"He is an old fox who thinks about money like crazy. If he can't make a lot of money with ordinary methods, he will think of ways to harm people! Children like you will first be poisoned and faint, and secondly they will be poisoned by him. After picking it up and giving you the antidote to save you, you will almost be a useless person."

"He will eliminate all your skills. If you can't stop talking, he will try again, or he will break your legs, and then send you to help him make money."

"Generally, they will beat you until you are disabled, and then put you on the street to beg. You will sleep in a shabby house every time, and the money you receive will be handed over to their boss. That's that Ge Hua! We also eat together. Of course, there was almost nothing to eat, so those who originally went to beg for money quickly became beggars.”

"That old man actually went to collect the money in person?"

"Well, he loves his talent as much as his life. He asked others to help her, but she couldn't believe it and loved the money, so she went out of her way to collect it herself!"

"It's not difficult to move. They each live in one house and have the same address. And if someone runs away, you can tell at a glance - they all have his special marks on them."

"Is that obvious? If it were obvious, wouldn't it be impossible to beg on the streets?"

"Generally, they are not obvious. They are always on the back of the neck or on the back."

"If the person is a little better, has poor internal strength, is not seriously poisoned, and has not damaged his muscles or bones, he will usually be sold to the hospital."

"Is there still a Jiyuan in this world?" Chen Xuan felt as if a thunder had struck his heart, causing the world around him to fall into deathly silence.

"Yes, of course!" This seems to be a very difficult thing...

"Ordinary Taoist friends don't pursue this. In this city, only those who are not doing their jobs properly or those old bones will visit."

"Then who are they generally?"

"Either they are degenerate bums like them, or they are some dirty playboys, and then there are the old men who have settled here."

The old man kept reading, but Chen Xuan felt that waves of thick fog were slowly spreading.

"Those who are sent to the prison, the best thing is to meet those old people, because most of them are from wealthy businessmen and are given a lot of money. Otherwise, they are just playboys passing by. Some of these are relatively clean, and It's not a loss for them to sleep in. What they fear most is meeting those scoundrels, because there is no threshold for this hotel. You can enter as long as you pay. Of course, the prices are also the lowest, and the people who entertain them are also It’s the lowest level people, even some with disabilities, who come to entertain them.”

"Of course, don't expect much good profits from these vagrants. Serving them is basically a loss-making business. No matter how rough and violent they are, there are still people who do it, because those people also need to eat."

When the old gentleman arrived, his eyes were unclear and he sighed deeply.

"Sigh...even if we are the top brand in our store, life is not easy..."

"Although you make more money, you also have more customers, and customers who can afford a lot of money will ask for less, and they will never let him go easily! Those middle-aged people can do anything. You can imagine that as long as you give enough money, not only your body but also your soul can be sold.”

"Are they willing?" Chen Xuan thought of the top names in the academy.

"Are you willing? What can you do if they don't want to?"

"Actually, some of them are unwilling. Some run away and are beaten when they are caught. After a long time, some of them stop running and simply end up in this place, unable to get out for the rest of their lives. Some still run, but They don’t run as much as before. As for whether they are willing, of course they are not willing.”

Chen Xuan knew that this "unwillingness" was only reserved for the latter. The former is no longer qualified. A good person has been extinguished like this...

Time passed in this chat, the sun had begun to set, the old gentleman looked at the color and did not intend to continue.

"Anyway, those beggars only have so many stories to tell you now!"

"I just hope that someone, other than this old man who does evil and gambles a lot, will stop hurting more innocent people!"

After the old man finished, he walked back to the kitchen, lit a bonfire, and began to plan for the next thing, that is, he and Yan Keyun.

Chen Xuan looked at the lit bonfire and the warm light from the room, and suddenly felt a little too expensive and unreal.

If Yan Keyun is caught, he will probably be sold to the Record Academy... He is so good-looking and has such a strange personality...

Chen Xuan quickly interrupted himself to stop himself from thinking about this terrible thing. He took a walk, took two steps into the room, and called the man on the bed to come in.

"Hey, hey, hey, get up and have dinner quickly! After dinner, I have to do some exercises for you!"

His tone suddenly became fierce, and he went to disturb the person on the bed, trying to make some noise in the quiet room.

"What are you doing?" Yan Keyun was woken up by him, his brows were knitted together, and he had a thick nasal voice when he spoke. He must have been sweating and now he started to catch a cold.

He reached out a hand from under the quilt, touched his forehead, and then put it down in despair.

"I have a cold!" There was a hint of frustration in his words.

But Chen Xuan felt that this should be normal! There was someone he knew in the room. Even though he had known him for a short time, that person would still be jumping around. He would be dishonest even when he was sick. He would act like a child and only cause trouble for him. But this made her feel at ease. This is the life that normal people should live, a life full of fireworks.

He stopped disturbing him intentionally and went up to touch his forehead. Yan Keyun originally refused and tilted his head to one side.

Isn't it disgusting for two grown men to do this? His heart screamed.

But in the end, it couldn't withstand the strength of his hand and was forced back.

The temperature wasn't too high, but I was sweating a lot. The soup this afternoon must have worked! Also, Yan Keyun’s body temperature finally returned to normal! When Chen Xuan thought of this, he suddenly felt very happy, simply happy! Those imaginations he had were all false. The two of them were already fine. Yan Keyun would recover from his illness and continue to be active and shouting with him.

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