"Since the decision has been made, there is no need to say more!" Chen Xuan was immediately ready to take action

"We disdain your conflicts, but you are always messing around, so don't blame me for offending you! Today I will let you see how powerful I am!"

"Nonsense, you bastard! It's not certain who has beaten whom!"

After finishing that sentence, cross your hands, spread your palms, and place them on your chest to prepare for the rhythm of exercise.

Chen Xuan was also about to start practicing his skills. He pulled his hand from bottom to top, and a blue-purple stream of light appeared in the air. It was the light emitted by his magic power. He brewed it here for a while, making the magic light change. He got bigger, and then waved his hand again, and the light was thrown out of his hand.

"The power of reincarnation! Destroy the void!" With a cry, a big move was released!

"Okay, come on!" You thought that the uncle did not use magic to attack, but summoned his own sword, and swung the sword and smashed the big magic ball into pieces in the air.

The knife is also very beautiful. The black blade is shining with ink-colored light, as if it is the water of a black pool, and it has its own coolness. It is cold during the day, and the snow-white blade shows a very sharp reflection. Just look at it and you’ll know it’s extremely sharp!

"It is indeed a good knife!" Chen Xuan did not hesitate to praise the excellent weapon!

"Shut your mouth, my sword doesn't need your praise!" It seems that this uncle really hates these foreigners.

"You, uncle, really don't want to deal with it. If you have the ability, take another move from me!"

"Power of Reincarnation! Extermination of the Void" is the same move again, but this time it takes longer to brew, and the power of the banishment is greater and the scope is wider. A blue and black magic circle spread out in the air, and black magic particles filled the air. Ordinary people would be frightened immediately after seeing it. Isn't this what he practices?

But although the uncle was a little scared, he was more contemptuous, and his eyes were full of disdain, as if their powerful skills were very common here.

"Insect skills! I can't scare your uncle!" The uncle continued to wave his sword.

"Earth Demon Dance!" The uncle used a set of knife skills. He held the knife in his right hand and waved a semicircle from the air. Finally, the tip of the knife was facing down, and he jumped up from the ground again. He held the knife in his right hand and drew in the air. The spiral was followed by bursts of black sword light, which was very dazzling and eye-catching. The last blow drew a big U-shape in the air, and a flash of black light suddenly appeared from the air. Flying towards that big cloud of black smoke, you suddenly opened a hole in the black smoke. Your smoke seemed to have no backbone and began to retreat into the air. The uncle then slashed a few more times, The black fresh air was slashed out from the air one after another, changing the original air flow and air pressure. The gray smoke had to change its direction, and finally disappeared into the air and was digested by the air. Chen Xuan painstakingly planned such a big move, but he resolved it just like that. Although it seems simple, Chen Xuan knows that it is not easy to do this! He clearly saw the way the shoiki cut through the airflow one by one. She had to give him a thumbs up in her heart. After clicking likes, get back to work.

"Since sir likes to use weapons so much, let me use them too!"

His yin and yang cut off the dawn is really different! If you work hard and make a move, the opponent will be defeated.

"How is it? Sir, are you convinced now?"

"Hmph!" Even though the gentleman was beaten to the ground, he had a proud face. Chen Xuan didn't know where he got his confidence.

"For people like you, even if you defeat me, there will be no good results!" The uncle said a word and turned around to leave.

Chen Xuan was left alone doubting life. Yan Keyun walked over and patted him on the shoulder.

"Maybe he recognized the wrong person!" He said lightly, but I don't know if there is any basis for it.

After a while, the old man Ge came back again. When he came back, he had a bloody smile. Chen Xuan simply hated this smile.

"Did you guys have a good time?" she asked solicitously.

"It's time to have fun, I just have one thing to ask you."

"What's the matter? Please tell me!"

"I met someone when I just went out. He seemed to dislike me very much and even got into a fight with me. She looked like she was also from this scene, and she was still scolding their boss! What's wrong? I Does it look like him?"

"Oh, so that's what happened!" The old man thought for a moment and replied, "Because this place is quite special, so all gangs have connections, and it's normal for the relationships to be a bit chaotic!"

"Then which sect do you belong to?"

"Of course we are the same as the person who was playing with you just now!"

Chen Xuan, now he realizes that this is a normal phenomenon here. What the man said just now is true. This old man is really a good person!

"You two gentlemen, look it's almost dinner time again, why don't we go eat!"

It was indeed time to eat now, and he had just had two fights, so he was really hungry. Since the person just now was fine with him, he should be a good person! Chen Xuan no longer wanted to leave with him, Yan Keyun followed behind.

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