When the three of them returned home, it was already dark.

Chen Xuan suddenly broke into the door and asked, "Old doctor, are you still here?"

"We're back, how are you doing?" Yan Keyun followed closely behind.

"Hey, I'm back, how's it going? Did you go out to do things well today?"

"Good luck!" Fang Che gave him a big thumbs up and full of energy. His face was full of activity now, and he felt that his whole body was extremely agile and tense!

"Oh, you are so energetic, it seems that things are going well!"

The old doctor didn't know anything about it, but made a preliminary judgment based on his happy expression.

"Not bad, our progress today has been completed!"

"It's done. That's a good thing. Come back for dinner soon. I just happened to be cooking!" Maybe there is a feeling in your family that is really good. The three grown men who were just reading each other outside, even though he is pregnant With peerless martial arts and exquisite techniques, as soon as this door is pushed open, you will be friends who need others to encourage you! They can take off those thick makeup, give up their hypocritical voices, put aside those respectful and hypocritical masks, and return to their most essential innocence.

So, the three of them responded, pushed the door open together, and gathered around the dining table to eat.

"Guys, what are your plans for the second half of the year?" the old man asked them with concern while serving them food.

"Second, I should be going back. We have to meet another person for the second time."

"We are different from him. Our troops are divided into two groups. We also have to meet others." Chen Xuan was not willing to be outdone and anxiously planned his own trip.

"It's still very busy, so please pay attention to your safety!"

"Okay." The three of them agreed together very obediently.

Second, they all went in two ways to meet the other two people.

Chen Xuan and Fang Che met with the Yi family, both of whom were old politicians.

"I'm telling you, for this kind of person, you have to be very careful about how you dress. It's best to wear angular clothes that look very rigid and simple, and not too casual and elegant."

"Oh." The two grown men knew nothing about dressing and were at his mercy. After a battle yesterday, he had already seen the role of clothes, which cannot be ignored, so they had full authority to guide him. The two of them only Just be responsible and obedient.

The clothes Yan Keyun and Chen Xuan chose were a dark green gown, but it was tied very tightly and matched with a short black belt, making her look even more serious.

Fang Che prepared a beige gown, and he also chose brown for the broken belt used to tie the waist. He tied their hair up high and meticulously, and then tied it into beautiful hairpins.

Finally, Yan Keyun took out his makeup box.

Chen Xuan gently held her wrist

"What are you doing?"

Yan Keyun smiled with a devilish smile on his face, "I'll tell you about a more serious makeup look."

make up? Chen Xuan is going crazy. In his impression, he usually has thick eyebrows, big eyes and red lips! But as a man, how could he do these things? no! He will never accept it! If you don’t like it, you don’t like it!

Yan Keyun seemed to have a wonderful expression, and he probably knew what he was thinking.

"It's not like that. Where are you thinking? We are all men after all!"

"Then what do you want to do?"

"Trust me, I'm just painting your eyebrows!"


Chen Xuan said nothing and let her go silently.

Yan Keyun explained that his Luozidai was not easy to fix, and then he asked the two of them to sit in front of the table and trace it on their faces one stroke at a time.

A grain of sandalwood has burned out, and the sun has begun to rise from the valley. The clear light hits the mirror, coating the room with a thin halo.

"Okay, let's take a look!"

Yan Keyun opened the mirror, and the two of them looked at themselves in the mirror and looked at each other.

The messy eyebrows of the two of them have been eliminated by Yan Keyun with his exclusive eyebrow trimmer. One of them has flat eyebrows, and the other has strong eyebrows. It seems that he has also put rouge and rouge on their faces. Fine powder, the transformation is different from before, less bloody and more serious. The two of them seemed to have become dignified and serious apprentices. For a while, both of them were a little uncomfortable with this makeup. You look at me, I look at you.

"That's fine. He likes these serious people. There's absolutely no problem with this look!"

Well, there is nothing they can do. Since it was Yan Keyun who made the decision, they will definitely believe it.

"Let's go!" Fang Che wanted to go over and pull Chen Xuan's arm.

"Wait a minute, there's something I still don't understand!"

"What?" Fang Che didn't expect it either.

"Yan Keyun, what are you wearing today?"

What? Yan Keyun was a little confused. When did he start paying attention to his outfit?

"I just want to see what tricks you, a monster, can do now!"

"Okay, don't make trouble with me!"

This kid is getting more and more naughty! The disgust on his face could no longer be tolerated.

"Didn't I pass yesterday? If I don't change my clothes today, I'll still be in the same outfit as yesterday!"

"Are you sure you don't want to change?"

"I'm sure it's not worth changing these broken men. Why should I change my clothes and my voice!"

"How about you change it to another one?"

Change? What on earth was he thinking? Do you want to see me cross-dress? So naughty...

"No, don't misunderstand me. I just think that if the two of them knew each other, and the same woman met them twice, and talked about similar topics and content, don't you think they would be suspicious?"

"So..." Yan Keyun thought for a moment.

"I'm right, right? So you should change your clothes just in case, okay?" Chen Xuan looked into his eyes seriously.


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