Chen Xuang just came back from the vegetable market and asked Fang Che to see her that night. The other party didn't know why, but out of trust, he agreed without thinking. The time was late at night, and the location was still that wall.

Today is a full-moon night. When the moon rises, it doesn't want to go down. It hangs high on the moon, so they don't even need to light a lamp when they go out. Quietly walking through the corridor and crossing the road, Fang Che was still waiting there, just like the first time they met, but his face looked paler and his body became thinner.

"How long have you been waiting?" Fang Yan ran over when he saw him.

"It didn't take long, I was relatively close."

"Brother Chen Xuan, this time he can restore your martial arts skills!" Fang Yan was very happy.

"Okay, then we will believe him!" Fang Che coaxed her like a child.

"Fang Che, this is the latest pill we have developed. You can just take it."

Chen Xuan carefully took him out of his pocket and said, "You have all kinds of herbs. They should have no side effects. Can you try them and see if there are any adverse reactions?"

Fang Che was very obedient and ate it.

"And now I'm going to start giving you acupuncture!"

"Do you know how to do acupuncture?"

"It's actually not difficult. It's very simple. They designed it specifically for you. It only takes one shot."

Chen Xuan was about to walk over to give him acupuncture. He carefully traced her face to find the location of the acupuncture points. After all, this was a big deal, and a wrong acupuncture could lead to death! So he didn't take action yet, but observed carefully. The two people were very close. Chen Xuan looked down at him, observed his profile, but his eyes fell on another place, and then asked her quietly

"Is your injury still healed?"

"Shh...speak up, don't..." He suddenly fell silent. Wherever he looked, there was a pair of shocked eyes.

Fang Yan heard everything.

He ran over in three steps and two steps at a time. Some anxiously pushed Chen Xuan aside, "What's wrong with you? Let me see!" He wanted to look at him, but he blocked him with all his strength. .

"What's wrong! Let me see!"

Fang Che still refused to give in. This time, Fang Yan became anxious. He didn't care, grabbed Fang Che's collar, and with his fingers, the first button was unbuttoned. Both of them were stunned for a moment.

There were black and red wounds on the snow-white skin, some seemed to have scabs, and some seemed to be still bleeding, like those from the previous few days. The ugly scars were so conspicuous on his white and clean body. Fang Yan looked at them for a while and suddenly felt his eyes were very dry.

This scene must be too bad... He thought, and wanted to help him fasten the buttons and cover up these things, but as soon as he touched the buttons of her shirt, his hands began to tremble. His heart hurt as if it was being cut open by a knife, and he even felt the cold air he was sucking.

How painful it must be for him!

Fang Yan's hands remained frozen in mid-air. He did not look at Fang Che, nor did he dare to look down at his injuries. He just stared at his buttons with a blurry, unfocused look.

After a long time, Fang Che finally sighed.

"Actually, it's nothing...he just has a bad temper..."

"Won't you resist..."

"It's useless to resist...Besides, every time he comes, as long as he makes her happy, he will start his own affairs with the boss..."

"So... you let him bully you every time because of this?"

"It's worth it. Haven't you always wanted this?"

"It's not worth it!" Fang Yan finally couldn't help it anymore. Her heart was filled with distress, and her face turned red because of his anger. "If this continues, you will be bullied to death by him! I don't want news like this from you!"

Fang Che could only comfort him slowly

"It doesn't matter, I'm used to it. After this period, let's go out together!"

"I don't, I don't want to go out!" Fang Yan's age, leaning on his shoulder, was angrily talking to him. His voice was still crying, but his voice changed. "I would rather we never go out for the rest of our lives! I don't want to go out either." They bully you like this..." She couldn't help crying again halfway through.

"Okay, okay, don't cry!" Fang Che suppressed all his emotions and comforted him gently, like a big brother next door.

"Please bear with it a little longer. If you bear with it we can go out, okay?" Fang Che bent down slightly and looked into his red eyes.

"Yes, aren't we here just to deliver medicine to her?" Chen Xuan was also comforting him, "With this medicine, your brother will be fine soon. Huh?"

These words seemed to be quite effective. Fang Yan gradually stopped crying after hearing this.

"Be obedient. Our battle plan is almost halfway completed. We will take you and your brother out when the time comes!"

"You can't be so selfish. What we have to do now is to teach them how to use the antidote! When their abilities return, resistance will not be a problem!"

"Yes, so you have to be obedient now, okay?" Fang Che looked into his eyes and held Fang Yan's shoulders with both hands.

"Well..." Fang Yanhong nodded with a red face.

Chen Xuan showed her how to use the antidote again. It was very simple and he could learn it in no time.

"Is there anyone you like recently?"

"There are a few, but they are too few."

"It doesn't matter. I don't have much knowledge about this kind of thing. Let's test it slowly!"

After finishing the important chat, they parted and said goodbye.

Fang Che continued his secret underground mission. He had already contacted four or five people, all of whom were trustworthy. Some of them had just arrived, and some were the kind of people who were often on the run. They are all the faint hope here.

Their assassination plan did not stop. Thanks to Fang Che's efforts, the accomplices were exposed one by one. Those targeted by Chen Xuan generally had no bones left, and their bodies were destroyed and traces were destroyed, leading to trouble. At least until now, no one has discovered that these dead people are all contacts with Fang Che.

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