Okay, since you're not going to run away, you have to stay and get ready.

Another person walked out of the crowd, that person was her son. Now no one cared about the old man's safety. Xue just let him cut the road and got time to help him up.

"Oops, I forgot to bring her with me!" Chen Xuan was troubled by his mistake.

"It's okay. Just forget it. Wait a while and we'll kill them all together." Yan Keyun was always like this. He never blamed others, but helped them find ways to make up for their mistakes.

""Son, hurry up and help me kill them!" "Finally his son got up, Ge Hua, and now he started to show off his power. He stood up and howled like a wolf without any quality at all.

"You are still thinking about how to defeat me, you are so serious!" He kept shouting one curse after another, but how many people listened? Even his son couldn't stand listening anymore and helped his father.

"Father, you rest here first." He spent a lot of effort to calm his father down. Then you have time to face these enemies yourself.

"Okay, since you don't plan to run away, then I'll let you have a taste of the power of the fishing net formation!" Now he is standing there, chest raised and head raised, as if to scold Fang Qiu, I don't know where the incomparable pride comes from. ! After her introduction, the group of people who were running around knew that this thing was called a fishing net array.

They began to try to fight back, and continued to move towards the opposite side of their company. Some people used their own spells, and a particularly large energy aperture reached the top. Unexpectedly, it was like nothing happened. One after another, only the fire exploded on it, and the colorful halos hit it, wearing colorful meteors, sparks splashing and igniting the night sky. People who didn't know, thought that there were fireworks here, but They did not expect that under the beautiful scene, there would be tragic results!

"Stop it quickly, don't waste any more mana!" Chen Xuan always seems very cold when faced with major problems. Since I can't win this way, I will stop the loss in time to avoid causing more waste.

The dozen or so people stopped holding hands together and exchanged places with them. The two of them walked to the front.

Each person has a sword, let's try this.

Pairs of people holding nets pounced on each other, and this time they changed from long-distance attacks to close combat.

The two swords are inserted into different grids. Chen Xuan's one has a little more impact, but Yan Keyun can't do it. Because Chen Xuan's one is Yin Yang Cutting Dawn, the finished product is relatively high-end, all the raw materials are different from ordinary people, and the inside There is also a sword spirit. Of course, it is more flexible when resisting various natural and unnatural things. Yan Keyun's ordinary sword suffered a little more. Although it was considered a top-grade sword, it was still a bit difficult to deal with it. Whenever there is indirect contact with the grid, there will always be a feeling of electric shock through the carrier of the sword. Sometimes it is slight numbness, numbness, and sometimes it is a temporary pain of being bounced away.

The encirclement changed again. This time, they actually surrounded them into a circle, with two layers inside and two layers outside. The two of them held the net and kept spinning. Thousands of troops and horses were beside them. The sound of passing by was terrifying. , but only those two people are very quiet. They stand side by side and can solve no matter how big the difficulty is!

"How about it? Which one of you can solve it? Hahaha, even if I solve this, I will prepare a thousand gold worth of explosives for you. After that, there will be various chemicals. Just wait, and I will see how you solve it. !”

The people in the committee downstairs were all shocked, and some were so scared that their eyes widened, because after all, they had rarely seen such scenes. They had never seen it before, and they didn’t know how to solve it. Don't even know how to get out. Or, can they still get out?

When Pueraria saw Gone with the Wind, her thoughts were a little bloated, bloated! It seems that with these, he can control everything! He stood on the highest rockery, overlooking r /\u003e

"You have a beautiful idea! That's all, right? Use whatever method you have!" Chen Xuan is never willing to lose to others in terms of temperament, even when he is surrounded by others.

"Haha, your son, your tone is quite crazy! Can you please open your eyes and see who among us has the advantage now? Don't just talk nonsense now and cry for mother. I can't do it at that time. I can't help you!" Kudzu is humiliating him again. I hope he will never be defeated. If he is defeated, he will really be finished!

"What's wrong? I'm just crazy!" Chen Xuan was aroused by him. He has been very arrogant since he was born. He knows it because he has the ability and capital! But the man in front of him has clearly become his defeated enemy, and he wants to defeat him through various equipment. If you don't have enough ability, you have to make do with equipment. This is simply the most shameless thing! Reminds him of the fake Holy Lord who was poured out with various decoctions! Didn’t that person also fall by his hands? In that case, what does this stupid kid in front of him mean? !

The explosives are stacked up row by row. They should be more traditional explosive bags, chocolate-colored, but the ones inside are not sweet and delicious chocolate! But explosives that can kill people and cause pain!

"What should we do?" Yan Keyun, blocking the front with one hand, missed the picture and asked her.

"I don't know either, but since their net is electrified, we must use stronger electricity to compete with him!" During the time between their words, people kept coming to attack them with nets, so they Seems very passive in this regard.

"Then do you have a stronger power than this?" she almost shouted.

"No, I really don't know what to do about this." Chen Xuan was at his wits' end this time, and he understood it very clearly.

"Then why are your items more aggressive and harmful than mine?" When I think of this, I feel sour in my heart, as if I've eaten a lemon. Why! Why is it so good if she picks it up randomly?

"That's because mine is Yin-Yang Cutting Dawn, which has greater compatibility and can accommodate a variety of different elements, so it should be more resistant to blows than yours!" Chen Xuan slapped him again and knocked him down. A person in front of it.

"Better compatibility than mine? Is it more resistant to strikes?" Yan Keyun, a thought suddenly flashed through his mind.

"Then do you think it's possible to upgrade your sword? Into a new type of plate that can withstand lightning?" Shouting from afar, it's too tiring, they should use sound transmission!

"Upgrade? Health upgrade? It should be quenching!" Chen Xuan hit it off with him. Of course, this was also because he knew it all by himself.

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