"It's extremely troublesome to cook this medicine." He took out the note full of notes from his body.

I didn't think it was that troublesome when I sent it just now...

But there was no way, the medicine that should be cooked still had to be cooked. They melted a pound of rock sugar in it, then fished it out, cut it clean, not willing to waste it at all, and then went to find yams. Chen Xuan's knife skills were actually not good. , such a precious medicinal plant was chopped into fine pieces under his knife, and he also made a big opening for the yam, which was actually not big enough.

"That's it!" Chen Xuan threw these things into the copper pot again. In order to prevent the venom from being washed away just now, the old doctor washed it there for 20 minutes, otherwise he would not have used the knife!

They put another pound of rock sugar in, then yams and herbs, and finally rice. This time, considering that it was for drinking, it was too sweet, so it definitely wouldn’t work, so I added a lot of water.

"Old sir, won't this dilute the medicine?" Chen Xuan was actually a little worried. He had never tried their method of searching for water.

"Actually, I don't think there is any problem at all. I even think that rice should not be added this time! The poison should have gone into the yam. If it is not fully preserved, how can the rice be added?" The old doctor's question is very logical and very practical. .

This is indeed a problem! Chen Xuan thought for a while and decided to take out half of the rice, which he and I would use to boil in water. The other half would be put in clean water and cooked by himself. Finally, he would fish out the grass. In this way, even if the rice is wasted, it will not be poisoned by him again!

"You've put a lot of thought into this time!" Even the doctor could see that he was careful.

Yes, how could you not care? This is connected to Yan Keyun’s life!

"It doesn't matter, old gentleman, just waste this rice! I can still afford it!" Chen Xuan answered the question.

The old gentleman showed a hint of distress. If these rice were given to the homeless people on the street, they would not be like this.

"Well, although your point is reasonable, do you know that those homeless people can't even afford these things?" When people get older, they always have to sigh.

"Tramp, are you the place where you often visit for medical treatment?" Chen Xuan was busy with his hands, but he was chatting.

"Yes, they are all pitiful people!"

Chen Xuan also felt very strange. Logically speaking, there shouldn't be such a down-and-out person in this world. After all, those who come here are all strong.

"How did they end up like this? Can you tell me?"

Chen Xuan just asked this question without thinking, as if he would help others after asking.

So he regretted asking. It would be cruel to give others hope and then extinguish that hope with your own hands.

"Well, it's a long story, so let's boil the medicine first!"

The old man himself ended the subject.

In less than a quarter of an hour, a pot of soup that looks ugly but tastes good was born. Chen Xuan handed it to Yan Keyun. He was lying on the bed resting, his eyes counting the ivy on the wall. It should be in good condition.

"What are you looking at? You are so attentive! Come and try the soup I made!"

Chen Xuan called him back.

He had no choice but to retract his gaze and sit up little by little.

"Looking at the ivy!" He explained with a smile, with his unique hint of playfulness.

Chen Xuan smiled at him and said, "Eat this. I put a lot of rock sugar in it."

So he looked at Yan Keyun and drank the entire bowl of soup. After he finished drinking, he put the bowl away and didn't forget to pass him a handkerchief.

"Why are your hands so cold?" When Chen Xuan touched his hand, a trace of doubt occurred in his heart. The cold fingertips made him feel uncomfortable.

"Isn't this a little too cold?"

It was all his own fault.

Yan Keyun looked unconcerned:

"Isn't this because I'm sick? Who wouldn't be like this when they're sick!" When he's not feeling well, he always likes to act coquettishly, just like a child, who always avoids the important and takes the easy.

Chen Xuan also fell silent and did not ask any more questions. After a while, he cheered up:

"The doctor won the prize, let's try again tonight!"


Why don't you rest for a while? "Chen Xuan thinks it's still early for sex.

"Yeah." Yan Keyun tidied up a little and lay down to sleep again.

Chen Xuan watched quietly for a while, thinking that it was still far from night, so he went out to chat with the doctor. He really wanted to know about those homeless people.

"Old sir, are you free to chat with me now?"

Chen Xuan walked to the kitchen. The doctor was washing dishes there.

"What do you want to talk about?" The old gentleman responded with a smile. Old people always like to talk!

"I want to ask you about the homeless man!" Chen Xuan didn't want to be unfamiliar with her, so he found a stool and sat down. Plan to have a long talk with him.

"Why, are you still interested?"

"Well, is this convenient for you?"

"Oh! What's the inconvenience? These are just some miserable things that no one knows about!" The old gentleman was so sincere that he spoke in dialect.

"Then tell me!"

"Well, since you want to know so much, I won't hide it. In fact, there isn't much story!"

That old Landong really started to tell. Her story was like old tea, slowly soaked in by Chen Xuan's pouring of boiling water, and gradually emerged in front of her eyes.

"Actually, you're right. There shouldn't be such people in this world. They are originally the same strong people as you. They are also the same as you, coming here with curiosity and adventure. It’s a city, but it turns out you can never get out.”

"They are not originally from this city?"

"Most of them are not, they are all from outside. The group that was originally in the city have probably disappeared now."

Chen Xuan stopped asking and continued to listen to him.

"Most of them have been disabled in martial arts. Even if they are not disabled, their little internal strength cannot exert much power. At most, they can save their bodies and keep themselves alive, so as not to die so quickly."

"The way they were killed was probably the same as your friend, they were drugged."

"Ge Hua..."

"Yes, that's him."

Chen Xuan suddenly felt an unknown fear in her heart, and it was like a stone pressing on her chest. Just like the moment Yan Keyun fell down, he was holding him and running wildly on the street. It seemed like there was an abyss behind me.

It turns out that they are really only one step away from the abyss. If he hadn't been lucky, would he and Yan Keyun be like them now?

If he was not by Yan Keyun's side, would he suffer alone now?

He waved away the thoughts that were lingering in his mind.

It doesn't matter, at least none of these things have happened now, and he and Yan Keyun are safe.

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