"Then it's really my honor! Please!"

"Haha, the girl is so conversational!"

"Actually, I don't know who he is in this story. It's just that this big boss has something to do with good people."

"Should you know the name of this building?"

"Qingsi, I know this."

"Well, do you think there is any similarity or difference between this building and his name?"

"The difference is that it doesn't have a name, but is very complex and changeable. Modernization is not as simple as its name."

"Yes, yes, that's right. What do you think of this building?"

"If it functions as well as her design, I can only say nothing, very good."

"Yes, that's the truth. Just like this kind of building, although the name is very annoying and it is in the comics, the functional divisions given by the use of decoration colors are very different from hers. Don't you think this Is the thing a bad thing? No, he is very successful in another aspect.

His presence allows people to accept unfamiliar situations and different things. He opens up this city to everyone's horizons, allowing everyone to learn to tolerate all kinds of things, no matter how her appearance is revealed, or when she encounters Is the original imagination different, or is he just a funny thing, no matter what it is, as long as you are willing to get close to her, understand her, and get in touch with her, no matter how different she is from your original idea? You will definitely understand the meaning of this thing in the end. "

After finishing the first half of the sentence, he poured himself another cup of tea.

"So, I don't know why you came to me, and I don't know what you have to do with me, or if you don't have anything to do with me at all. What I want to do with you is that you should have noticed just now that I was all worried about you. He exudes a kind of murderous intent, you should know it! So girl, I just want to tell you that there are many kinds of people, and there is not necessarily only one that is the most correct. Sometimes he seems to be sharp, but in fact he is too. A means of protection!”

Yan Keyun was a little dizzy after hearing this, but also a little more sober, as if she had seen more possibilities in the world. He could not have imagined that there would be people who would say such things to him. This was something he had never experienced before, and it was still in the mouth of a person whom he doubted.

Regardless of whether he is a bad person in the end, he always feels,

This person is so awesome!

And she felt that a person with such three views would not become a demon in the world, even if he kept it secret and had super high martial arts skills, because he had his own principles and standards for dealing with things.

"So he's not a bad guy, that's my judgment."

He treated Chen Xuan and Fang Che like this.

After hearing this, the two of them looked at each other and felt that there was no problem.

"I have absolutely no problem with Yan Keyun's judgment. I trust him."

It's not that Chen Xuan didn't think about it, but what he said does make sense, and with such a brilliant handling experience as Wei Zai, he shouldn't be wrong. If it were someone else, he would feel strange, but this is him, not someone else. ! Trust is something that not everyone can have.

He believed him, so he came to the conclusion easily.

"Then, it's settled, we will visit another family tomorrow. Since this person is not the one, then he must be about the same!"

"Okay, without further ado!"

The three people left the hotel side by side and began to discuss the next plan and implementation method. But what they didn't know was that behind them, on the tall building, behind the bright window, there was a person holding something in his hand. The person holding the teapot was looking at their backs. It seemed that they were walking away with a smile. Then he put a piece of paper full of words into the bamboo tube at the pigeon's feet and put it out. That piece of paper said:

"How is he? Is he okay? People have been deceived by me."

After a while, he received a reply

"Still alive."

They found another place to stay. At the strong request of the two of them, Fang Che once again told them about the relationship between the four big families in the city.

Their four big families all moved to this city one after another from other places. Before you moved to this city, it was actually a barren place with a small population and a poor economy. Originally there were no people, until they The four arrived one by one. Development began in the first few years, and industry and commerce began to emerge from that time.

Therefore, the four of them should be the originators of this city, and they can also be regarded as capital giants. Moreover, their abilities are also very powerful. Three of them have become saints and one has the title of Taoist Lord. Therefore, they are very advanced in the house and each of them is also very strong in kung fu. Only in this way can people with both ability and political integrity, as well as both civil and military cultivation, be able to succeed in the world. Only in this way can an industry established in a world where the jungle prevails be convinced by others. The four of them came in different orders, so their relationships are also different. There are four families in total, two are businessmen, and two are officials. Two of them have a good relationship, but apart from these two, the relationship is very tense. So each of them has an average of two enemies, and the remaining one is his in-laws. No one in their city bureau will spare anyone?

Some people may be very powerful, but do not manage well, and some may be very rich, but they are first in terms of physics. On average, their power is almost equal, and people have accumulated it over the years because of them. , the powerful Chen Industry and their family's martial arts can be convinced, so under normal circumstances no one is willing to calculate Dong's status, unless this rising star really has super powerful abilities and full self-confidence, so the four of them are on the facade It is still very peaceful. Under normal circumstances, no disputes will be revealed, but this is an open secret. Everyone knows that the relationship between the four of them is not good, and it will be a matter of time for them to fight, but they don't know that this is the case. How long can peace last?

"Then, if this is the case, I have a better way!"

"Calm down!" Yan Keyun knew what he wanted to do. Although this was a feasible method, it was indeed a last resort. Don't act until it is absolutely necessary. After all, the loss is too great. This is no way to live, and it will bring disaster to the fish in the pond. Their private affairs should not affect the public again.

"Okay, okay, just listen to me first!" Fang Che felt that sometimes he was very tired between the two of them. Although he could really see the light by being with them, he was really willing to be with them. Although they were together, his life was more difficult than before. This is true, because before, no matter how hard their lives were, there would be no danger. But since then, this balance has been broken, and they have Living in dire straits, he knew psychologically that this was a good thing, but after all, the hard work was real.

"It doesn't matter, it will pass!" He comforted himself quietly, and then continued to join their discussion.

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