Today, he flew all the way there again, and it took him only one lunch time to go back and forth. When he got home, the old doctor was making lunch for Yan Keyun.

"Yan Keyun! I'm back!" He broke in and shouted inside!

Yan Keyun hadn't fallen asleep today, and hadn't slept since he left. He was resting in the room at this time. When he heard him shouting, he turned his head with interest. His big eyes regained some of their look, and his double eyelids were even brighter. It's obvious.

"Sir, why don't you go out and have a look?" He said to the doctor very gently.

"I don't know if he got the medicine!" The old man looked at Yan Keyun and was about to get bored.

"It's okay." He smiled lightly.

It doesn't matter, I mean you, it doesn't matter if you can't get the medicine.

The doctor stopped joking with him and changed the subject.

"Okay, let me go see that monkey grandson!"

As soon as he walked into the yard, he saw Chen Xuan flying over from the roof.

"You son! Sure enough, you never take the ordinary path!" The old doctor scolded him with a smile, "How are you? Have you got the medicine? Your friends are still waiting!"

He instantly fell from the roof and fell to the ground, speechless.

Yan Keyun watched from the wooden window and saw everything clearly from when it flew in to when it fell.

"Son, why are you so weak all of a sudden?" The old man suddenly became nervous. "Did you not get the medicine?"

Chen Xuan lowered his head and said nothing, and the two of them were silent in the yard.

"You really didn't get it?" Yan Keyun leaned against the window, closed the window, and lay back on the bed.

"It doesn't matter, you have tried your best!" He smiled secretly under the quilt, "I can already see that you have worked very hard! It doesn't matter whether you succeed or not in the end!" He said this and smiled to himself. What the hell, it’s obvious that I’m about to die here!

But what can be done? Who told that person to be so rash that he had to drag me out to take risks? We only knew each other for a month!

Forget it, I won't blame him anyway... As he thought about it, he felt a little uncomfortable. After all, this is not a happy thing. No matter how hard he tried to smile, he was still pretending to be strong. In front of him, there is no need to pretend, right Yan Keyun?

Just when he was about to let down his guard, the idiot broke in through the door.

"Yan Keyun, look what I brought you! You are saved!" Chen Xuan showed him the box in his hand very excitedly! Inside is the medicine to save him!

Yan Keyun didn't react for a while. He lifted the quilt from his head. His eyes were still misty, and he was in a mood with himself. It looked like his two already big eyes were even bigger, and his eyes were vague. It's unclear, everything is there, but in the end it all turns into something as clear as water.

"What's wrong? Why are you dazed? You can be saved!" Chen Xuan reminded him again.

"What? Did you collect the medicine? You were in the yard just now..."

Yan Keyun was convinced that what he saw was not a fantasy, and he was not so seriously ill yet! He clearly saw Chen Xuan fall from the air with a disappointed look on his face. He didn't answer the old gentleman's question. Looking at it this way, isn’t it a failure?

Chen Xuan saw his reaction and understood.

"Oh, that's it! How about it? My acting skills are pretty good, right?"

"You actually acted it?" Yan Keyun didn't want to believe this fact! She was clearly forgiving the other person in her heart just now, and she was obviously ready to say goodbye to this world, but she didn't expect that this guy was teasing him on purpose! What a waste of his feelings!

"Humph!" He turned his head away angrily. She even pulled the quilt over.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, you're still sick!" Chen Xuan immediately reminded him that with his current body, he couldn't be angry.

"The old gentleman and I will help you cook the medicine first. You can take a rest first." After that, he went out to cook the medicine. He just stepped out of the threshold and came back, "By the way, Yan Keyun, have you had lunch today?"

What? ? ? He shook his head blankly, he indeed hadn't eaten yet.

"Oh, we have to have lunch first!" So he jumped out again. He told the old gentleman that he should have lunch first, and then he threw the dark and ugly medicine into the copper pot, and also put a lot of rock sugar he just bought in it!

"If he drinks this, he won't be sweetened to death, right?" Chen Xuan was secretly happy in his heart!

After a while, lunch was ready. After they had lunch, they were almost done with it, so they took it out.

"Lie well on the bed and watch us make you a dessert!"

The afternoon sun was a little hot, and a few clouds floated in the clear blue sky. Chen Xuan and the old man were taking medicine outside again, and he rarely paid attention to the scenery.

"My energy is really good today!"

"Did you like to see the scenery before?" the old gentleman asked following his words.

See the scenery? He doesn't seem to like it. In his memory, he always runs to become stronger and to live. He only sees her enemies and his friends. It must be the first time he stops to look at the scenery like this. ! That’s pretty good too! Thanks to Yan Keyun!

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