"What are you thinking about again?" Yan Keyun noticed that he was distracted and called him softly.

"It's nothing, you have to get better soon! We have other things to do."

"What's going on?" She looked serious, and with Su Su's voice, she sounded like a child.

"Do you want to seek revenge on that person now?"

"It's... almost"

"Shouldn't you wait until I get better?" He pouted pretending to be angry. "I don't know how to pity the beauty and cherish the jade at all!"

"Okay, okay, you are fragrance, you are jade! My ancestor! You are the best, okay?" The scene just now flashed through his mind again, and Chen Xuan hurriedly comforted her, as if to comfort himself.

"Be obedient, let's go together when you get better! We have big things to do!" He was deliberately mysterious, as if he was preparing a gift for a child.

"Yeah." He always responded gently when he didn't say anything. The candle beside the bed reflected her face, making her face look golden.

Chen Xuan and the old Chinese medicine doctor routinely detoxified her. The days passed like this, and the old Chinese medicine doctor no longer visited her frequently. Chen Xuan rarely relaxed for a while. Occasionally, they would pick some ginseng and cook a pot of delicious food. Tang, when Yan Keyun gradually recovered and could walk, the two of them took turns accompanying him for a walk, just like an old man.

Of course, Chen Xuan would also visit the homeless man secretly. Give them some food or money.

This was the first time he had been in such close contact with these people. She originally thought she was very adaptable, but when he really saw those shocking scenes, he still felt shocked.

Those who used to be proud and strong can now only make a living by begging. They are squatting at the foot of a dirty wall, like passers-by reaching out for money. They are black and skinny. Many people are injured. They looked like they used to. Yiyi's eyes now look distracted, as if he has completely lost hope in life and given up. Of course, some people still have some light in their eyes, but these people should have lived a more miserable life, constantly fighting, and in the end they were all bruised.

These seemed very uncomfortable, but he still insisted on coming every time. After coming, he would go back to look at Yan Keyun, heal his wounds, and look at his increasingly bloody cheeks. Also, look It was a very comfortable day. He wanders between these two extremes, and sometimes it feels unreal.

He met one of the beggars, and if he took the initiative to talk to him, he was a young man, probably only in his teens.

The same age as Xiaofei.

That child is very strange. It should be that he is different from others. Whenever someone reaches out to someone passing by to ask for money, he usually does not extend his hand, but looks at it with his eyes. If others avoid him, he immediately retracts his eyes to avoid Scare people.

When they are idle and bored, the group of tramps will also talk about vulgar things or make silly jokes together. This is normal in the eyes of ordinary people. As tramps, what else can they discuss?

But that person was different. He was indeed discussing with others, but he never took the initiative to participate. I just listened silently, occasionally absent-mindedly. I will never be like those people who yell when the discussion reaches a high point, and I don’t care how dirty the words in the group are. Before this time, he always quietly turned his head away.

Sometimes they will beg for some food, of course it is leftovers, and others will eat it without hesitation, after all, as long as it is twice as delicious as what the boss gives out! Although they are all leftover, some are still sour.

But he will never give in to himself like this. He generally will not take the initiative to ask for food from others. If someone gives a little to each person, he will pick first and leave the food that he can't eat to others.

His face was also washed very clean. Although he was wearing shabby clothes, the sleeves on his face were never stained with dust, and there was light in his eyes.

"This should be the bright person that the old man said!"

Every time Chen Xuan walked past him, he would sigh secretly. As for getting connected with him, it still stemmed from a struggle.

As usual, Chen Xuan went there for a walk and gave some money to the homeless man. But before he got closer, he heard an argument, and within a short while a fight broke out.

He quickly ran over to see what was going on, but at a glance he saw the child being beaten to the ground by a group of men. Of course, they couldn't try any advanced tricks. A group of people who had been disabled in martial arts used the simplest and most brutal method. Bullying the creatures on the ground.

They only used fists, feet, and wooden sticks, but they were more serious than magic moves. Because it was a fight with dignity, but this was trampling without any bottom line.

Chen Xuan rushed forward, overturned one of them with one hand, and took the child out of the crowd.

He was beaten to a pulp, and there were many wounds and mud on his already thin body. He woke up the child, and fearing that she would be implicated, he turned around and scolded them:

"You beggars, either just beg for food and don't cause trouble for us here! If you want to fight, move to another place and don't dirty my eyes!"

Those tramps, of course, thought he was just some rich man who had been disturbed by them. He was too frightened to move.

"Why did you beat him?" Chen Xuan asked them again. They all lowered their heads and did not answer. Chen Xuan felt that this was not the solution, so he pretended to be a rich and wealthy man, came out to show his love, hugged the child, and shouted

"Cang Wuyan, how can such a good child come to beg for food? See if I, Mr. Gao, don't save you! Do good deeds for my ancestors!"

Then she hugged him and ran away. Those homeless people really thought it was an old rich man who needed to show off his love, and wondered if her grandson or granddaughter had been born and needed to show off.

Chen Xuan put it in a nearby medicine shop and asked the doctor to take medicine for him. Fortunately, his injuries were not serious, but he was suffering from a lack of nutrition due to long-term lack of nutrition.

The doctor put herbal medicine on every wound, because he made a pot of medicinal soup. He gradually woke up in the drug store. His eyes were full of panic and fear, and he even shrank against the wall.

"Don't be afraid, I'm a good person." Chen Xuan tried to keep his voice as gentle as possible.

But he didn't believe it, his eyes were still full of horror, and he shook his head. He must have been deceived like this before, but now he didn't know what the person in front of him wanted him to do.

Chen Xuan was facing this situation for the first time. He was a little at a loss and didn't know how to deal with him. He thought for a moment and distanced himself from her, very sincerely.

"I'm not from here."

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