"Hey! You're back by yourself!"

He was familiar with the route and knew when to go and where to go. After nightfall, he followed the homeless people to the house full of rotten smell.

Their boss still ordered Rao every night, but he found that there was one less tonight.

"Where did the person who bullied me go?" He quietly asked the person next to him.

The person rolled his eyes at her, as if he was looking at a jinx.

"Thanks to you, I went to see the King of Hell and lived a good life!" The boss was attracted by the man's weirdness. He wanted to scold them, but the moment he saw Fang Yan, he immediately welcomed them and patted Rao's shoulder.

"Not bad, not bad, you have done a great job today, and you will have an extra meal tonight!"

"Thank you, boss!" He was actually still a little happy, although he had eaten the old version of the extra meal before, it was just some rice porridge that couldn't be any thinner, but it was much better than those swill rice! She may have long forgotten that she was once a strong person who came to this world to experience. Now she can only be happy for a bowl of rice porridge.

Everyone in this room will be happy for that bowl of porridge.

After rewarding the people who should be rewarded, the boss frowned.

"Fang Yan, stand up!" Fang Yan said obediently.

"What have you been doing these days?" It was the same as before. His breath blew on the other person's face. The two of them were almost nose to nose. The huge murderous aura once again enveloped them. Everyone prayed silently in their hearts, and even Chen Xuan was ready to come out at any time.

"Wow——" Who would have thought! Fang Yan cried, and she cried with true feelings, with tears and sobs.

"Wow, I didn't want to do that either! But that man was so strong that he just carried me away. I didn't even have time to resist!"

"If you don't believe me, you can ask them. When that man first came over, I hid for a while, but I couldn't hide anymore. I kicked and hit him, but I couldn't beat him. He just threw a pile of money and took me away." Sure enough, the crying of a child is the biggest killer. No matter what age, people can't handle it. After she cried for a while, someone got tired of listening to her. This person was the old man.

"Okay, okay, don't cry. I want to ask you, do you still remember the way to his house?"

The child was in tears and couldn't remember it while crying.

"After he took me away, he covered my head with a cloth. I didn't even know which way I took it. Then when she let me out, she didn't leave me at the door of my house, but at the vegetable market. I followed them back at the vegetable market I knew at first!" His reasons were very sufficient and impeccable. Even the old man stared at him suspiciously for a long time, but couldn't find a result.

"Very good, you have enough! I will let you go for now!" Some of these people were relieved for him, some felt that death didn't matter, and some were even still angry, after all, he killed their friends.

Next was the time to distribute the food. This was not done by the boss himself, but by several followers. One of them held a wooden spoon. Looking at their movements, it was just like feeding pigs, and they crowded together to eat a little more. There was only one friend who sat quietly in the corner and didn't eat those things. That was a friend who was afraid of diarrhea and getting sick.

"When we go out, I will treat you to a lot of delicious food!" Chen Xuan whispered to her beside his ear.

Fang Yan seemed not to be particularly used to this way of communication. He was startled and responded to him with a smile.

After the meal, everyone went to sleep. The moon also climbed up. But today is the first day of the month, and there is almost no moon. When you look up, you can see the gray sky, obscure and unclear, and nothing can light it up.

"Can you take me to the hospital?" Chen Xuan was afraid of disturbing other people's sleep, afraid of waking them up and causing unnecessary trouble, so he leaned into its ears to face him.

"Not today, I can't see him today," he also answered her question in a loud voice, "Because today is not the time we agreed on, for safety reasons, we will not meet."

"Then when is it?"

"Tomorrow night, the second day of every month, the darkest time."

He stayed in this concentration camp-like place with this friend for another day. On the second day, when they went to the street to beg, Chen Xuan quietly strolled back and brought him some candied haws to fill his stomach.

"You don't actually need it, I've already gotten used to it!" He specially picked a place with no spare space, covered his ears, and whispered to him.

"It doesn't matter, you eat more, you will have the strength to see people when you are full!" Chen Xuan jokingly comforted him. It has to be said that their arrival has really changed her life. In the past, no one would quietly bring her candied haws to eat, and no one would play a good joke on him.

After another hellish life, tonight, he met that man again behind the gate of the Jiyuan.

Chen Xuan immediately took the time to look at him. He was standing against the wall, with one leg bent and the other straight, with his neck resting on the wall, as if he was resting here. He is tall and thin, with smooth, short hair. Such a person is not common in this kind of city. He has heard from Ta Lao before that there would be such a person in the Zhengyang Kingdom. He did not expect that there would be such a person. You can see it here too today. He was wearing white clothes that showed off his thin bones. His appearance and his dressing style are not the same. He should be considered sweet, and his eyes will be squinted like Yan Keyun when he smiles, but he is thinner than him. He has a good figure and seems to have some body, but he doesn't know how much martial arts skills he still has. But her temperament is very resolute, as if she has a sense of arrogance in her bones, but like Fang Yan, he has strong endurance and his own pursuit.

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