"Girl, what's wrong? It seems like you have a pretty good figure. Let's talk about this. Don't you want to compete with me? Okay!" The old man was very enthusiastic, and this was what he wanted.

"In that case, you're welcome. Please take over!" The two people put the drinking glasses aside and lifted the table to the side to avoid accidental injury and free up a large space for the room. The luxurious carpet on the floor became It became their competition ground, and the surrounding floor-to-ceiling windows became the best window for Lin to watch their competition! They were standing between the half-height floors, unobstructed, being watched from the ground up. The scene was spectacular.

This time, Yan Keyun first hid his own strength and used other spells that he could learn from other places. Although these moves with strange attributes were very powerful, they were also a bit jerky to use and were not as good as his own sea skills. You can use the Demonic Voice fluently, but this thing can only be used at critical moments.

"Wind and Cloud Technique!" Yan Keyun used the gap skill that he saw from other martial arts manuals. He spread his hands and expanded from the middle to both sides. He started to prepare very slowly. Suddenly, he speeded up instantly. Two whirlwinds It was pulled open from the middle and pulled into the palms of two hands. Its attributes circled and danced like an unscrupulous white lotus blooming in an instant, and its ten slender fingers were like ten jumping elves.

"How's it going? Old man! I'm about to take action!"

"Boom!" With a sound, two tornado-like whirlwinds appeared. It turned out that his two hands had already turned into two infinite forces, and two flowers bloomed.

"Young lady's kung fu is pretty good. I didn't expect her bones to be so amazing!"

Maybe he was not polite and threw a magic bullet with a wave of his hand.

"If that's the case, then I won't be polite!"

"Feng Yun Jue!" He also used the same move! The same two songs echoed in the air, the same two whirlwinds were set off, the same ten fingers jumped like elves! Two flowers bloomed in the same way! An exact copy!


Yan Keyun finally saw it! On the one hand, he was on guard, but on the other hand, he was appreciating it with great treasure. This was the first time he had seen such a thing! This fascinating, yet horrifying and evil thing that had been troubling him so much recently was revealed to him for the first time.

The old man had already seen some clues. In his eyes, the woman in front of him was no ordinary person! Such advanced moves can only be used by men, and the girl in front of her can indeed use them so fluently. Although she is still a little stumbling compared to ordinary men, it doesn't hurt! In this way, it is really a rare treasure, such an advanced and interesting thing. If he doesn't learn it, it will be a waste!

As a result, the two people were satisfied with each other, admired each other, and tried their best to compete with each other!

"How about I give you something different first!" Kang Bao first used a completely different move on him!

"Hot!" He used his hands to exert force on you again, but not towards the living person, but towards the surrounding walls and environment. The surrounding environment seemed to be under his control. The temperature gradually increased, and Yan Keyun felt The sun outside the glass wall has become nine big ones. It is not particularly handsome, but the temperature is very high, as if it is placed in a steamer. The surrounding temperature gradually rises, and heat waves continue to hit him. He gradually became hot and sweated.

"How's it going? Isn't it uncomfortable? I think your dress and color should come from the water and the wind! If a girl can't stand the heat, her makeup may be ruined!"

Yes...Yan Keyun suddenly remembered that her disguise technique had a certain temperature limit. If it reached that temperature, his makeup would really fade away!

Absolutely not, you must find a way to win!

He stood there and thought calmly, taking stock of all the tricks he would use.

"Then let's cool it down!" He just did it. He himself was washed with water, so it should be possible to turn it into ice cubes!

"Ice spell!"

He re-adjusted his own Qi with both hands, continuously collected water vapor in the air, and then magically cooled it down. He kept holding it in his hands and brought it together through pressurization, thus forming ice cubes.

"Broken!" The ice cube in his hand flew out with a sound, leaving a light blue mark across the air, like the coma of a comet. That is actually water vapor attracted by ultra-low temperature objects in the air!

He created ice blocks one by one, and the temperature of the air gradually dropped.

It worked!

"Not bad, you can also use ice cubes, but you don't seem to have practiced enough!" Kang Bao winked at him and whistled again, really teasing him as a woman.

Um? Before Yan Keyun could react, he saw ice cubes being put in one by one, as if they were piled up in the whole room, but after a while, they all melted away!

What? How long does it take for ice to solidify? He couldn't accept it for a while.

"How is it possible..." This is obviously his highest level, and his performance is obviously not bad...

"No! Come again!" He still refused to admit defeat and tried again.

"Ice Technique!" He once mobilized all his energy and formed a lot of ice cubes, which were larger, more concentrated, and lower in temperature than the last time.

"I don't believe it! Broken!" he yelled once, and the ice cubes in his hand flew around again.

"Well, since you are so perseverant, I will add some spice to you! Don't let me be unsympathetic to you!"


Suddenly, a spark of fire ignited on the empty ground.

"I'll heat you up a little more!" It stood there proudly, and the flames danced on his fingers!

"Watch me!" Yan Keyun showed more confidence than before, actively and calmly responding to the challenge. But the closer he got to the old man, the hotter the ground became.

"Forward! Forward! Further forward! It's right in front of you!" He felt as if he had mastered Qinggong, flying on the sparks, and the soles of his feet just touched the ground and lifted up.

It's so hot! The pain spread from the front of his feet to the entire sole of his feet, and he felt like he was dancing in the flames!

No, no, leave quickly! He said to himself in his heart. If this goes on, he will suffer.

"Go!" He turned around and left, jumping away from the sea of ​​fire, but he was still injured. His feet were burned blue and purple, and he retreated to a safe place, panting constantly, tearing off a few pieces of his clothes, and doing a simple bandage.

"Is my ice power too strong?"

"If so, I'll try to make it bigger!"

Is there any way, is there any way to make the ice stronger?

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