Fang Che began to change his clothes into long-sleeved ones and button them up to the collar.

As time passed by picking up and dropping off guests like this, Fang Che found that only he was paying attention. There were still many clues, and they basically had no scruples in this place. So there are a lot of clues to look for.

So she was willing.

In the first few days, she still went to the vegetable market. He couldn't see Chen Xuan, but he saw Fang Yan staying there safely and sometimes eating slightly better meals.

Occasionally, Chen Xuan would catch up with him, hide behind his ear, and chat with him for a while, because he would also ask her about her life about her usual work. He knew that some things were not allowed, so he would always be clever. Avoiding it, but occasionally going straight to the point, leaving him unable to answer. Every time something like this happened, he would always laugh at himself. He had done it all and was still afraid of being asked!

Chen Xuan would always calm him patiently and then apologize for his recklessness. Tell him not to get used to this kind of thing,

Tell him that you can get used to good things, but never get used to bad things.

"But there aren't many good things in my life." He lowered his head when he said this, his eyes were very clear, as clear as ice cubes, but there was a hint of coolness.

Chen Xuan didn't know how to answer, he just said, "There will be."

As they chatted more and more, Chen Xuan gradually understood what kind of person he was. One day, he suddenly got out of his clothes

They were black and red stripes, like sinful vines, hovering over his body.

"What is this?" Chen Xuan pointed at her collar. He looked down and quickly fastened the buttons.


"Do you always live like this?"

"...Actually not really, it just started recently."

"I'll ask the doctor to prescribe more medicine for you. It doesn't matter. It can be cured."

He had nothing but a thank you.

In the next few days, he didn't go there very often, and sometimes he went only every other time. Chen Xuan did not stop him, after all, there was no close news yet. So every time he worked, rested, or made money, the greasy middle-aged man would come to him. He had no right to refuse anyone. In the end, he agreed every time.

Worth it to himself. It's really worth it! It can be exchanged for the information he wants, and he can make a lot of money. With these, he can take Fang Yan away! Thinking of their bright future, he felt that the current suffering was nothing at all.

Every time before closing the door of the private room, he would silently say in his heart, "Don't worry, I won't be afraid!" as if he was telling Fang Yan and himself. The dark night is coming to an end soon! When the time comes, we can go together!

Then, he would push open the door without any hesitation.

Chen Xuan, these exchanges were very frequent. He almost went home. The method was of course very simple. After the explanation, he jumped from behind the child's ear to behind the old man's ear.

She discussed medicine with the doctor. He would sometimes help Yan Keyun with his skills, and she would discuss tactics with him by the way.

Yan Keyun's injury finally healed slowly and completely. He was gradually able to walk and exercise. He actively participated, planned a hit list, and used their secret recipes to help doctors research new drugs.

It is very difficult to do that, because the patient's condition has already damaged the muscles and bones. After all, it is the vitality that is damaged. The doctor went through many medical classics, and finally Chen Xuan gave him his copy of "The Essence of Physicians". This book is really an eternal treasure. With it, the progress of the process is accelerated and the methods are complete. , Fang Yan agreed that they would try the medicine on themselves. Although they sometimes failed, there was always progress. Gradually their abilities came back.

About half a month later, Fang Che gradually found all the names on the list that were related to the boss. There were less than 20 people there, and except for the boss, everyone else was not very good. The boss should be at the same level as Chen Xuan, a titled Dao Lord, and the others are all useless. These people pose no threat to Chen Xuan, but when they work together, their strength cannot be ignored.

He and Yan Keyun had a special discussion and decided to take a two-pronged approach.

"There are so many of them now, we definitely can't defeat them."

"But we can do it step by step."

"Do you still count on Fang Che's child? No need to joke with me, you are simply sending a sheep into the tiger's mouth!"

"When did I ask him to take action personally? I asked you to do it!"

Chen Xuan understood what he meant and tried to pretend to be indifferent. "Okay, although the task is huge, I agree!"


Yan Keyun looked at him helplessly, what is all this?

"I'm asking you to help clear out part of it. Do you think you can kill him by yourself?"

"What do you mean? What does clearing out a part mean?"

"That is, you can first pick out the stronger ones among the men, and then you can solve the problem. By chance, our medicine will be researched, right? We can distribute them to those homeless people, and then in the end, everyone can work together Get up. This way they will help you share some of the burden, so that you have the ability and enough experience to fight against that old man."

"Do you really believe that they can come back to life?" Anyway, he didn't believe it. Even if there were, there wouldn't be many.

"I believe it." Yan Keyun looked into his eyes and raised his eyebrows slightly. "I really believe it. Even if it's not all of them, there should be a few. And those are the ones we need to use."

"Are you asking them to help us solve the problem secretly?"


"'s actually very unfair to them."

"I know, but all revolutions and struggles are like this. There will always be people who dare to sacrifice their lives, throw their heads and shed blood, but there will always be people who are numb."

"Then let those insensitive people reap the benefits?"

"Actually, it's not true. Those who sacrifice themselves will regard it as a kind of honor. Even if they really sacrifice, they will be extremely glorious, extremely proud and happy. This kind of spiritual satisfaction is what those who are mentally numb can There never will be."

Chen Xuan, if you ask, there is no more questions here. Asking them what they were talking about is actually a bit far away.

"Then, it's settled. You continue to keep in touch with them and find a way to get them to take the medicine."

"But the most important thing is that you have to look at good people first! First look at the child who is really trustworthy! Otherwise, you are digging your own grave! Once the news leaks out, none of them will be able to get out!"

"I see."

Chen Xuan, after going back, first started with the two children and asked them one by one to see which one of them was a suitable candidate. They did make appropriate recommendations as well. But the numbers are few.

"It doesn't matter if there are few people, just ten of them will be enough!" Chen Xuan comforted them. So time passed in this kind of consumption. Fortunately, they did not gain anything. This time they took risks. After dancing on the tip of a knife, they really found a few people who were willing to help them.

As for those who wanted to leak the news, they were blocked by Chen Xuan's Forgetting Technique. None of them are very violent, and their moods recover soon. So overall it's okay.

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