Not bad, not bad, you! Although the misunderstanding was very deep before, after this time, I found that you are a very real person! During the competition, no matter how I used hidden weapons, you were indifferent, and always used fair and aboveboard methods! I didn't believe it at first, but after seeing your kung fu, I believe it now! In fact, kung fu is like being a person. When you fight, you are fair and aboveboard, and you are also fair and aboveboard when you are a person! Now uncle believes you! "

Watching the uncle talk so much, Chen Xuan was flattered, but he felt at ease! He obviously changed other people's views of him through his own efforts, and he was not wrong at all. Both of them were deliberately arranged by someone with ulterior motives.

In this case, the uncle accepted his apology.

"Since the competition is over, uncle, you have accepted my apology, then I won't stay for long. My friend is still sick and I need to go back to take care of him!"

This time, the uncle was very enthusiastic "Is your friend poisoned? In this case, if you have any questions, you can come to me. I have done some research in this area and I know some people who may be able to help you! After all, you two are innocent too!"

"If that's true, that would be great!" Chen Xuan didn't expect that the uncle had such a function! He could also help Yan Keyun cure his illness! Thinking that he was really ill and all kinds of dangers that might happen to him in the future, Chen Xuan was very worried, but after hearing what the uncle said, he felt relieved again! Wandering outside without friends, it would be difficult to move forward! Even if the two of them were good at martial arts, they couldn't resist someone's assassination. But if they made friends like the uncle, they would open up a way for him and Yan Keyun to travel in the future, and they would feel more at ease!

"Uncle, thank you so much!" Chen Xuan couldn't help but hold his hand and thanked her solemnly!

"No need, no need, my friend, you are too kind. When you go out, how can you not have someone to rely on! We are not strangers. If there is anything, just tell me." Chen Xuan was even more touched. She waited for a long time with him before leaving. Then she went home. He felt that he was not too late. He went out and waited for a whole morning this morning. It was lunch time before he rushed back. However, when he got home, the scene in front of him almost scared him. It was Yan Keyun. She lay quietly on the bed, and her face looked very bad. The doctor saw him coming and hurried to meet him. "Oh, you are back. His condition has worsened again. I have been waiting for you for a whole morning. I am almost dying of anxiety!" "The condition has worsened again? Why is this? "

As he spoke, he cast his eyes on Yan Keyun on the bed. He had just pushed the door open and was far away. Now, looking at him up close, he really felt that he was in a bad condition. His originally fair face was now even paler, without a trace of blood. His eyes were tightly closed, with some black circles around his eyes and some blue eyelids. These were all symptoms of illness! Even his originally plump hands, the dexterous hands he had witnessed under the moonlight at that time, were now wrinkled, and the whole person seemed to collapse on the bed, without a trace of life and vitality.

Chen Xuan was all incredible and shocked. He couldn't figure out why this happened. Why? When he went out this morning, he was still fine. Why did he become like this after she made a friend and came back? In an instant, he felt unprecedented grievance and fear. Although the feeling was not particularly strong, it was like a needle in his heart that kept piercing him. It made him feel uncomfortable all over. His heart seemed to be soaked in lemon water, sour and painful, as if it had been salted.

"Did you not transmit true energy to him today? "The doctor hit the nail on the head.

"Yes, when I got up this morning, I saw that the man was still asleep, and you did the same yesterday. Do you want to slow down the pace?"

"I am so anxious!" The doctor seemed to be about to jump in anxiety. A life was in front of him, how could he not be anxious?

"Yes, I want to return to the natural rhythm, but his body is so weak now, it is impossible for him to be without true energy every day!" He also became irritable.

"What? Then I..."

"Yes, you are harming him instead!" Old Zhong saw that the man finally understood, his eyes were shining.

"What, if I don't give her true energy, you have no way?"

"How can we do it?" The doctor lowered his head and sighed, "Alas, you know how powerful its internal force is. People like us, ordinary people can't intervene at all!"

Chen Xuan found that it was useless, and he no longer pursued the doctor's responsibility. Instead, he blamed himself more.

"Then doctor, tell me, can he be saved now? "

"His current condition is very complicated. Although he can be saved, his physical condition is really very weak! If we can't find the antidote and adjust his meridians in time, he will really die here! Or, he is now only one step away from death! Whether he can be saved depends on you!"

What? In danger, it's impossible! He would never believe it. When he got up this morning, the man looked much better than before. He even went to his room to check and confirmed that he was fine before going out. However, he had been out for only three or four hours, and this man became like this! What's more, he is a man with great martial arts skills! Is life really so fragile?

"Friend, please don't worry. The poison your friend was frightened by is different from the ordinary poison. No matter who is put on the body of ordinary poison, the effect is the same. Occasionally, when you meet someone with good internal strength, you can also It can detoxify, but this one is different. It enters the body through the capillaries. In this case, the higher the martial arts, the faster the toxins will be dissipated! "

Now Chen Xuan completely understood. It turned out that this old man had such vicious thoughts! He also understood why the old man didn't chase them out later, why he didn't rush to escape. Because he had planned it early in the morning! He knew that this poison was extremely poisonous! She knew that the two of them would definitely not be able to escape, so he escaped slowly and leisurely, as if he was on vacation!

All the anger, self-blame, grievance, and unwillingness came to his heart again, and he felt sour and uncomfortable.

But now is not the time to feel bad.

"Mr. Zhong, tell me, what should I do to save him? You just said, I am the only one who can save him here."

"This is exactly the truth. It will be much better if you understand this!" The doctor was also trying to appease her emotions. "Because he had you transmitting the true energy before, so the spread of poison was sealed. So, if he wants to do it again, Close it, the best way is to give him Qi first!”

"Then I just need to fax Qi?"

"Not only! Not only! That's your mission, I still have my own business!"

The doctor took off his shirt, helped her up, and put a lot of acupuncture on her body. These can help to a certain extent when applied to specific acupuncture points, helping him to detoxify. Now there is only so much that doctors can do. They all treat the symptoms rather than the root cause.

"There's something I think I have to tell you first," the doctor reminded him for the last time before he started teaching Qi.

"This is just a temporary relief. If we really want to save her, we need better medicinal materials or other methods!"

"What else can you do? Come with me!"

This time the doctor was silent.

Chen Xuan vaguely felt that this time it was a more troublesome matter, so he didn't ask any questions and silently prayed for the medicinal materials to alleviate his condition.

"Now I just want to do the last acupuncture. You start with me. When I give the order, you start transmitting it to him!"

Chen Xuan just nodded, and now all his thoughts are on the person on the bed!

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