This is okay! The wave force in their sea becomes stronger with the help of wind. If there is no gas in the ice, it will not condense so quickly! So ice and air are a perfect match!

So he decided to combine the water element and the wind element. He is originally from the sea, and there is absolutely no problem with water magic, but it is not enough to turn into a large area of ​​ice, which requires his true talent in wind power to cooperate! It seems that this battle is not easy to win!

"Fengyun Jue!" He stood up again, waved the whirlwind in his hand, tried it twice, and found that there was no problem. He put the two hands together into one hand and freed the other.

"Ice spell!" Ice cubes condensed in his left hand.

"Broken!" He used both hands this time, and the two forces merged into one force, circling and rising from each other. He used the long-sleeved shirt he was wearing to control her direction, and his body swayed accordingly, sometimes to the left, sometimes to the right. His graceful figure was entangled with the white snowflakes, and his strong body showed a soft side. It's like doing a dance.

"Come in!" She pointed her fingers straight from the air to the ground, drawing an arc of ice and snow in the air. With another command, the two forces exploded from the ground into the air, like flying flowers, making the whole room float. Zero point snowflakes!

“What a thick layer of snow and ice!”

Yan Keyun also smiled. He raised his head and showed a few white teeth, looking at his masterpiece.

The temperature dropped little by little.

"Come again!" His confidence increased and he used the same move again, and the fire in the room gradually extinguished. His efforts gradually paid off.

"That's it!" Applause suddenly came from the cold air.

"Girl, I admire you very much!" Kang Bao clapped his hands and walked over from the corner of the room.

"It can be seen that you are not particularly proficient in these skills. You probably haven't shown what you are best at yet, but it is already amazing that you can do this!"

Yan Keyun also retracted his hand, stood with his hands in a feminine posture, and nodded slightly to show respect.

"Not bad! Not bad!" Kang Bao walked up to her.

"Come on, please sit down. Since I have been defeated by you, I have nothing to hide."

"..." Yan Keyun was about to say something, but he blocked it with a finger.

"I know what you want to ask."

Come and have a pot of tea with me first!

At the beginning, the two of them were sitting in a room with a big window. The old man poured him a glass of wine, and the two of them started drinking together. Neither of them were people who would talk to death, so they had a very interesting conversation. Cheerfully, drinking one after another, everyone is also very happy. But after they had been chatting for more than an hour, the old man across from him suddenly inhaled the wine he was about to drink and finished the glass.

"Oh, this wine is still impure!"

Yan Keyun didn't know what he was thinking, so he asked generally

"Aren't you used to drinking? How about I give you another drink?"

"Haha, that's not the case. I just feel that no matter how delicious this kind of wine is, it's just a disguise to make people upset! It's not as convenient as tea, but it's pure! Since we two are destined, we have been chatting for so long. , how about a cup of tea instead?”

Yan Keyun's heart tightened. He knew that the situation would change significantly next. At this time, he did not dare to talk nonsense and could only follow the other party's wishes and further lure the snake out of the hole.

"Okay, it depends on your taste." His voice was nice and gentle, full of the intellectual beauty of women.

So the old man personally prepared a tea set for her.

There was a pot of tea in front of them, and the two of them drank together. He very kindly pulled out a new stool for him and set out the tea sets. Yan Keyun skillfully adjusted his expression to give him the right smile.

The old man is very skilled at pouring tea, and he should drink it often. Tea is like life. When he drinks tea, it is completely different from when he was drinking just now. Just now he was just talking about romance, casually and a bit charming. But now the comfort and calmness come from the inside out. He knows that this is due to everyone's strong self-confidence in themselves. Just like Chen Xuan. But he has a sharp side, which is reflected in the water he pours and the tea he brews.

"Come and see my handiwork!"

He picked up a teapot casually and rotated it from the air into his hand. He held the teapot in his left hand and the teacup in his right hand. When his inner strength was released, the tea seemed to have been impacted. In an instant, the tea gushed out from the teapot and shot straight towards the teacup.

Excellent skills!

He stretched out his hand and asked Yan Keyun to taste it.

Yan Keyun picked it up very elegantly and took a sip.

The mouth is full of turns out that this is the taste of the tea it brews!

The bitter taste of tea instantly bloomed from the tongue coating, touching the nasal cavity and back molars. His mouth was full of bitterness, and he moved his tongue to taste it carefully.

Well, he is a bitter person. But it's also very rigorous.

The tea is mild, and although the taste is bitter, it is very smooth. It seems that he must be a gentle person with a bitter heart.

He poured her tea and began to tell her stories again. I asked her where she was from, what she usually does, and how her life is now. Yan Keyun answered fluently, and he had done his homework in this area. But after he heard these words, he very naturally told him another story, which Yan Keyun had not thought of.

"Girl, listen to me." She drank a lot of tea while telling stories, always with a smile on her lips. "There are many people who come to see me for various reasons. Of course, I have also had a tea date with them all, just like we are now." After that, he poured another cup for her.

"But I've never told them this story, and you're the only one!"

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