We thought it was strange that he was really such an uncle, but he had to apologize to us, so we had to accept it. "

"Then the next day we meet you!"

"Oh yes, I also forgot about that. The person we fought with this morning was also the person who took us to play."

"I thought he was a good person, but when my friend was injured, I realized he was a bad person."

Hearing that Chen Xuan's friend was injured, the uncle finally stopped.

"I really didn't lie to you this time. We both ate the food he gave me. However, because of my special constitution, I was unscathed, but he was deeply poisoned and needed to be transported with vitality."

After hearing this, the uncle finally spoke.

"So you've been chasing me all this way. Why?"

"Actually, I came here just to apologize to you! My friend, we wrongly blamed you! It's all our fault!"

"Oh, so I'm here to apologize!" The uncle pursed his lips, thinking, and raised his eyebrows. After thinking for a while, he spoke

"If you want to apologize, you can, but you and I are martial arts practitioners after all, so let's see what happens in the martial arts field!"

"You want to fight with me?" Chen Xuan felt very strange. She was defeated by him just yesterday.

"What's wrong? Isn't it possible? Or do you look down on me?" The uncle looked serious.

"Don't dare, don't dare, how dare I? I'm here to apologize to you, how dare I look down on you?" Chen Xuan immediately explained respectfully.

"Son, don't let me do it this time! Let's have a fair fight! If you make me feel better, I'll forgive you!"

It turns out to be such a routine! Chen Xuan finally understood now.

"Okay, uncle, I guarantee your satisfaction!"

"In that case, there's no need for more, let's do it!"

Then, the uncle summoned his big knife.

"In that case, let me use weapons too!" Chen Xuan then summoned its Yin-Yang Cutting Dawn.

"That's right, this is indeed a good sword!"

"I accepted, thank you for the compliment!"

The two men began to prepare, and through each other's eyes, one could see the increasingly intense murderous intent. Only by not leaving any way for the opponent to fall back is the best respect for him. Everyone in Xiwu understands this.

Chen Xuan was the first to strike, and with a backhand, he pulled out his sword.

I didn't expect that the uncle was more skilled than him, since he could also use hidden weapons! He didn't pay attention to you at all. Suddenly, an iron piece flew out of the other person's mouth. It was golden and covered with venom. It wasn't until she flew toward his eyes that Chen Xuan raised his head and perfectly dodged it. He, he didn't stick it in Rao's face, but instead stuck it on the pillar of the martial arts field. Leave a deep mark.

Chen Xuan followed the hidden weapon with his eyes. When he turned around, he saw that the opponent's sword was already close to his eyebrows. It was definitely too late to use the D position of the sword now. The radius of the sword was too large and it would take time to use it, so he retracted the sword decisively. He got up, threw it into the air, and caught it with both hands. The other hand sat and circled along the sword that the opponent was attacking, and finally distanced himself. Chen Xuan immediately counterattacked and passed with one sword. , gave someone else a slap, and that one was forcefully held by the uncle. He sat on the spot and spun a few times, then continued to retreat. Chen Xuan seized the opportunity and immediately counterattacked. The uncle grabbed his own palm. Hair, if he hadn't reacted quickly, he would have lost it!

How dare you damage your body, hair and skin, which you receive from your parents!

"You are indeed filial!" Before Chen Xuan could finish his words of praise, he didn't expect that your uncle would pull out a hidden weapon from his hair! It's the ribbon that ties her hair!

This kind of thing can actually be used to hurt people? Chen Xuan's world view was once again refreshed.

Sure enough, the uncle did not disappoint him. He held his hands in the air for a while, and the ribbon flew out from between him as if it were on a string, and it was straight all the way, without any bends! As soon as Chen Xuan turned his head, he dodged the blow!

This time, he will never give the opponent a chance to counterattack! When he inserted the Yin Yang Jiu Xiaoxiao into the ground, he was ready to make a move. It’s fast to eat!

He picked up the sword and ran forward, with the sword tip causing many sparks on the ground! Along with the flying sand and rocks along the way

The old man was extra calm this time. Seeing that the other party had already rushed in front of him, he stood up and jumped, put the sword on his head, and was about to slash at him. He dodged lightly and bent down to avoid it. This blow! Chen Xuan was no longer polite and swept out an arc from the ground. The uncle went deep and did a few backflips to get out of his attack range. Chen Xuan threw the sword out at once this time. The sword flew directly towards the opponent, less than half a meter away from the ground. However, the uncle didn't even look at it. He continued to backflip and passed over the sword. The sword Sweeping all the way, I encountered a stone, and actually chipped off a piece of it!

The uncle also walked behind Chen Xuan with the knife. Chen Xuan didn't even know how he moved here! Just when he was about to fight back, he used the same move again, a knife implanted between his eyebrows, but this time he used Yin Yang Cutting Dawn as a defense. The two weapons, the tip of the knife and the tip of the sword, collided, forcing out swords of different colors. gas! This is the time to show off your true abilities!

If Yourao's basic skills are a little weak and his luck in internal skills is a little unstable, he will be eliminated! However, the two of them persisted for more than a minute and could not come to an end. Chen Xuan broke the deadlock with a clever move! But you pushed the uncle's knife straight to his throat. He turned around, took it with his back hand, and used both wrists to change the direction of the knife from behind. When the whole thing was rotated back, the knife was back in the uncle's hand! But he himself was not injured at all!

The uncle did not dare to relax and continued to attack. Whether it was a sweep or an upward attack, he was no problem. However, Chen Xuan used this increase to unexpectedly close the distance with him. The uncle had not yet After reacting, she was thinking about adjusting the angle of the knife, but Chen Xuan was already thrusting it right into her throat! But this time he was very polite. He didn't use a sword, but his wrist. He hit the uncle's neck with one wrist, and she lost oxygen for a moment. The other wrist took the hand out of his hand before he could breathe. He grabbed the knife and slapped her on the chest again!

The strength of that palm seemed to be very strong, and the uncle's pupils opened instantly. He had already understood the mystery of this palm.

Chen Xuan then added another chapter. This time, the uncle was completely bounced away and flew out for several seconds, lying on the ground.

"How's it going, uncle? Is it okay to hit me this time?"

The uncle got up from the ground. Even though he seemed to be seriously injured, he actually didn't have much strength. Both of them were able to reach the point.

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