The few of them waited for a while, and the bodies of the young men had gradually returned to warmth, and their abilities were almost stable. So, they quietly protected the shell and walked out from inside.

After a while, a familiar face came flying out of the night. She was also dressed in black tonight, no different from others, but this time he came here without a veil, that is, he did not cover his nose and eyes, but the unique temperament revealed between his eyebrows made people look at him at a glance You could tell it was him.

Chen Xuan!

In an instant, several people knew each other and understood the relationship between it and the hero in blue clothes in front of them.

And what’s even more surprising is what’s coming next, they simply didn’t expect it! He didn't come alone, he brought many others with him, of course they were all brothers they had found. Unexpectedly, she also found so many people. Although it was really only a single digit, after all, it seemed that she could count them with two hands, but they were already very satisfied. They didn't care how much they spared, and they helped others to collect firewood. They originally had no hope for this group, because they only had two words for giving up in their lives, thinking that they were the only two people struggling to persevere in the darkness, but after seeing these people, they seemed to have more confidence. These people are the burning hope!

The group of them walked in quickly, like a fish in water, flying in one by one, surrounding the five of them.

"Really, well done!" Chen Xuan looked at him with approval and thanks. He really didn't expect that when he was negligent, it would be Yan Keyun who saved other people's lives for him! His injury was barely healed, so he ran out like this without even bothering to comfort himself. But after thinking about it for a while, he felt that it was unexpected and reasonable. If it wasn't him, who else could it be? Even though he usually takes various make-up exams and asks me to hand them over to my sister, I know, but he still has the basic confidence.

To be honest, besides her, who else would know that there are so many brothers in this world who need help? After all, who else would pay attention to the time they return home and find that they have stayed up all night? Who else would rush out to save others as soon as his body has recovered, regardless of his own safety?

He is the only one, and he is the only one who loves charging! He's done something wrong for me today, and I won't let him go! Chen Xuan wanted this, and mentally scolded him. It's been almost half a month, and I'm still giving you energy! Did you use it carefully when you were fighting? Don't waste it on me!

Yan Keyun had been watching his expression and almost knew what he was thinking every minute. When he saw this expression, he burst into laughter instantly! black mask

"Okay, okay, I know what you are thinking, don't be angry! Hahahahahaha!" He was obviously comforting others, telling them that you were not angry, but he himself laughed.

After he finished laughing, he cleared his throat.

"Okay, okay, now let's get down to business. What do you decide to do with this old man?"

"As for this question, what I think is actually very simple, don't kill."

Well, I think so too, I should take him back to receive the punishment he deserves.

"Then we'd better hurry up and avoid long nights and dreams!"

It took two of you to tie her up quickly, and you were about to take her back when you heard the sound of footsteps on the roadside. And it's very neat. Someone must be here again.

"Did you call someone else?" Yan Keyun seemed to be joking with her.

"No, I only brought a few people with me. It's because you have nothing to do, so I brought few people with you!" Chen Xuan also felt strange for a moment.

But the next moment, they were all terrified!

Someone who was not brought by him appears at this time. After all, there is still a certain amount of discipline...

Chen Xuan subconsciously stretched out his hand and blocked Yan Keyun back.

Yan Keyun also knew what he was thinking and did not resist. Instead, he stood side by side with him. They all know very well that these people are not here to help them!

They immediately arranged their formations, using only a dozen or so people as the best and last defense. Fortunately, each of them still had their special moves that they had not released, so Chen Xuan felt that the problem was not big!

Of course it’s not big, he doesn’t think any problem is big!

In less than a minute, those people appeared in front of them. They should have a unified organization and unified command, and they all wore the same clothes. They all wear black armor, but there are golden dust on the corners and joints, probably to distinguish their attributes. Gold and black should be the color of nobles, and they have been killed here in all dynasties. However, if you look carefully, their gold color is not pure and does not fit together, so it should imply that they are more scattered skirmishers, not regular troops. . Chen Xuan recognized the young man who was taking the lead as soon as he saw his figure.

"The grandson we will quarrel with then!" She whispered to Yan Keyun behind her ear.

Yan Keyun suddenly thought about him for a while, and after they finished filming, he said, "This time, why don't we let him go!"

"Just what I want!" Chen Xuan and Yan Keyun looked at each other with a shameless smile. Yes, one learns from every experience. They have indeed risen, but there seems to be something wrong in the direction! But what does that matter? There is no one, and there is only one correct path in life! Only two people do not violate morals and laws, and it is their freedom to develop wherever they want!

So, two people who were increasingly in need of beatings stood side by side, and in front of them, nets were spread out.

It should be specially made. Each net is square and the size should be five by five. It has no color when not in use. When it is used, it opens and flashes yellow.

"In my opinion, those should be electrically charged."

"I think it's not just these, there should be some toxins!"

"How did you figure this out?"

"You can't tell by looking at it. Our Siren family has a special sensitivity to these things. In fact, you can tell by smelling it." He sniffed again. "It's all bitter, with a little bit of wine, and you mixed it in." A hint of floral fragrance, it should be Hedinghong." When he said this, he tried very hard to be very calm, as if what he had was a very delicious dessert, not poison.

The golden nets were spread out in the air one by one. Two people were holding one. There should be more than 20 of them, because there were more than ten nets here. A dozen of them didn't resist, they just looked at these 20 or so people. People surrounded themselves, and they jumped up and down from a distance, as if they were teaching lions one by one, and they seemed to be real living people. What on earth are they? They can't tell the difference themselves. If they are really zombies, then why do they have thoughts, but if they really have thoughts, why would they sacrifice their lives for these things?

There are many things that I can’t understand, maybe just to survive!

Just like they just did, two people rushed at them with a net. In order not to be poisoned by the poison attached to it, they immediately scattered and fled. But they were all chasing after each other, one after another. They tried their best to avoid it. If they were touched, there was only one way to die. As they ran forward, the nets touched their clothes and their head ropes. Some came in and burned their clothes, and some were just caught in the range. Their circle became more and more, but fortunately, if they were surrounded in the corner, there was still a last way to survive.


"No." Of the two of them, one asked simply and the other answered simply.

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