"Then let's get ready and go out together!"

"It's actually you two who need to prepare. I'll just dress up like this!"

"Don't you think that a smart boy like you should wear different clothes when meeting different people?"

"Why is this necessary? You can't wear clothes you can't see, just because the two types of people have different personalities. But these two are almost the same. They both appear on such occasions. There shouldn't be much difference between them. , so there is no need to change clothes for them!" Yan Keyun still has his own bottom line.

"It's already hard enough for me to become a woman for two grown men. What else do they want me to do? How can I really become an intersex? It doesn't exist!"

"Okay, okay! Okay, okay, we know! Then how should I dress up? We don't have much experience."

"It doesn't matter, it's up to me to solve this!" Yan Keyun, holding a hairpin in his hand, stared at his wardrobe and looked at them.

It’s up to him to do this kind of thing!

"First of all, could you let Fang Che introduce to me what kind of person I want to meet? I can choose clothes according to his preferences."

"Oh, okay." Fang Che just thought about it.

"Wait a minute, the same old rules!" Chen Xuan put a finger on her mouth. "As a qualified practitioner, you should first observe the surrounding environment and choose a safe place!"

"Yeah." Yan Keyun also agreed with him, "He's right. Let's talk somewhere else."

"Then where should we go? Or find a tavern?"

"That's about it for now! Or we can go home tonight and come back tomorrow! But I just don't know when he usually comes out. As long as you don't miss it, it's okay."

Fang Che looked at the Qingsi Building in front of him and thought about it seriously.

"I think we'd better come tomorrow!"

"Why did we originally plan to catch him tonight! Isn't there a lot of people tonight?"

"Yes, quite a few. However, such an environment will have a bad impact, and it will alert the enemy!"

"I think what he said makes sense!" The three of them said something to each other, and Yan Keyun also came over to express his opinions.

"I think Fang Che is right. It's better for us to choose a time when there are fewer people. That way there will be fewer uncontrollable factors. Even if the situation gets out of control, it won't be very chaotic. And if this is the case, remember us There may only be one or two people with good faces, and it is impossible to become enemies with everyone.”

"Yes, that's what I just meant!" Fang Che is actually a tall man, not very old, but his thoughts are very careful. This is caused by his living habits and environment over the years, but he is not good at expressing himself, especially in When true feelings arise.

Chen Xuan, the two of them came to make a statement tonight. They lowered their heads and thought for a while, and it made sense.

"Okay, this is actually a way for you, so we'll come back tomorrow! Let's go back and prepare well today! Make up lessons, or learn some words!"

"Okay! It's settled then, let's go home now!" These words were spoken by Fang Che.

"Fang Che..." Chen Xuan's voice was very serious, and he was about to ask her what was going on. Because he didn't believe that this was normal Fang Che! If he is a normal person, then he will have a lot of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, and he should be very impatient at this time, but it is okay if the emotion breaks out and he bursts into tears, but now it is impossible to say a word like this Well, this was the first time I saw Chen Xuan.

Different, so different, so abnormal! This is not the usual Fang Che! He must have received it just now, something exciting.

She must resolve this matter in advance! Definitely can’t be left behind! Because if you keep silent, someone will get sick if you hold it in!

But Yan Keyun was grabbed.

"Calm down, I thought your son was great if he could see a little bit of mood swings! Just kiss him when you see him and talk to him later, okay?" Yan Keyun, sometimes with such an impulsive mind, is really helpless. Later, the friend in front walked away and told him quietly.

"Don't look at it, he seems to be no longer negative now," Yan Keyun said this, and then thought about it.

"Actually, it's like this. His mood is different now. He gets angry easily and gets anxious easily. He gradually calms down and becomes a restrained person."

"I know these things, I can see them. I really don't want to prevent him from becoming such a person, so I came to stop him!"

"No, I didn't mean that!" Chen Xuan seemed to have misunderstood what he meant. No, I probably just misunderstood him!

"I mean, although he is a little depressed now, it is reasonable, no problem, and even within the reasonable range!"

"How do you know? Do you have any evidence?"

"Of course I do, we have research on these things!" Then he started his open class.

"Don't look at it. Although he is in a low mood now, it is not completely depressed. On the contrary, this is a good sign. Although he is relaxed now, he is still tense inside."

"How can I see it?"

"In many aspects, it can be seen from her body shape, mental outlook, and even her walking posture. Do you see any changes in her usual walking?"

"No, it should still be the same as before!"

"That's right, then look at her body shape and see if there are any changes? For example, a hunchback or something like that!"

Chen Xuan quietly took a closer look, but he was not surprised.

Stand tall and straight, walk vigorously!

"Is that okay? Then when you last looked at him, was he in a trance? For example, he was overly sad or overly excited?"

"No, it's just that I'm not as anxious as before. Instead, I seem to be excited!"

"Yes, yes, that's right. As long as these conditions are met at the same time, she will become a person with neurological problems!"

"So that means she doesn't have any problems now?"

"Absolutely no problem. I didn't want to start talking to you, but you didn't believe me. I had to go through such a big circle to explain it to you."

"Oh..." Chen Xuan finally realized that Yan Keyun also deliberately gave her a set of mental health lessons. This child in front of a man is the most standard example.

"Actually, you're using him as an example for me, right?"

Yan Keyun smiled very unkindly and nodded.

Of course, if Fang Che really had any psychological problems, he would definitely be the first one to rush to the front and help her solve her problems, but there was nothing wrong with him and it was normal behavior. It can be used as a teaching material within the normal range.

Regarding his seemingly fake excitement, he is actually sincere. He just wants to express his emotions. Don't dwell on the depression of the past. He should be more alert, so that he will be more likely to complete this task. task, so it doesn't need help from others at all, she is her own rocket.

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