Fang Yan! haven't seen you for a long time! "His voice is also very nice. It seems that there is a lot of energy in it. I don't know where it comes from. But Fang Yan knows that after he changed his way of speaking, he became soft. His voice at that time was very charming. Charm.

"Long time no see!" Fang Yan also greeted her. But he took a look and didn't respond. His eyes were fixed on Chen Xuan in the dark. He said nothing and his body tensed up silently.

"Who is he?" The dramatic voice just now was as cold as ice, and the sense of vigilance was obvious, as if it was a frozen sharp blade. Although it was very blunt, it could still cut through warm skin.

Chen Xuan was originally standing in the darkness, but now he walked out on his own. He observed the child closely and found that he was very white. Even in a long moonless night, the color on his face could not be concealed. He was really thin, and the white clothes made him look a little thin. She has a very pure face, and she doesn't look like someone who came out of that place at all.

"My name is Chen Xuan, and I am now Fang Yan's friend." He lowered his voice again, just like he didn't dare to disturb the child, he didn't dare to disturb the person in front of him, and he tried his best to be friendly.

But what he didn't expect was that the person in front of him looked at him for a while, lowered his head, gradually put away his cold expression, and then raised it again, smiling so innocently that people couldn't help but be attracted by it after seeing it. He was seduced.

Maybe this is also a way to protect yourself? If the other party is too strong, then you have to rely on him. Even if the consequences are unbearable, you can still survive. This is their way of survival.

Chen Xuan knew that he had misunderstood... He cleared his throat and showed a serious expression.

"Don't get me wrong, we are really here to help you!"

"Yeah, just believe him, he's really a good person!" Fang Yan was also there to help, "Some people hit me a few times ago, but he saved me."

The man looked at the boy with a sincere face. Now he realized that he had misunderstood, and he retracted his expression apologetically.

"I'm sorry. Because there are usually too many bad people."

"It doesn't matter." Chen Xuan also understood that their life was not easy.

"Hello, my name is Fang Che!" Fang Che stretched out his hand to him, and Chen Xuan took his hand and squeezed it tightly. But he found that his palms were uneven, as if there were long scabs on them.

Did he show it to me on purpose? Chen Xuan didn't ask any more questions and pretended not to know anything. There was no change in his expression, and he started another topic.

"Fang Che, are you two brothers?"

"No, it's just a coincidence." He smiled. "Why did you come to me?" Fang Che understood his calmness, and then he calmly asked her about business.

Chen Xuan pointed to the high wall behind him, "Are you inside?"

"Yes." There was no hesitation.

"Maybe we can help you get out of there."

"Are you serious?" Fang Che didn't believe it for a moment, because there were many people who said this to him, but in the end he still returned to this place.

"It's true." Chen Xuan said this very seriously. He was as serious as he was when they shook hands just now, and he is just as serious now.

Fang Che felt his seriousness, but didn't want to believe it. He knew that the people Jin Fang Yan brought were extraordinary, but he thought that he was just giving some money like everyone else. He never believed that anyone could take him out of this hellish life. .

"You have to believe him!" Fang Yan spoke to him seriously. "He is here today to discuss our escape plan with you!"

Fang Che looked at Fang Yan as she looked at your words. She could not restrain the excitement and sincerity on her face, just like every time they discussed their escape plan. Somehow, he got one


Seeing that she finally let down her guard, Chen Xuan began to talk about his plan non-stop.

"Now these days, you still need to aggrieve yourselves, because our other helpers haven't arrived yet."

"But you also have something to help with. According to our speculation, in such a large organization, it is impossible for his boss to be the only one. There should be other colleagues."

"So please help me find out who are his accomplices. Let's start with the accomplices and eliminate them one by one! Okay?"

"You're not just taking us with you this time?" Fang Che was dubious. "You want to take everyone here with you? Can you do it?"

"I don't know, but I'm willing to do my best!" Chen Xuan responded to him calmly.

"Impossible." Fang Che lowered his head, "Some of them are already numb. Even if you take them out, it will be of no use." He had seen a lot of the process from resistance to degradation. He also knows that once a person falls, it is difficult to pick up the spirit again. Even if they go out, they can only continue to be homeless.

"How do you know they don't want to go out?" Chen Xuan always surprises people. "They don't want to go out now because their martial arts have been disabled by others. What will happen if I restore their martial arts?"

"That's useless. As long as the mind is dead, no matter how strong the body is, the result will be the same!" Fang Che didn't let up and argued with him word by word.

Chen Xuan gave in at this time, but slowed down and changed the topic. "Anyway, you guys will help me find out how many of them there are recently. As for the rest, we will do it later."

Fang Che didn't argue with him anymore, and only asked two questions: "How do we usually communicate? And can you guarantee his safety?"

"Yes!" Chen Xuan agreed immediately.

"As for the contact information, I heard from him that you used to be next to the vegetable market, and this was still the method, okay?"

Chen Xuan felt that this was indeed a good way, not only to keep the two of them in contact, but more importantly, in the later stage, the doctor's medicine and Yan Keyun's news could be delivered from here.

Fang Che nodded, he already understood everything.

Chen Xuan saw that it was already very late, so he would stop here today. After one last review of the current plan with them, he let it go.

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