Then she should be the eldest among these girls, or their grandfather has a more docile personality.

The fleeting light that flashed in Ling Hui's eyes was accurately captured by Yan Keyun.

"How's it going? Mr. Ling, do you have a chance to chat with you?" He handed over another glass of wine.

oh? This time he was interested. He met countless people, and he was the first girl who wanted to chat with him! And it was very rare for him to be so proactive. He wanted to see what plans he had this time and what he could talk to him about!

"Okay, since it's a beauty invitation, I'll lead the way!"

"Thank you! Please."

Yan Keyun jumped up and down, walking in a windy manner that drove her into a separate box.

"How about it? Do you want to drink with me? Or do you want to talk to me?"

"Don't be anxious first. Let's adjust the atmosphere first. It's our first time meeting you, but I think I've known you for a long time!"

"Oh, is it like this? Then I'll be busy!" Ling Hui knew that he had no intention of introducing his name, so he didn't ask any more questions. Instead, he sat down with him.

Yan Keyun mobilized his excellent language organization skills and ability to adjust the atmosphere to chat with him about everything. There are some differences in language content from yesterday. It can be seen that their occupations and language habits have been appropriately changed. One of the people yesterday was a politician. He usually likes fighting and making tea. The content of everyone's language must be more focused on this aspect. , if you come across precise professional terms, you can temporarily search them in your mind, but the person you met today is a businessman. The nature of businessmen is profit-oriented. Money and interests come first. Under normal circumstances, they will not pay too much attention to your fate. Instead of accuracy, it will focus on logical thinking, your language skills, and your three views.

The most important thing is your outlook on money and your values. This is an important point.

"So girl? Since you already know my name, you must also know who I am, right?"

"I know, you are one of the few big businessmen in our city."

"Well, since you know, then, why don't you discuss the topic I like with me first!"

"Okay, we can talk about anything! I just want to have a drink with you, sir!"

"As expected! As soon as you look at the girl, you can tell that she is a generous person!"

In fact, all this was within her expectation. He knew that these businessmen like to show off their capital and industry to others, so Yan Keyun followed him to chat! Fortunately, I had anticipated it and had done the relevant homework. There is no problem chatting with him over a pot of tea!

At this time, Ling Hui started to put on airs.

Yan Keyun knew what this was. He wanted to make him dizzy first, and then start asking him about his true background and his true views.

So, he found the waiter, replaced the wine he had just finished, and ordered two pots of tea.

"Sir, do you want some tea? I'll pour it for you!"

Yan Keyun was wearing embroidered shoes, walking on her broken steps, and poured him a pot of tea with dexterous hands.

How can we drink while talking about these issues? Have some tea and wake up!

Sure enough, the man opposite took a sip and started talking to her about finances!

"Girl, what do you do at home? Are you in charge of Zhang? Or do you do other things?"

"I mainly deal with the master's personal affairs!"

"Then you are very close to your master, and you don't manage the accounts, right?"

"Yes, the accounts should be taken care of by older mothers! I'm still too old now!"

He is now dressed as a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old!

"Then you are so old, didn't Mr. Mo train you? If you were to become Guan Zhang, I think you are also smart and clever, so there should be no problem in managing you, right?"

Yan Keyun knew the meaning of her words and always followed his wishes. He thought for a moment and spoke politely.

"It is true, but I only learned a little bit about it at the beginning. Sharing it with you is still a shame and not embarrassing enough, so I didn't mention it."

Ling Hui heard the answer he wanted to hear, his mood became much better, and he knew how to answer the call!

"So that's it, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, just treat it as a friendly exchange!"

Then he resumed his tirade. Yan Keyun was listening on the sidelines, chiming in a few words from time to time.

"Do you know why not at that time, I could first establish the family industry in this place?"

"That's because I have foresight. Look at the Qingsi Building where we are now, I took care of all the mountains at the back! Do you know why? Because there are rare species on this mountain! How about it? I discovered it!"

Yan Keyun thought about it, and he did see a few green trees when he left. At first I thought it was no problem, she was used to it, but it was indeed rare in this place.

But why did he bring this up in the first place?

"Then, do you know why I can make my business so big?"

"Because you have the first idea and have a strong business acumen!" This is the time to praise! He knows it.

"Wrong!" Unexpectedly, he rejected it immediately!

"Girl, it seems that you are still too young. In this world, just having a brain is not enough. Not only must you have a brain, you must also have strong force!"

"Yes, that's right." He answered in a general way. I didn't know what his next sentence would be, so I had to answer him perfunctorily.

But he was extremely excited! Finally, finally! She finally broached the subject! I thought I had to bring it up myself, so it would be very embarrassing and would arouse his suspicion! Unexpectedly, he brought it up himself, which saved a lot of trouble!

"So, girl, does your grandpa and master have any powerful martial arts secrets?"

"Why did you ask this question?" Yan Keyun didn't know how to answer for a while, so he had to ask him back.

"Hahaha, girl, don't get me wrong. I just think that because you are so well-dressed, I think your organization must be a pretty powerful person! Otherwise, you wouldn't be treated so well."

"You're right!" Yan Keyun knew how to make up the rest of the story.

"Our master is a very strong martial artist, and he taught me all my kung fu!"

"Then show me, girl? Let me have a look!"

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