong people in this world, there are some people who cannot adapt to this world. There are also many beggars on the streets! So Mr. Ge is doing charity for these people!" He sat down and looked like he was going to have a good chat.

"I haven't known that old man for a long time. We met in the martial arts field. People who practice martial arts, of course, have one thing. I don't think she is a complicated person, so I started to interact with her. Although she usually does things a little strangely, she is still very kind! I can guarantee this..."

The warrior just talked slowly by himself, how she met the old man, how the old man helped her, how kind she was, her words seemed to flow like water, very natural, and she thought of something.

Chen Xuan was listening on the side, and slowly, he felt that he seemed to have misunderstood the other party again. Since it is a comment by others, it is also somewhat credible! I have been suspicious for a long time, and it seems that I am mentally ill!

Knowing what he wants to know, and seeing that it is already afternoon, Chen Xuan stood up and said goodbye to the man. The man did not keep him and sent him away very enthusiastically!

"I have had enough fun, let's go!" Chen Xuan found Yan Keyun who had been waiting for him for a long time, and the two walked out of the martial arts field together.

"What did you talk about? Is that old man a good person?"

"He should be a good person. I think everyone in this martial arts field is like this."

"Are you sure? I think there seems to be only that one person!"

"Of course it's because others don't want to come around! If you don't believe it, I'll pull one to ask!"

He really did it! Just at this time, a person passed by, who should also be practicing martial arts, and wore the same clothes as him, so he planned to pull him over

"Hello, brother! I am Chen Xuan, and I have something to ask you!"

He used the most common courtesy of ordinary people, but the man seemed unwilling to pay attention to him. He glanced at him and still didn't answer.

"Hello?" Chen Xuan asked again. The man still disliked him very much. "Why don't you pay attention to me?" Chen Xuan was completely confused. This man was just making trouble for no reason! "Please leave." The man's tone was cold. "..." Chen Xuan was speechless...

"Why are you so cold to me?"

"I'll do it! I don't want to talk to you! Do you want me to do it again?" The man suddenly became emotional.

"My uncle, why are you so excited? I am asking you questions calmly!"

"I repeat, I don't want to talk to you! Do you understand?" The uncle didn't show any kindness at all and simply yelled at her.

Chen Xuan himself didn't know what was going on. He turned around and left angrily. He walked next to Yan Keyun and was still wondering, "Why are you and other people in this city so unqualified? You've been so angry the last few days." !”

"What are you two whispering behind your back?" It seems that your uncle heard what you just said.

"You foreigners, please stop judging us, especially people like you!"

Someone like me? Chen Xuan would be even more surprised.

"What's wrong with me, uncle? Didn't I just have a fight with someone else? And I didn't do it myself! Are you people so xenophobic?" This time he didn't want to endure it anymore. Others were doing it for no reason. He scolded himself, said a lot of bad things about himself, and accused himself of a lot of unfounded charges. Who wouldn’t be angry if he was put on it? He's about to explode now, okay?

"Are you all not good people? Look at your words!" The uncle was also annoyed by him. "If you know what's going on, you'd better get away! The further away from us, the better!"

"Damn!" Chen Xuan cursed and walked forward with his long legs, carrying a murderous aura.

"Uncle, we just want to have a good chat with you, why are you scolding us?"

"What's the matter? You still want to fight? I'm scolding you for being such a melon."

The uncle's momentum was getting higher and higher.

"Fight? Just fight. Who is afraid of you?"

The two people started to fight without saying anything. Sometimes, the conflict is as simple as that.

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