"Master, we have prepared food for you. Do you want to come and eat?" It was that old man Ge's voice again. And he was carrying a basket of delicious food.

Chen Xuan originally had a little doubt, but after just now, all his doubts were eliminated——Of course, no matter who he is, he was scolded for no reason on the street, and then he was rescued. Can it be eliminated? Chen Xuan is such a case, so now she has no doubts about the old man and his family, and communicates with them openly.

On the contrary, Yan Keyun is a little redundant now.

"Come and eat with us!" Chen Xuan invited him for the third time.

"No, you can eat, I'm not hungry!" Yan Keyun was sitting alone by the wall next to him, holding the wine he bought himself.

"My Sands tastes better." She seemed to be talking to herself.

Since he was like this, Chen Xuan had no choice but to give the old man face and take him out to eat, so he had to eat by himself and then take him with him.

But to be honest, the food prepared by the old man was indeed delicious. Although there were only two dishes, they were exquisite and delicate. Chen Xuan ate half of the first dish in one go. Then he suddenly stopped and looked at the one beside the wall. person drinking alone

"How about I chat with her for a while!"

But by the time he reacted, there was not much left of the first portion.

Old Man Ge was very pleased to see him gobbling up the food.

"Master, eat slowly and don't choke!"

"Yan Keyun, why don't you come and have some? It's really delicious. I've tried both portions and there's nothing wrong with it!"

Yan Keyun looked at him, his brows still knitted together. Chen Xuan, of course, knew what he meant. "Don't worry, I have tasted every dish without any problems, but I finished the last dish. Otherwise, Would you like to try this dish? I’ll ask the old man to bring you some more rice! This dish is also very good, and it’s very delicious!”

Yan Keyun finally refused. After all, he didn't know if there was poison in the rice! Finally, with Chen Xuan's persuasion, he only ate the remaining half of the food in the bowl! The taste is really good, and I didn’t have any reaction after eating it.

"Okay, now that we have eaten, would you two gentlemen go back to your room and rest?"

"No, thank you. I'll take her out to eat something else!" Chen Xuan declined lightly.

The old man showed his signature smile again, as if he was very happy, "Okay, okay, it's a blessing to be able to eat. Forget it if you don't sleep! You need to eat more outside! This time is right outside." Food! Everything is delicious!”

"Okay, uncle, we got it!" Chen Xuan still hated him for talking nonsense like this, so he picked up her good friend and left, quickly escaping from this place of right and wrong, and took him to have lunch!

The sun at noon was very poisonous and hot. Halfway through, Yan Keyun couldn't bear it anymore.

"Chen Xuan, do you think it's very hot today?"

"No, I think it's fine! Is it because you haven't eaten and have low blood sugar?"

"Are you kidding me? Who of us can have hypoglycemia?"

"That's true. I've never seen you feel uncomfortable before. Are you acclimated this time?"

"I don't know. I just feel dizzy. It's so hot here and I'm sweating a lot."

"How about we find a place to sit for a while." Chen Xuan, seeing that her condition was getting worse, decided to take a rest first.

The two of them found a tavern to sit down, and Chen Xuan very thoughtfully prepared a pack of ice cubes for him, specifically for her to cool down.

But this seemed to be of no use. After a while, Yan Keyun began to feel uncomfortable in his abdomen again, and he lay on the table uncomfortably.

"Is there really something wrong with the rice?" Chen Xuan muttered to himself. But this is unreasonable. He obviously ate too, and ate a lot. If something happens, she must do it first!

So he stayed with Yan Keyun later to see if he could get better.

However, Yan Keyun was really uncomfortable now. He was sweating a lot, his clothes were soaked, his forehead became a little cold because of the beads of sweat, and his stomach was churning with tearing pain. He had to keep covering it with his hands. The pain made his blood-colored face turn pale. His brows knitted together slightly and his lips parted slightly, exposing his upper teeth, which was a sign of pain.

"Are you feeling bad now? Do you want something hot to drink?"

Yan Keyun took a breath and waved his hands. The man's dignity made him feel that he should hold on for a while, but he was really getting more and more uncomfortable. The pain in his stomach continued to intensify, and the sweat on his head continued. He couldn't help but hold his cheek with his hand. He began to exhale slowly, and the hand pressing his stomach became harder and harder.

Five minutes passed like this...

Yan Keyun finally raised his head, his face already a little pale, "How about we go find the doctor?"

"Looking for a doctor? Is it really that serious?" Chen Xuan looked at Yan Keyun with a look of disbelief on his face, but he didn't think much about it, "Let's go, can you still move around?"

"Okay." Yan Keyun immediately stood up, holding his stomach, but he did have some trouble.

"You... why don't you let me help you!" Chen Xuan didn't say anything, just picked him up and walked away, even with some bumps.

He should know where Lang Zheng is. In every city, there is only one place where he can be found!

A garbage dump next to a busy road! Because there are more people there and there are more beggars, and because it is the most prosperous place, it is easy to receive customers, and at the same time, it can save lives and heal the wounded, save all sentient beings, and accumulate some merit for themselves, so most of the doctors choose to go there. And they were in the busiest street, so the distance shouldn't be far.

"Follow me!" Chen Xuan picked up Yan Keyun and left, although he had to walk a little slower to accommodate him.

Yan Keyun's abdominal pain has not stopped. He is now a little exhausted from the pain. Most of the weight is shared by Chen Xuan. The sweat on his forehead hangs on his eyelashes, making his eyes a little blurry. He feels that his head is The sun above is simply a furnace! After walking like this for a few more steps, he grabbed Chen Xuan and refused to go any further.

"What's wrong? We'll be here soon."


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