The other side of this. In the humid and stuffy room, dozens of people crowded together, lighting a single candle in total. The fluorescence seemed to be non-existent. They breathed the turbid air, their bare upper bodies leaning against the cold wall, and their stomachs They were already playing drums, and they were even hungry, but they were not looking forward to the arrival of dinner because they knew it was just scraps.

, some are the leftovers from the summer rotten rice, and some are the fat meat that fell on the ground and was picked up again. Thinking about it for a moment, the smell is simply disgusting. It's better to buy it yourself. Hide a little money for yourself in the cracks of the wall. If you don't find it, you can still eat something for people. They are all anxiously and indifferently waiting for their boss, the one who exploits them and leaves them a way to survive, even though this way of survival looks more like a dead end. There was the sound of footsteps outside the door. This shabby room could not protect it from wind and rain, let alone sound insulation.

"Why didn't that kid come back today?" Ge Hua went to the place every night to count people and collect the money they collected. Of course they would think of hiding it for themselves, but if they were discovered, they would be treated like having their legs broken.

"Boss...he was bought by a master!" The man who had beaten him came out.

"Grandpa? Which grandpa? Are you still buying it?" Ge Hua was very curious, like a cheetah, appraising the prey he had captured.

When those people saw his expression, they were so frightened that their legs weakened. They explained to her in a loud voice, "It should be a young man's servant, a young man. Their grandpa's grandson needed children to pray for him, so he gave us some He was captured because of his money, not to mention how brutal the method was!" Renren tried his best to distinguish the tall and powerful man from himself.

"Oh? How much did he pay?" Ge Hua couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he heard this, "Take it out and I'll order some! It should be a lot for you!"

"Well..." The man hesitated.

"What? You still dare not to pay me? I think you have become bolder!"

A layer of murderous aura arose behind Ge Hua in an instant, and he walked over step by step. The huge pressure pressed against everyone, and they all lowered their eyes, not daring to look at him. Some people even hit that person with their elbows.

"Hurry up and give the money to the boss, you are so brave!"

The man was also frightened and took out the money tremblingly. Stack after stack are all bills.

"Is that all there is?" Ge Hua seemed dissatisfied with his reaction.

"Yes..." the man answered almost inaudibly.

This is right! She admired secretly in her heart, this was the reaction he wanted. So, he walked straight towards the man step by step, with a snake-like expression on his face. He was very close to the man, and his even breathing sprayed directly on the man's face. She leaned against his ear again, as if whispering in a low voice, very gentle and creepy.

"You'd better not lie to me."

The world suddenly became quiet.

The man stood still. He stared straight ahead, his fingers trembling. There seemed to be cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

Ge Hua looked at him and nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes." Just one word, showing great determination and sharp killing intent.

"Wind and Cloud Staff!" With this sound, it was like thunder on the ground. Ge Hua waved his cane. His body and steps did not stagger at all, but were as fast as a cheetah. His old hands were like a pair of eagle claws, with blue veins. He stood up, but he was full of strength, waving the crutch in his hand, causing his whole body to twist continuously, which was a precursor to the coming storm!

The man was so frightened that his body became weak. He suddenly fell to his knees on the ground, his lips kept trembling, and his body kept breaking out in cold sweat. He didn't dare to look at him directly, but he didn't dare not look at him. He glanced at her for a moment, and the sounds in his mouth were not coherent.

"Boss...Boss...Boss, listen to me..." She tried hard to calm down, but her gums seemed to be out of control. He wanted to take a deep breath, but found that breathing became difficult. The next fish died on the shore. Shaking his body violently.

Looking at the countless rays of green light flying out from the demon king's hands in front of her, she seemed to hear the desperate sound of death.

"Next, he's going to make a move..." That person knew very well what to do when his boss was angry. He knew exactly what he should do. He must have a voice in his heart that kept calling him.

"Please beg for mercy! Beg for mercy!"

So, he finally begged for mercy in a heart-breaking voice,

"Boss, I beg you, please let me go! In fact, I haven't grown much! I will give you whatever you want! I just ask you to let me live!"

He finally began to crawl and beg for mercy. He cried until he was hoarse. The hot and sticky liquid was all over her face. He burst into tears and kept kowtowing. In the end, the ground was covered with mud and his face was covered with mucus. Finally mixed together, mixed into an unclear color. Others couldn't bear to look any further and turned their heads in other directions. That's theirs, the color of the homeless.

"Hahaha, now I know how to beg for mercy! It's too late!" Ge Hua seemed to be very obsessed with other people's reactions. For him, the scenes that were too horrible for others to look at were simply a kind of enjoyment for him.

"Begging for mercy, keep going!" He even incited others to perform for him.

That person was obviously cooperating with all his strength. His crying became even more miserable, and the frequency of his kowtow was like pounding garlic, but Ge Hua's kung fu never stopped. Green lights flashed, and the air was full of wailing sounds, as if this room belonged to this kind of atmosphere, and this was how he should be normally!

"Hahaha! Not bad, not bad!" The old man's face looked hideous and terrifying at this moment, and his face was full of terrible smiles, which made people palpitate. He seemed to be in extreme excitement now, as if the whole world should belong to him and belong to him.

Finally, everyone saw a familiar movement. He slashed his crutches from the air to the top of his head, "Wind and Cloud Staff! Break!"

""Bang", a green light burst out from there, and a ball of light instantly broke away from the crutches and flew towards the man. He did not dodge, and continued to kowtow for mercy. His body was shaking constantly because of excessive fear, like sifting chaff, and his face was still covered with sticky liquid and dust on the ground, as if his life should have these.

"Bang! "The green light exploded in that place, emitting a few wisps of green smoke, but without any smell. The light mist dissipated, leaving only a mess on the ground, as if nothing had happened. The homeless people were still dumbfounded, with no light in their eyes. Their boss had already put away his crutches, and his face showed a kind but numb look. The smile was like a piece of plaster. But it made people feel afraid. "Okay, who will tell me next, what happened today?" Like a big net, it covered us again.

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