She felt like there were two big light bulbs in her eyes, and it hurt no matter how she looked. The feeling of her limbs had not yet recovered, and her fingers were numb. He moved his body a little with great difficulty.

"You are still very weak now. Today's recovery of energy is only temporary. Doctor, your illness will not be cured for more than ten and a half months."

"I know, I know that getting rid of illness is like pulling out a thread!" His voice was full of breath.

"It's not as simple as pulling out a thread!" Chen Xuan didn't know why, and suddenly wanted to scold him, "The old doctor told me that if you had been sick for a little longer, I'm afraid you would really be incurable! Do you know how serious the poison you have is?" Chen Xuan couldn't imagine it. She didn't know what the consequences would be if she had allowed Yan Keyun to come over by himself, or if he ran slower.

Yan Keyun knew what she was angry about, and didn't argue with him much, and responded to him very meekly.

"In short, you should take care of your body first, and the rest will be another way!"

Chen Xuan helped him point out the world with a powerful and powerful attitude. As if his words were useful.

But after she said that, Yan Keyun felt uncomfortable again, as if he was reminded again. He quickly lay down and huddled in the quilt. He didn't know if it was a psychological effect, but this time he felt that the quilt was warm, the bed was warm, and it was soft to lie on it.

"So what are we going to do next?" He covered his head in the quilt and asked him sullenly.

"What should we do? The doctor needs to give you a fax, so I can't leave for the time being."

"Doesn't that give the old man a chance to escape?" Yan Keyun stuck his head out again.

"It's okay, let him go for now! I didn't expect this old man to be more vicious than his child! He was so cruel!"

"I have always felt that he has a problem. You have been blinded by him, okay?"

On the other side, when he learned that the two people were going out to find food, he was so happy in his heart, but in order to play a good role, he didn't laugh out loud. After the two people left, he immediately got up and left the current place to reunite with his son. He probably didn't expect that the two were still alive. In his plan, the two should have been poisoned to death at the same time, and they had no power to save themselves. Then when they crawled to the doctor, it was probably too late for the best treatment, and it was only a matter of time before they died! So now, that old man Ge has already escaped.

"So, did I blame that person yesterday?"

Chen Xuan seemed to have realized something.

"I think so."

"But I haven't been to that person yet."

Yan Keyun didn't say anything more, and there was no need to say more, as they both knew it.

"So do you think I should apologize to them?"

Yan Keyun nodded.

"I think so, so let's do it tomorrow."

"What time is it?" Yan Keyun's memory only had the scene of her fainting on the road this afternoon, and the time when he vaguely felt that Chen Xuan was guiding him, which made him almost cry in pain. He didn't remember what happened afterwards.

"It's already evening, and it's almost time for dinner, so I'll stay here to watch you for the night, and go out to do some work tomorrow!"

"Thank you," he answered hoarsely. Chen Xuan felt a little embarrassed. His friend was sick, and he had to take care of him. Isn't this the most normal thing?

After the two finished talking, they sat in silence. Chen Xuan suddenly thought of a question.

"Keyun, why am I fine?" It seemed like a question, but also like a complaint.

"I ate all that dish!"

"Puff..." Yan Keyun wanted to laugh, but she was weak now, so she could only let her nose resonate and make a cat-like sound.

"What kind of magic do you practice? Don't you know?"

After he reminded him, Chen Xuan remembered that he practiced the way of reincarnation and the body of death, so he was almost immune to all poisons! It didn't matter how many more dishes he ate. Instead, he brought the other party to suffer with him! Chen Xuan felt it necessary to compensate him to make up for his stupidity.

That night, he bought a lot of delicious food for Yan Keyun. He didn't have lunch in the first place, and he was injured so badly, so he had to have a good dinner!

After dinner, Chen Xuan went to the door the next day to apologize for the person and the incident yesterday.

Actually, she went to the door, but she didn't know where to find him. She waited in the martial arts field for a whole morning, and finally met the person from yesterday at a door.

That person also saw her, and left without looking back after seeing him, and didn't even want to give him a white eye. Obviously still angry!

"Uncle, please wait a minute" Chen Xuan wanted to stop him again, but it was not that easy. He had a fight with someone yesterday, and was deeply misunderstood by others before the fight, and he didn't save face for the other party yesterday. It was already very good to be able to talk to him today.

Of course, so far, they have nothing to say!

It was all the old man's trick! Chen Xuan got angry when he thought about it. This old man was so treacherous, one, two, three, all bought by him! In the end, he made himself go around in circles! He offended a really good person and pitted himself!

"Uncle, please listen to my explanation!"

The uncle didn't want to pay any attention to him. After all, he changed direction again, obviously avoiding him.

"Uncle, I didn't understand the situation yesterday!"

The uncle was so angry that he stamped his foot and refused to pay attention to him at all. However, he still persisted and pestered him endlessly.

"Uncle, what happened yesterday was indeed my fault. I'm here to apologize to you!"

Unexpectedly, the uncle became even more angry after hearing this. He broke the bamboo pole in his hand, threw it down and left!

"Uncle, don't be angry. What happened yesterday was indeed my fault!" Chen Xuan had no choice but to chase after him. Explain to others.

"Yesterday, I was blind and mistakenly thought that you were a bad guy and the other party was a good guy!"

"But I don't know something."

Chen Xuan decided to use his love to move people this time, so he began to persuade him to make peace and seek knowledge.

"Uncle, I'm serious. I'm a young newcomer. I've just arrived and I don't know anything about this city."

"Just a few days ago, I had a fight with that old kid."

"Of course, I didn't start the fight first. I just thought of him as Ling Er..."

"Unexpectedly, the child kept pestering me and had a fight. The two of us had a very bad fight."

The uncle was a little impatient and kept his head buried in these lies as he walked forward alone.

Chen Xuan was in hot pursuit, and he had to follow until he hit the wall or looked back.

"Uncle, please listen to my explanation. Later, the old man came out to seek justice. He read a lot to us and let us stay in the best hotel."

Uncle, I seem to be a little curious after hearing this.

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