With just this sentence, the world seemed to be quiet.

The child only began to look at him now, his eyes full of doubts.

Chen Xuan saw that it had some effect, and then said, "You were bullied by them just now, and I saved you. If you feel uncomfortable, remember to tell the doctor."

The child seemed to finally recognize him.

"Are you the brother who came here these few days?"

Chen Xuan thought that no one would remember his face, and laughed, "Yes, it's me. I pretended to be a local rich man to save you!"

The child actually laughed, probably because he thought he was funny.

"Do you believe me now? Can you tell me your name?"

The child hesitated for a while, and finally spoke

"My name is Fang Yan."

Fang Yan, a good name, and also regular. Chen Xuan imagined that he would be a child from a wealthy family.

"Hello, my name is Chen Xuan."

"Why did they beat you?"

The child said, pouting his mouth, bitterly, "Because sometimes they beg for food, but I usually don't want it. After they ask, I'm also picky and give them the inedible ones."

Chen Xuan understood why he was beaten, simply because he was different from others. In this environment, they couldn't vent their anger on others, but put all their anger on a child!

"Don't they pick?" He asked knowingly, just wanting the next answer.

"They usually don't pick, how can we have so much food to eat."

"Then why are you picky? Aren't you hungry?"

At this point, the child sighed, "Of course I'm hungry, but no matter how hungry I am, I can't eat rotten food. If I get sick, it will be more trouble than gain."

Chen Xuan now understood, he was trying to survive. Because of the simple conditions and poor environment, if ordinary people have diarrhea, they may not get better quickly, but they can't. They have no money and no energy to see a doctor, and no one will take care of them. Therefore, the best way to cure the disease is not to get sick. Chen Xuan felt a sense of admiration for him from the bottom of his heart. He is like the reed in the ancient books that is as tough as gold thread. It is not as hard as a rock, but it can survive in a dirty environment. No matter how humble and difficult his life is.

Chen Xuan felt that he finally found the light in the layers of darkness, so he asked the truth

"Do you still have to go back to that place?"

The child looked at her, and he felt like he was rubbing salt into someone else's wound. Immediately, the next sentence came out, "I mean, I can help you. You should want to leave that place!"

"How to leave?" The child looked unbelievable and hopeful. He didn't know how the future would develop.

"Be obedient, I have a way. You take the medicine and eat first."

The child didn't ask any more questions and ate obediently. Chen Xuan felt that he was always taking care of people recently.

"Does your boss have a rule that requires everyone to go back?"

"Yes, for us, but not for those in the ward." He told everything.

"Those in the ward don't come back because they are kept, right?"

Fang Yan nodded.

"How about this, we go to the news after school, and there is an old rich man who takes a boy back to pray for his grandson?"

Chen Xuan thought that as long as he paid more money, he should not refuse.

"Okay..." The child agreed silently.

So Chen Xuan went back to the place where they had just fought, with a big master's demeanor, holding a lot of money in his hand, walked in front of the group of homeless people, and threw the money on him.

"Go back and tell your boss! I took the child away! For my grandson's blessing! Tell him not to come and cause trouble!"

The group of people were shocked by his momentum, and really thought he was some local rich man. So they hurriedly collected all the money. One of them kowtowed repeatedly

"Okay, sir, okay, sir, we will definitely tell you!"

Chen Xuan looked at him, not knowing what to feel in her heart. Because maybe he was a very good fellow Taoist in the past, but now...

She didn't want to see this scene anymore, and left without looking back.

"Go to the pharmacy," he said to himself, "there is still a beam of light there."

Chen Xuan came back very late today, and it was almost dark when he got home.

"Child, why did you come back so late today?" The old man pretended to blame him.

"Old man, can we still have another person living here?"

"Why? Did you really go to the Jiyuan?"

"Hahaha! Of course not! I brought back a child!"

"Come out, don't hide!" Fang Yan stuck his head out from behind him.

The old man was stunned for a moment, "You...why did you adopt him?" Is this child brain-burned? He and his friends haven't raised him yet!

"Hahaha, I didn't adopt him! I picked him up from those homeless people! Oh, and it cost me a lot of money!"

"Homeless person?" The old man looked at him carefully and he really looked familiar. But he had never seen him before?

"It's normal that you don't know him! He doesn't usually get sick!" Chen Xuan smiled mysteriously as if he was telling a secret.

The old man didn't know what they were talking about, but he was very happy

"That's perfect! Let's have dinner together!" Then he invited the two people in.

Yan Keyun was also curious about this child. He heard it early. Seeing him come in, he couldn't sit still. He stretched out his hand from the quilt and wanted to hug him

"Come on, brother, hug me!"

But the child was strange. He probably didn't know there was another person inside, and this person was still in the hospital bed. Chen Xuan didn't come back, so he just stood there stunned.

"He is my friend!" Chen Xuan came over to look at him. "His name is Yan Keyun, and he is sick now."

"Oh." The child then realized that it was him who was rude.

"Then...is it serious?"

"It's not serious, I've almost cured him!" Chen Xuan knelt down and patted his head, "Can you go over and let him hug you?"

He pouted again. "I'm already 15, I'm no longer a child!"

His debut made the two grown men laugh.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm older than you! I'm already twenty-four!"

"Well, then I'm older than him. I'm already twenty-seven, and you're ten years older than us! Why don't you come over and let us hug you?"

The friend was then willing and ran to Yan Keyun's bedside.

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