After they separated, Fang Che climbed back from the high wall and returned to his room. This room was much more spacious than that turbid black room. He had bought it himself. Although it was not too big, it still had a touch of humanity. He didn't light a candle this time and lay on the bed, thinking.

"Escape?" he asked himself.

“It’s not like I’ve never done it before”

When he was arrested, he was much better than Fang Yan is now. This was not what he did when he first came in. She would be asked by the boss to serve wine to guests, or she would use her child's face to make others happy when they were unhappy. That job is very simple, just smile. At that time, her martial arts skills were higher than those of Fang Yan now, and her skills were better. Escape was a very common thing, but she failed every time. When he came back, he was beaten to pieces. Later, when he grew up, he gradually learned that the work adults did was 100 times more difficult than before. When he first started this kind of work, he was still very resistant and put up a lot of resistance. When she was young, she was taken to be a virgin by others, but she was sent back angrily every time. The reason was naturally that it was unnecessary. He escaped countless times, but after repeated misfortunes, he He stopped running. He learned to hide his ambitions and learn to use his body. Because his boss was very good-looking, he never slapped him in the face.

His job is actually very ordinary. Like everyone who lives here, he wakes up, takes a shower, and receives guests. He is not a high-quality waiter here, but he still has some status, so his job is actually pretty ordinary. It's a lot, plus he has learned how to make money. With this handsome face, food and clothing are gradually no longer a problem.

Time passed like this, and gradually he got used to this kind of life. In recent years, he ran less. He concentrated on completing the work assigned to him by his boss and no longer suffered any beatings from his boss. Everyone thought that he would become like others, even he thought so, but until one day, he met Fang Yan. The rhythm of his life was disrupted again.

I remember the first time I met that kid, it was at the base of the mud wall here. He watched the people in the large army walk away. When he saw that no one was watching him, he turned around and ran away. His expression was very ferocious. You could tell how much he had suffered at a glance. Frightened, Fang Che knew from his reaction that he was running away. Watching with interest. It's like looking at your old self.

It turns out that there are still people willing to escape at this time.

He felt like he hadn't seen him for a long time. He watched the child move away from his sight, wondering when he would see him again.

Sure enough, his guess was correct. Three days later, he saw him again. This time he had a lot of injuries on his body, many of which had not completely scabbed over, and his arms were streaked with blue and purple, which was shocking to see. Still at the base of the mud wall where they met, he was eating alone with a little leftover food in a broken bowl, just picking and picking with his hands.

He quietly walked closer and realized that he was picking out food. He only picked the good ones and put them in his mouth. There was almost half a bowl left, so he gave up.

"You're hurt like this, and you still have so many demands." He joked, turned and left.

After an encounter with a neighbor, he began to pay attention to the child. He found that the child was very strange. Maybe he was injured, and the less he ate. Normally when he is fine, he can make do with eating a little dirty food, but once he is injured, he seems to be very concerned about his diet. As time passed, he realized that this was also a way to protect himself - not to get sick.

"It turns out that some of these people still love themselves!" It felt as if something had touched the tip of its heart, warm and crisp, with a warm current surging.

From then on, whenever he met him, he would always quietly bring him a cleaner meal.

The kid was defensive at first, but it wasn't until they both revealed their secrets to each other, and it wasn't until someone got beaten for him that the two of them started to truly communicate.

They met at the back wall in the middle of the night. At first, they talked about their escape experiences and how they were caught. Later, they began to talk about their plans, their dreams, and their dreams of who could escape.

Fang Che gradually realized that the child in front of him was just like himself before! Strong, unyielding, self-respecting, self-loving, it turns out that there are still people in this group of people who yearn for the light!

He suddenly envied his homeless life. Although he often didn't have enough to eat, at least he didn't have to sell his dignity.

From then on, he tried his best to protect his body like a flower. After all, he is the only light in this dark life. As long as he is here, he can prevent himself from sinking and becoming decadent - he is really afraid of that. He is afraid that he will become like everyone else, start to give up on himself, start not to love himself, no longer have hope for beautiful things, and no longer want to escape. If that's the case, he's really doomed!

In this way, in this place that is like purgatory on earth, two humble lives rely on each other and become the light that illuminates Peter. They had planned to escape, and they had also planned how to stay. They are the most unique beings among this group of people, and they are very lucky to find someone like themselves. From then on, no matter how dark the night is, they will never walk alone. Fang Che discovered that he originally thought he had already The sleeping heart gradually wakes up. So they depended on each other, protecting the light in their hearts in this dark place.

"As long as you are here, we will definitely be able to escape!" He knew how rare this opportunity was, and he made a promise to himself and to the other person, as if he was swearing to himself. Then he spread out the quilt and fell asleep quietly. From tomorrow, they would have new things to do, but no matter what, the two of them must escape together!

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